Diablo 4 1.1.1 Solo & Group Fastest Leveling Guide - Top 5 Best Dungeons To Farm XP Fast

8/9/2023 7:43:01 PM

Are there any new best experience farms after patch 1.1.1 in Diablo 4? Thanks to the YouTuber Moxsy who has done a ton of nightmare dungeon testing and found the new best D4 1.1.1 XP farm. In the D4 1.1.1 leveling guide, we talk about the best dungeon to level up for solo and group players.


Diablo 4 1.1.1 How To Level Up Fast  - D4 1.1.1 Solo & Grop Leveling Guide

In patch 1.1.1, they upped the monster density in Helltides in Nightmare Dungeons. Now this is a big buff to nightmare density or enemy density but it's not the same across dungeons. Some dungeons that were already good experiences and had a ton of enemies didn't get the same amount of love, as some of the other dungeons that already had fewer enemies. Read our D4 1.1.1 fastest leveling guide to see if the same s tier dungeons were still the best dungeons to run or if there were new dungeons that are really good. Let’s go over the top 5 best Diablo IV 1.1.1 solo and group dungeons for XP farming!


5. Nostrava Deepwood

  • XP Per Hour:30 Millions

Number five best D4 1.1.1 leveling dungeon is Nostrava Deepwood. This was a fantastic dungeon beforehand with the density changes, it feels really good. There's a ton of Trio Elites and you’ll be getting around to 30 million experience an hour without any potion buffs. All of these XP values are without potion buffs.


4. Hoarfrost Demise

  • XP Per Hour:34 Millions (2 Min Dungeon)

Tied for our number three and four best XP farm spots after Diablo 4 patch 1.1.1 is Hoarfrost Demise and Uldur’s Cave. Hoarfrost Demise gives less experience as a dungeon than Uldur’s Cave does. However, you’ll able to run Hoarfrost Demise in sub two minutes so run it quickly. There are a ton more enemies in there, felt really good. In Hoarfrost Demise, you’ll get 34 million experiences an hour.


3. Uldur’s Cave

  • XP Per Hour:34 Millions

Uldur’s Cave does have more enemies than Hoarfrost Demise but it doesn't feel quite as noticeable as a lot of these other dungeons. However, Uldur’s Cave was already one of the best XP farms in Diablo 4 prior and that’s also giving you about 34 million experiences an hour.


2. Sarat’s Lair

  • XP Per Hour: 36 Millions

At the number 2 best Diablo IV 1.1.1 XP farm is just an absurd amount of density, even more so than it was before is Sarat’s Lair. It is very tricky with the amount of monsters in it right now. They will destroy you with all of their poison damage on higher tiers. There's just so much poison damage now because there are even more enemies. But Sarat’s Lair can give you 36 million experiences an hour. It's a fast dungeon to run, it's got a good layout tons of elites um and it's still one of the best Dungeon to farm XP after D4 patch 1.1.1.


1. Domhainne Tunnels

  • XP Per Hour: 60 Millions

At our number one spot with 60 million experiences an hour is the Domhainne Tunnels. The monster density is absurd, the amount of enemies in it is crazy. You can run this as a group for a ton of experience and blasted solo, it's totally fine. You can run all the way through the end of the dungeon and get tons and tons of experience for 60 million an hour. This is by far the best and fastest leveling method in the Diablo 4 1.1.1 patch. You can do this if you're in a group and you're resetting it is clearing out basically the entire first section of the dungeon. There are so many enemies.


How Farm This Dungeon?

The issue with this dungeon is that you need to interact with and save these prisoners. With the amount of enemies in the dungeon, you can interact with them because you need to kill an entire screen of enemies and then more enemies would chop and then you have to keep interacting with the prisoner. The best thing you can do is clearing just blasting through the original like the first part of it. Not freeing the prisoners can you about a million experiences a minute. Then we could just reset it load back in, blast through the first part of it, and then reset it. This wouldn't earn you sigil experience but in terms of power leveling and leveling fast, there is simply not even anything that comes close to the amount of experience that this is giving right now.

Accounting for logging in and logging out times, you're still sitting at around close to 50 million experiences an hour in these tunnels. This is the new number one best D4 1.1.1 XP farm if you're looking to level up quickly and efficiently. We do recommend strongly that you run these as a nightmare dungeon that's where you're going to earn the amount of this amount of experience. If you're not running it as a nightmare dungeon, you're just not going to earn this amount of XP. 

Where To Find This Dungeon?

You can find the D4 1.1.1 best XP farm dungeon in Cerrigar up at the top to the left of Corbach is the domain or Domhainne Tunnels.