D4 Season 2 Best Vampiric Power For All Builds | Diablo 4 Vampiric Power Tier List

10/7/2023 5:11:30 PM

Which is the best vampiric power that you should be using in the new ladder of Diablo 4? Today, we bring you the D4 season 2 vampiric power tier list to find out the best vampiric powers that you should be using for every class or build.


D4 Season 2 Vampiric Power Tier List - Best Vampiri Powers Ranking In Diablo IV

In our Diablo IV season 2 vampiric power tier list, the S tier vampiric powers are always useful and powerful for all builds. The A tier vampiric powers are viable depending on classes or builds. On the B tier, you also have four situational powers which are a bit less interesting. Lastly, you also have three vampiric powers which are dedicated to summoners. It's not only the Necromancer with skeletons but also the Druid if you play companion and the Sorcerer with conjuration, hydra, ice blade, and electric lens.


S Tier

No. 1 Pray on the Weak

This can be very interesting because it will increase the damage to vulnerable enemies and also make them vulnerable under a vampiric curse. Be careful, it can change a bit following the patch because they plan to adjust vulnerability critical damage and overpower but otherwise, you should keep this one in mind.


No.2 Ravenous

This one will almost be mandatory because you'll have a chance to increase attack speed and movement speed for 6 seconds on a lucky hit. 


No. 3 Resilence

You also have some damage reduction for each 2% life that you are missing.


No.4 Sanguine Brace

This one gives you fortification when you kill a target. The cool thing is that it will also grant you a critical strike chance, so make sure to closely keep an eye on these four best Diablo IV vampiric powers phase 4.

A Tier

No.1 Anticipation

It will reduce the cool down of your ultimate and also increase ultimate damage if you have enemies nearby with a damage of a time. You don't need to fully build around damage over time if you want to use this power. For example, if you have a poison rug or the burning effect on your Sorceress.


No. 2 Flowing Veins

Damage over time will be increased. So for this one, you need to have a build around damage over time. 

No.3 Domination

You have additional damage to targets that cannot move. This is for CC builds.


No.4 Hectic

This one will reduce your cool down after using five basic attacks. 


No.5 Moonrise

You can also use this one around basic attacks which will grant you additional damage and increase attack speed on your basic attack.


No.6 Hemomancy

Then you have two interesting powers if you play over power builds. First one you'll deal damage based on your maximum life. Since you need these stats in order to have some good overpower damage.


No.7 Blood Boil

If you land an overpower hit with a core skill, you'll have some explosive drops that appear. Also, you'll be sure to do an overpower hit every 20 seconds. This one is not only linked to the core skill.


No.8 Infection

Infection will poison enemies after eight stacks. It can work nicely if you have some epics linked to poison. For example, increase damage to poison enemies or damage reduced from poison enemies. This is for poison build.


No.9 Jagged Spikes

This one is for the thorn build which can proc 300 damage it and also freeze your enemies. 


No. 10 Undying

The Undying can be very interesting if you like healing. Because you will heal 3% of your health and it will be double if you have less than 50% of your health each time that you use a skill. This is for build with skill spam.


No.11 Bathe in Blood

The last one on the B tier of our D4 vampiric powers ranking that has additional damage reduce when channeling, you'll land a blood pool which will grant you some damage if you channel and grant you damage reduction. This is for pipe builds.


B Tier

No.1 Accursed Touch

You have a chance to cast a vampiric curse and also to increase your damage from curse souls. This is for builds around souls.


No.2 Terror

The Terror can be a bit tricky but it will grant you a 100% chance on the frightened enemy so if you want to build around it.


No.3 Metamorphosis

When you dash it will transform into a cloud of bats and it will also apply a vampire curse.


No.4 Rampart

The last one will grant your barrier when you stand still but it will break the dynamism of your build.


D4 Best Vampiric Power For Summoner

No.1 Coven’s Fang

The first one you'll deal additional damage. 


No.2 Feed the Coven

You will gain a damage boost and resources on a lucky hit from your minions.


No.3 Call Familiar

The call familiar will grant you an additional summon to attack your enemies.