Diablo 4 Post Nerf Tier List - Best Class For Leveling, Solo & Group Endgame In D4 After Nerf

6/10/2023 4:23:04 PM

Diablo 4 is getting massive nerfs, therefore, we got you a Diablo 4 post nerf best class tier list. This D4 Post nerf tier list is made by Veiled Shot who’s investing roughly 100 hours in the game after a launch.


Diablo 4 Post Nerf Class Ranking - D4 Best Class For Leveling, Solo & Group Endgame

Read our Diablo IV global launch class tier list after the nerfs and see how the hard nerfs to Druid, Barb and the nerf to Rogue really impacted the list. First things first, we want to mention we have four different categories, in the last category is kind of two categories. We're going to go through the 1 to 50 leveling process, the 50 to 70 leveling process, the 70 to 100 leveling process, and then the end game both solo and group play.


Diablo 4 1-50 Leveling Tier List (Updated)

S TierRogue
A TierSorcerer, Necromancer
B TierBarbarian, Druid

With this Diablo 4 1-50 leveling tier list, we're going to suggest that you get to world tier 3 or that we’re going to assume that you're on world tier 3 because that matches the Capstone dungeon, and that leveling process is way different from the 1 to 50.

Best Class

Rogue: With this D4 post nerf tier list for 1-50 leveling, the reason why Rogue is S tier is that the damage available to the Rogue allows you to beat the campaign at level 31 easily. Not only that but high damage and high mobility are all that really matters to level up quickly and the Rogue is the best Diablo 4 class after nerf.

Diablo 4 50-70 Leveling Tier List (Updated)

ASorcerer, Barbarian
BNecromancer, Druid

Now we dive into the 50 to 70 leveling process and this Diablo IV tier list post nerf is where things start to come together for certain classes a little bit more. The reason why we're separating the 50 to 70 process and the 70 to 100 is because, at 50, we unlock world tier 3 which is when we unlock some of the uniques, we also unlock the ability to really amp up our gear with sacred gear and we're actually going to be able to apply a lot of aspects. Simply due to the fact that you're actually going to keep your aspects for quite some time roughly about 10 hours of potential gameplay from 50 to 70. Most people aren't even at this point because most people are under 50.

Best Class

Rogue: S tier, still the D4 best post nerf class. The reason for this is the damage potential is extremely high and it actually unlocks a new build for you at 50 and that is the Trapper build. The Trapper build actually makes things extremely easy extremely lazy and overall just a massive amount of AOE coming out from this build. You can also still run the poison abument build, it's all very good, just a massive amount of damage, you really cannot compete with a Rogue earlier on into the game and it still remains Sierra for the 50 to 70 leveling process.

Diablo 4 70-100 Leveling Tier List (Updated)

This is where things start to change drastically because, at 70, you unlock ancestral gear with world tier 4. You also unlock potentially at this point since you've been farming from 50 to 70 any aspect that you would most likely need. Keep in mind that, the aspects drop extremely frequently when you enter these later world tiers. If you spend the first 2-4 levels in world tier 4, you should get basically anything that you want for your build. It's an extremely high drop rate for legendaries and uniques, you oftentimes will get 4 to 5 per dungeon run and you can oftentimes get 1 to 2 uniques every few dungeon runs which is really crazy.

Best Class

Rogue: Still S tier. Rogue is actually better than we expected for the end game and this is mainly due to a lot of people thinking that the survivability was low. While some of it's being carried by ancestral, unique, or sacred unique temerity which carries a lot of builds. This build with siphoning strikes even if temerity is nerfed, it probably will drop to maybe A tier. But the survivability is actually not as bad as people have thought initially and this still is an S tier build. Just because of how much damage they're able to pump out and no class can compete with the single target DPS the Rogue can bump out. Not a single one after the Barbarian nerfs and this is when the nerf start to take effect realistically.

Barbarian: This is when the Barbarian takes hold of the whole game. As soon as you level 70 to 100, this is where the Barbarian absolutely decimates. The reason why this is the case is you're going to absolutely destroy basically everything with your Whirlwind build. The nice thing about Barbarian is that it's just basically permanent running through everything, killing everything and you're really tanky while you do it. Barbarian is the best farming class when you actually put the build together from the 80 to 100 process or even the 70 to 100 process if you get the build early enough. Barbarian starts to take over the game.

SBarbarian, Rogue
Druid, Sorcerer

Diablo 4 Solo Endgame Tier List (Updated)

SBarbarian, Druid

The solo endgame is we are now level 100 and we are looking to push nightmare dungeons. We're starting to see where some of the classes can shine.

Best Solo Endgame Class

Barbarian: It ends up in the S tier for the Diablo 4 post nerf ranking once again. They just have so much potential with some damage directions, they have so much potential with how much damage they're able to do. Compared to the Rogue, they do just so much consistent, massive crit, massive damage, while also being incredibly tanky which is very important overall for solo pushing. Because you need to be very survivable, otherwise, if you're getting one shot, you're just going to use up the revives and you're just going to not be able to beat the nightmare dungeon. On top of that, what's really nice about the Barbarian is that you can oftentimes move very quickly and just kill things on the way.

Druid: S tier. What's interesting about the Druid and specifically at the pulverized build is that you actually become sort of a ranged class. On top of that, you're very tanky and because you one shot oftentimes, you could actually push higher, you don't have to stay in the fight killing everything over and over again or hitting everything over and over again. Whereas the Rogue and the Barbarian actually have to do that to some degree. The Druid can come in with an overpowering hit and annihilate monsters that are really powerful. Although they can do that, the Barbarian is going to end up clearing a little bit quicker and it's generally a little bit tankier than the Druid.

Diablo 4 Group Endgame Tier List (Updated)

Druid, Rogue
BSorcerer, Necromancer

Jumping into the Diablo 4 group endgame tier list after nerf, this is where it gets a little bit interesting because we're going to be group pushing things like Nightmare 80s, Nightmare 90s, and Nightmare 100s.

Best Group Endgame Class

Barbarian: S tier and Barbarian's probably the only S tier D4 endgame class for group. Because they offer so many options with their shouts while also providing some of the highest DPS in the game. They're a great support but also a great damage dealer. With that combination, you got something really powerful on your hands for the group.  The amount of damage they can provide for your whole team by buffing them up, the amount of research generation you can probably roll team super powerful, and even things like taunting damage direction, so good to have a Barbarian.