Lost Ark Jump-Start Servers Guide: How It Work & Who To Use?

9/7/2023 3:39:46 PM

Discover the exciting world of Lost Ark Jump-Start Servers! In this guide, we'll explore the benefits, gameplay features, and how to get started in these specially designed servers. Whether you're a new or returning player, the Jump-Start Servers offer a unique opportunity to fast-track your progress and experience the thrill of Lost Ark's immersive universe. Ready to embark on an epic adventure? Let's dive into the details of Lost Ark Jump-Start Servers!

What are Jump-Start Servers & How Do They Work in Lost Ark?

Jump-Start Servers in Lost Ark are special servers that allow players to experience a new server launch with accelerated progression. They are designed to help new or returning players catch up quickly to the main player base by providing increased experience gain, enhanced rewards, and other bonuses. These servers offer a fresh beginning for players by allowing them to start a character on a separate server that is isolated from the existing servers. One significant feature of Jump-Start Servers is that they grant players a "jump start" in terms of progression. This means that when players start on these servers, their characters begin with a higher Item Level, typically set to 1415. This elevated starting point allows players to quickly catch up with the content and reach the mid-game and end-game activities. The intention behind Jump-Start Servers is to bridge the gap between newcomers and players who are already established in the game, providing a more accessible and engaging experience for all.

Jump-Start servers will provide an isolated experience for restarting players. They will have independent matchmaking, party finder, marketplace, and auction house features. This ensures that their gameplay experience remains unaffected by existing servers or regions.

Who To Use The Jump Start Servers?

Now the rate you progress with this Jump Start Servers has to be very exponential like it has to be huge, otherwise, it doesn't warrant use. 

  • We still think that this could work out very well for newer players people who are just getting into the game, to put it on a Pac server and try to have them simulate the launch experience.

  • But for better employers for people who have been playing for a long time. There are a lot of people who might be able to use it, but they might choose not

  • An established player with the community might be able to have people who can just run them through older raids, so you might have people who can run you through Valtan, Vykas, Brelshaza clown, and all that kind of raids. They might value doing easy quick raids as opposed to just faster honing dealing with pugs and potentially jail.

Can You Transfer Your Character On and off The Jump-Start Servers?

Jump-Start Servers in Lost Ark allow players to quickly level up a character to level 1415 and then continue playing from there. However, there are several unanswered questions about how this system works. One important question is whether characters can be transferred on and off the jump-start servers. If transferring is possible, it is likely that players cannot bring any items with them since the jump-start servers may have a separate economy. If players were able to transfer with a large number of powerful relics, it could potentially disrupt the market on the jump-start servers.

How Can You Transfer Your Character from Jump-Start Servers To Normal Servers?

Level cutoff implemented. Players would likely want to transfer their character to their main server, as the intention is to have the character join their existing roster instead of starting anew on a different server. The goal is to make it easier for new players to enter the game, while also allowing existing players to transfer their characters back to the normal server. This helps maintain the player population on the jump-start server and ensures its vitality.

What Items You Can Take If You Can Transfer Your Jum-Start Server Character To Normal Server?

If a character can be transferred from the Jump-Start Server to a normal server in Lost Ark, it raises the question of what can be brought along. As mentioned previously, if players can enter the server, they could bring items that disrupt the economy. People could leave the server with items they purchased for a low price and flood the normal server's auction house with them. Additionally, if all characters, let's say between 1415 ilvl to 1540 ilvl or 1580 ilvl, are located on the Jump Start server and their economy is separate, we don't know how this will truly affect the economy of the normal server. There will be fewer relics entering, but also fewer people needing those relics since they will be on the other server. Another concern is that if the item's mobile cutoff on the Jump Start server is beyond 1540 ilvl, we have to worry about any tricks happening in that market and not in our server markets. So, when it comes to item accessories, that's the nature of our concern and our thought process related to all of this.

What If the Character on the Jump-Start Server Cannot be Transferred?

Now if you aren't able to transfer onto it that leaves potential for a good amount of backlash from people who would have characters who are like 1415 or like lower level characters, that are under the limit on their characters and on their roster, maybe they're doing low paying. They want to give them up, but they can't use the jump start server because can't transferred so their option would have to be to make a new character or just deal with the normal server.

Separate Auction House Jump-Start Servers?

In the economy of Jump-Start Servers in Lost Ark, there is a separate auction house. This can actually be quite fun in its own way because at the start, during the launch, there will be people participating in activities like Argos with smaller groups, such as two by threes or even less, and Valtan may be done with groups of three by three or maybe four by threes.

What are the Goals of Jump-Start Servers?

The logical goal is to get your character off of this and onto your normal roster onto your played server that you play on because you really want to make something called a jump-start server just to have people stay on it forever unless they want to just change it to a seasonal server thing where it's a new server in Lost Ark.

Get Horizontal Content Linked Between All Things in Servers and Stop Separating?

It is unlikely that cards will carry over your current roster progress from the jump start server to your main server in order to avoid gatekeeping. While the roadmap mentions that cards are part of the things you can obtain from the vendor, it would be pointless to have progress tied only to the jump-start server. One potential approach to address this is linking the horizontal content between servers, such that progress made in the jump start server can be applied to servers in the same region. This would allow for the transfer of progress, such as obtaining Island Souls, from less populated servers like Death Hold to your main server. However, if jump-start servers have access to all roster stuff, there may be limitations placed on card sets to prevent gatekeeping in the jump-start server. For example, players might receive a limited number of cards like Los 12 or 18 to prevent full access to cards and horizontal progress on the main server.

Possible Bussing in Jump-Start Servers?

At the beginning of Jump-Start Servers in Lost Ark, there won't be any bus names because everyone starts at the same item level. However, as the jump start server progresses, it is likely that the item level will increase, making bussing inevitable. Since everyone is on the same server, trading can be done directly without the need for the Auction House. However, due to the separate economy, the main way to transfer gold between the jump start server and your main roster is by transferring the character once they reach a certain item level. The perks of the servers need to be significant enough for players to engage in bussing activities. The relevance of bussing will depend on the server design and how character transfers are implemented. If transfers can be done without taking gold, there may still be a gold economy as players attempt to siphon gold from the jump start server and transfer it out. To discourage bussing on the server, one possible approach would be to limit transfers to only allow consumables on the character and not gold or items.

So even though we are hopeful yet skeptical about it, we do think that this is a step in the right direction. We are very happy that they are trying to address the situation, gatekeeping and overall the new player experience. This goes to show how much they listen to the West community as much as we'd like to plug our ears and think that they don't.