Elden Ring Best Hand of Malenia Dexterity Build (1.10) for PvE & PvP

8/7/2023 7:03:13 PM

In Elden Ring, the Hand of Malenia now can annihilate entire groups of gamers and bosses with a single cast! How did this weapon dominate in both PvP and PvE after the 1.10 patch? Let's update the new Elden Ring 10.1 Hand of Malenia Build Guide for you!

Elden Ring 1.10 One-Shot Hand of Malenia Build Guide

Patch 1.10 has brought poised damage changes for all weapons and hyper armor increase for certain attacks and Ashes of War. Naturally, we tested the normal attacks of all weapons and came to some conclusions by the end of it, but there was one thing that slipped under our radar - the Hand of Millennia has become the most problematic weapon in the game. 

Why Hand of Malenia is So Goold in Both PvE & PvP after the 1.10 Patch?

The katana itself has been buffed thanks to the poison changes, so it is now much more viable in combat because it will always stun on the first hit. The damage of this weapon is very good for what it is too, having high base damage and a B scaling on dexterity. But the thing about this weapon that makes it an absolutely toxic monster is its Ash of War - Waterfowl Dance has become the most destructive Ash of War in the whole game. On top of that, the Ash of War now has really good hyper armor - not the best hyper armor but enough to be able to withstand some attacks, trade, and get an easy win. 

Best Hand of Malenia Build Setup for PvP & PvE in 1.10 Patch

This weapon has to be used with some thought, if you push the ash of War it takes a little while for the wind up to get started, so you can avoid the damage and the danger, and people can take advantage of that. If they use something with hyper armor, they can knock you out of hell, if you have enough Poise you can just mash the great sword button and you will get out of that trade.

That being said let's talk about how to set up a build that can do much damage with this weapon:

Stats for Hand of Malenia Build: 

  • Vigor: 55

  • Mind: 10

  • Endurance: 30

  • Strength: 16

  • Dexterity: 73

  • Intelligence: 9

  • Faith: 9

  • Arcane: 7

Gear for Hand of Malenia Build: 

  • Right-Hand Weapon: Hand of Malenia+10 with Waterfowl Dance

  • Left-Hand Weapon: Great Turtle Shell

  • Armor Set: Bull-Goat Set

Talismans for Hand of Malenia Build: 

  • Millicent's Prosthesis - Raises successive attacks

  • Rotten Winged Sword Insignia - Greatly raises attack power with successive attacks 

  • Shard of Alexander - Boosts the ash of war or the weapon art

  • Dagger Talisman - Enhances critical hits

Flask of Wonder Physic Tear for Hand of Malenia Build: 

  • Thorny Cracked Tear - Further boost your successive attacks

With this dedicated Hand of Malenia build, you will one-shot anything that it barely touches, that build includes 73 dexterity with the Shard of Alexander, Millicent's Prosthesis, Rotten Winged Sword Insignia combined with the Thorny Cracked Tear for the physic. The Poise changes made it so that you will get stunned by the attack very easily. And if you're wearing something less than a full Bull-Goat set, the tiniest clip from the Ash of War will make you take the whole thing erasing you from existence.

Hand of Malenia Build Playstyle

Hand of Malenia is now insane and bordering the territory of overpowered, especially in PvP. If you get caught in the Ash of War, you will get eviscerated, the second hit at the very least will stun you and if you get stunned you will get hit by all the follow-up heads, and your health is just gone.

This Hand of Malenia is not just great for PVP, but also great for PVE, because you can go up against a boss and you can just shred their health like crazy, is much more dangerous than the River's of Blood!

What You Can Do in Case You Run Into Hand of Maladia Build in PvP?

Even though the Hand of Maladia Build may seem daunting right now, we still give some useful tips for dealing with your opponents:

Trick 1 - The Ash of War is extremely telegraphed. Paying attention to the enemy's behavior will prevent you from getting turned into Sashimi. The enemy might be seeking to trade with it, so be careful if you're not sure if your whiff punishes will connect. Even with fast weapons unless you are light rolling getting away from the range is quite difficult, the hyper armor of the ash of War can withstand only certain attacks. Lighter attacks will probably not stagger while attacks from heavier weapons might just do the trick. 

Trick  2 - On a side note freezing pots and the running R2 of fist weapons will stagger the enemy, curiously a running R2 from a heavier weapon like a Halberd will not stagger. Wearing full Bull Goat armor with Bull Goat Talisman will prevent you from getting staggered by the first part of the Ash of War. So consider wearing high Poise armor when fighting the Hand of Malenia build, also be careful if you try the madman approach and attempt to parry the Ash of War. 

In short, Hand of Malenia in 1.10 patch is River's of Blood 2.0, it's a crutch that will give you an easy win if the enemy doesn't respect it or doesn't know how to fight it.