WoW Dragonflight Fastest 10.1.7 Alt Gearing Guide - How to Get 447 ILvl in Dragonflight Patch 10.1.7

9/5/2023 4:30:31 PM

So you fresh out just hit 70, 10.1.7 thanks to the crazy XP bonuses they're throwing in for the patch. Follow these five systematic steps in this guide to take your off from all Greens to the max item level of 447 in Dragonflight.

 2023-09-05 164103

WoW Dragonflight Fastest 10.1.7 447 Gearing Guide 

Step 1: 379 in All Slots through the AH

When you first ding 70, you're probably a mix of greens and heirlooms, head to the auction house and buy up all the 379 item level gear for all your slots, these are really cheap right now given where we are in the expansion and it sets you up.


Step 2: 402 in All Slots except Trinkets

Obtain 402 item level in every slot except trinkets in the new 1017 patch, dream surges is coming to the dragon islands and it rotates across the dragonfly 4 Zones weekly, if you engage in the activities of the dream search event, you will gain two types of currency.

1. The first currency is dreams as Coalescence gathered from various sources, kill mobs, elites, fly through orbs or loot flowers.

Coalescence = 402 Gear Veteran Tokens

  • -Can be upgraded to 424 at vendor with Crests & Flightstones.

  • -Account-bound, can trade to alts.

  • -Available for all slots but trinkets.

2. Chrysalis (Complete weekly quest at hub).

The second currency you can obtain is the outcome of the weekly Quest titled Shaping the Dreamsurge, this is obtainable from the dream search NPC in each Zone, just simply follow the event indicator on your map.

Chrysalis = 415 Champion Gear Tokens

  • -Can be upgraded to 437 at vender with Crests & Flightstones.

  • -Not account-bound, cannot trade to alts.

  • -Available for all slots but trinkets.


Step 3: 402 in Both Trinket Slots Via Timerifts

You want to obtain 402 minimum in both your trinket slots. Securing solid 4-2 trinkets for your olds in 10.1.7 is straightforward thanks to the Time Rift event vendors introduced in 10-15, The shot of the Time Rift event rewards players with currencies to purchase one of seven available trinkets from the vendors, these selections include two melee trinkets tailored for tanks and melee DPS and other two specifically for healers and three other versatile triggers suitable for any role, this ensures no matter what specialization you play, you can effectively equip both trinket slots with the minimum for 402 item level, Time Rift events are real simple, simply consult your map locate the Time Rift evasion site, by contributing to the progress bar at the location, a portal eventually emerges within the event vicinity step inside, you'll confront a boss engaging in the pre-boss event and defeating the boss will net you the necessary currency to acquire those trinkets.


Step 4: 424 ILvl Upgrade and 4PC Tier Sets

For you all at minimum 402 and submit 415 thanks to the champion gear from the Dreamsurge Chrysalis weekly, your fresh old is decently equipped, it's time to focus on upgrades, all your 402 gear can be elevated on the veteran track to 424 item level using flight stones and Crest, and in 10.1.7 obtaining flight stones and Crest is really straightforward, not only can you obtain them from the 10.1.7 events, you can also get them from LFR for 10.1 which you are now eligible to Q4, because of the 390 eye level requirement, but also know that these flight stones and crafts are up for grabs from various World quests treasures and weeklies in the Zaralek Cavern, you have upgraded from 402 to 424 can be transitioned into tear gear, using the Catalyst convert allowing you to safely securing your four piece tier set.


Step 5: 447 Push Via M+, Crafting & Mega Dungeon

Navigating from 424 to 447 might seem challenging, but there are feasible solo-friendly strategies to help you reach this Pinnacle, and three distinct approaches stand out for gearing up in this step:

  • -Firstly, you want to start tackling M plus dungeons, which search and out players, finding or creating a group to venture into low and plus Keys is feasible, start by undertaking M0 dungeons to obtain a plus two Keystone, then start pushing your own Keystone upwards, aim to begin with plus two keystones, and you want to Target plus 16 keystones, and why specifically plus 16 and Mythic plus, while the plus 20 offers the highest weekly vote by level, plus 16 is way more accessible for Alts and still leads to the same Max item level because, in 10.1.5, the plus 16 weekly Vault offers 441 item level gear which is on the new myth track which is upgradable to 447 using Crest and flight Stones Plus 16s is also the lowest and plus level where it starts dropping the crucial aspect Crest, needed for those upgrades, so plus 16 is just way more feasible for newcomers and alts versus at plus 20.

  • -The Second Avenue in step 5 as you venture into M plus dungeons, the spark of the Shadow flame ketchup mechanic will be pivotal, at the end of your dungeon, you might receive a splintered spark of Shadow flame, combining these two together results in a single spark or Shadow flame, and with the accumulated aspect crashed from plus 16, you can craft Enchanted as specs Crest which now gives access to all the materials you now need the craft gear of eye level up to 447, by the end of season 2, experienced Crafters should all be Adept at producing rank 5 447 gear as long as you bring the materials, it's a very fast way to maximize certain slots without having to do any content at all.

  • -The Third Avenue is to dive into the Mythic difficulty guilty of the dawn of the infinite Mega dungeon, this Mega dungeon introduced in 10.1.5 is great for gear, it yields 437 item level.