New Diablo 4 1.1.1 Leveling Strategy - New Best Ways to Level 100 for XP Farm After Patch 1.1.1

8/16/2023 5:56:00 PM

There is a new leveling method for Diablo 4 which is far better than the stronghold leveling method - a super good method. But with the 1.1.1 patch, they made some changes to the dungeons. Now there's a little tricky thing you can do to level up to 100 fast for higher XP gaining in Diablo 4 after patch 1.1.1, it's much more efficient and it's way easier to do.

Diablo 4 1.1.1 Leveling Guide (1-100) - New Best Ways to Level 100 Fast for XP Farm After Patch 1.1.1

With patch 1.1.1, players have discovered a new and more efficient way to level up their characters. This new method takes advantage of the changes made to dungeons in the patch, and has been shown to be faster than the previous stronghold leveling method. According to Raxxanterax, a prominent figure in the Diablo community, the secret to this new leveling strategy is the "Domhainne Tunnels" dungeon. Previously, this dungeon was considered low-tier in terms of XP gain, but with the increased monster density introduced in patch 1.1.1, it has become one of the best places to farm XP. 

Raxxanterax's best method to level 100 fast after patch 1.1.1 in Diablo 4 Season 1 is to repeatedly run the initial section of the Domhainne Tunnels dungeon, taking advantage of the high monster density1. By focusing solely on this part of the dungeon and avoiding distractions like freeing prisoners, players can gain a large amount of XP in a short amount of time. Additionally, this method has the added benefit of not accumulating excessive loot, minimizing the need for frequent salvaging and vending. Raxxanterax recommends using this method from levels 1 to 15, then returning at level 48 and continuing until about level 551. After this point, players should transition to nightmare dungeons for further leveling.

Here are all the details about the new Diablo 4 1.1.1 leveling strategy to 100 (Thanks to Raxxanterax for sharing the spreadsheets):

- Choose a leveling build. 

- Log onto your characters that have the most altars and map uncovered to populate them to your seasonal character you're about to create.

- Create a new seasonal character on World Tier 1 and skip the campaign. You should only select World Tier 2 if you are a god or are playing in a very efficient group.

- Hit Tab and claim the first two tier renown rewards in all 5 zones.

- Walk north in Kyovashad and grab the Raising Spirits Side Quest. Walk Northeast and use the emote wheel to "Cheer", and turn it in for an Herb Cache.

- 1-15. Go to Domhainne Tunnels in Scosglen and clear out the first part of the dungeon. Do not free any prisoners or progress further - you are simply losing time and XP for no benefit. When you're done, hit 'T' to teleport out and salvage your gear at the Blacksmith. Then hit 'J' and hit reset dungeon BEFORE going back into your portal

- When you're close to 15, acquire any codex powers you need from dungeons. Your leveling guide will tell you what you need.

- At 15, do your class quest that automatically populates in your quest log (unless you're a Necro, then you'll do it at 25).

- 16-48. Back to Domhainne Tunnels continuing.

- Before going to the capstone, upgrade your main weapons at the blacksmith as high as you can for extra DPS. If playing on Hardcore, make sure you craft an elixir of death evasion, place your Scroll of Escape on your emote wheel, and bind it to a key in your settings.

- At 48, swap to World Tier 2 and clear the Capstone Dungeon, and go to World Tier 3 at the statue in the center of Kmart.

- Pick an endgame build.

- 49-55. Back to Domhainne Tunnels on World Tier 3 and clear out dungeons. If WT3 is too hard, do it on WT2 after you've acquired a Sacred weapon.

- 55-67. Chain clear Nightmare Dungeons. 

- Turn in a round of Grim Favors to the Tree of Whispers to get a Nightmare Dungeon Sigil. 

- Complete the Nightmare Dungeon Quests in Kmart at the Occultist.

- Now is a great time to get your Renown to level 3 in all zones, since the NM dungeon keys will port you all over the world and you can grab the waypoints.

- Follow the Season 1 NM Dungeon Tier List to see what the best dungeons to run are, and which ones you should salvage.

- Salvage any NM Dungeon keys with affixes you hate.

- Pay attention to the Seasonal theme, and look for important caged hearts for your build. You don't have to kill every monster (unless that's the specific objective of the dungeon). Focus on Elites, high density trash packs, and the objectives.

- Make sure that you run a few helltides and follow the mysterious chest strategy to get Forgotten Souls and Fiend Roses.

- Go kill the World Bosses when they spawn. Use the same map link above for the timer and location.

- At 67, clear the second Capstone Dungeon and go to World Tier 4 at the statue in Kmart.

- Upgrade your weapons, armor, and jewelry as much as possible before attempting this. Don't forget your elixir of death evasion if you're playing Hardcore.

- 68-100. Clear Nightmare Dungeons, using the same hints listed above.

- Don't forget:

  • Craft the highest level gems at level 70 at the Jeweler

  • Run Helltide for Forgotten Souls and Fiend Roses

  • Reroll and upgrade your ancestral World Tier 4 gear

  • Kill World Bosses for loot and Shattering Prisms

  • Hunt Malignant monsters/tunnels for Caged Hearts

  • The final 2 tier of Renown for extra paragon points (not critical, but a nice way to power up your character if you're not racing to 100)

- Then you are at level 100!

This new patch 1.1.1 D4 Season 1 leveling strategy for maximizing XP gain has been well-received by the Diablo community, with many players finding it more engaging and enjoyable than the previous stronghold resets. However, with the next patch for Diablo 4, it remains to be seen whether Blizzard will address this method in future updates.