When Should You Sell or Salvage Gear & Items in Diablo 4 (Early & Endgame)?

6/1/2023 4:49:05 PM

A very important question coming to Diablo 4 is that "Should I Sell or Salvage the Junk Gear and Items that I get when I'm leveling up and when I'm pushing toward the end game?" So today we're going to talk about that how to manage your resources, what becomes more scarce, and at what stage of the game should you be more aware of your junk items and what to do with them. 

Diablo IV Selll or Salvage Your Gear Guide

Which Resources or Materials To Collect for Pushing Towards Diablo 4 Endgame?

So the big question of Diablo 4 is "Should I sell or Salvage the junk gear that you get when you are leveling and exploring the world?" Let's extend that even further to how you manage your resources and what should you be looking out for so you can be best prepared as you are pushing towards the end game. 

So here are the important materials you should collect at the early game:

  • Herbs - Herbs are very valuable not only do they allow you to upgrade your potion which is a one-time fee, but you'll have to do it as you level and as you push towards 100, and doing so is a big boon for your survivability and your ability to farm. The other thing that you need herbs for is creating Elixirs, if you just played in the server slam or the early beta test you only saw the early game elixirs, but as you start pushing past 30, 40, and 50, you get access to some ridiculously strong elixirs and remember they last a short time, so you need to make a lot of these, especially when you start doing hard content to make sure that you're keeping yourself at your best, so you're clearing that difficult content with ease.

  • Oars - Oars give you the same resource more or less than you'll get from salvaging, so as you level it's good to pick them up but you don't really have to go out of your way to get them. And if you're doing side quests you'll get these caches that are really great as well, when you collect these they usually have some resources in them, they're excellent to get and it's worth doing Side Quests for that reason. 

When Should You Sell or Salvage Gear Items in Diablo 4?

Now let's address the major question which is "What to do with your junk gear, specifically your blues and yellows while you're leveling", the advice and strategy that we can give you while you're leveling are that:

  • Salvage All Junk Items (Blues & Yellows) Beofere Finishing Campaign

If you have not finished the campaign yet, collect every Herb that you find out in the world, you can find Oar if they're all along the way (you don't necessarily need to it's not as important, but if it's there you can grab it). Salvage absolutely everything that you don't need while you're leveling, don't even think about it just Salvage at all. The resources that you get from salvaging at the blacksmith are super worth and you'll be using them for imprinting and various other things.  So you can very easily and blindly just Salvage everything up to level 50 and you'll be just fine. 

  • Salvage Legendary Items and Ablove for Materials in World Tier 3

And then once you complete the campaign, you do your Capstone dungeon and move into the late game. Once you cross into World Tier 3 and start pushing towards Torment, you get to a point where you actually only just need the herbs that you find out in the world, you don't actually need the Salvage materials as much. What you do need however is the Salvage materials you get from legendary items and above. 

  • Sell Yellow & Blue Items For Gold in World Tier 3

Then you're going to sell yellow and blue if you still get blue at the time. So selling is very important and you'll probably notice this too when you finally get into World tier 3 and above, is that you'll start getting super cap on your Salvage materials minus legendary, and then you'll be low on gold for all the activities you're trying to do and this it is exactly what you're looking for.

So that is the advice we would give you, it is very simple and straightforward, hopefully that eases your mind while you're leveling for launch.