WoW Dragonflight 10.2 Comps Tier List: Ranking Best 2v2 & 3v3 Arena Comps

10/1/2023 11:56:05 AM

Welcome to our WoW Dragonflight 2v2 and 3v3 Arena Comp Tier Lists for patch 10.2. These Dragonflight season 3 comp rankings aim to provide an accurate overview of the top performing compositions and class synergies across both brackets based on analyzed damage profiles, strengths, weaknesses, and overall representation at high ratings. 

WoW Dragonflight 10.2 Best 2v2 & 3v3 Comps - Dragonflight Season 3 Arena Comps Tier List

It is important to note that this is just a general tier list and there are many other viable comps that can be successful. The best Dragonflight 10.2 2v2 and 3v3 comp for you will depend on your playstyle, skill level, and the comps that you are facing. It would help if you considered your playstyle. Do you prefer to be aggressive or defensive? Do you like to play with a lot of control or burst damage? Furthermore, you should consider the meta. What comps are popular and successful right now? You may want to choose a comp that is strong against the meta comps. Now, let’s look closer at our Dragonflight 10.2 2v2 and 3v3 comps tier list season 3.


Dragonflight 10.2 2v2 Comps Ranking

  • S Tier

Feral Druid + Holy Priest, Beast Mastery Hunter + Holy Priest

  • A Tier 

Windwalker Monk + Holy Priest

Marksmanship Hunter + Holy Priest

Unholy Death Knight + Restoration Shaman

Destruction Warlock + Restoration Shaman

Frost Death Knight + Restoration Shaman

  • B Tier

Affliction Warlock + Restoration Druid

Shadow Priest + Restoration Druid

Elemental Shaman + Restoration Druid

Demonology Warlock + Restoration Shaman

Fury Warrior + Restoration Druid

Retribution Paladin + Restoration Druid

Dragonflight 10.2 3v3 Comps Ranking

  • S Tier

Feral Druid + Demonology Warlock + Restoration Shaman

  • A Tier

Unholy Death Knight + Beast Mastery Hunter + Restoration Shaman

Destruction Warlock + Windwalker Monk + Restoration Druid

Elemental Shaman + Enhancement Shaman + Restoration Shaman, Restoration Druid + Feral Druid + Assassination Rogue

Restoration Druid + Arms Warrior + Marksmanship Hunter

  • B Tier

Affliction Warlock + Destruction Warlock + Restoration Druid

Frost Death Knight + Demonology Warlock + Restoration Shaman 

Restoration Druid + Shadow Priest + Elemental Shaman

Restoration Druid + Fury Warrior + Retribution Paladin

Restoration Druid + Demonology Warlock + Balance Druid


The Dragonflight season 3 2v2 and 3v3 comps tier lists provided are based on the following criteria:

  • Damage Profile:

Consistent vs bursty damage styles and how well they perform in the current meta.

  • Utility:

Control abilities, defensive cooldowns, dispels/immunities the comp provides.

  • Synergy:

How well the classes, abilities and win conditions line up between partners.

  • Strengths & Weaknesses:

What matchups and class combinations the comp performs well or poorly against.

  • Representation:

Tournament/high-rated play results and how often the comp is being played successfully at top levels.

  • Consistency:

Ability to apply pressure and win gameplans against a variety of opponents, not just favored matchups.

  • Healing:

Effectiveness of available healers in keeping partners alive through the comp's major win conditions.

  • Mobility:

Ability to avoid/survive incoming pressure and land cooldown setups.

  • Pressure:

How quickly and consistently the comp can stack damage over time or force opponents' defensive cooldowns.