Diablo 4 Season 2 T100 Tier List - Best Class & Build For Tier 100 In D4 S2

11/1/2023 4:02:00 PM

Are you looking for the best classes and builds for endgame content in Diablo 4 season 2? Read our D4 season 2 T100 Nightmare Dungeon tier list, we’ll rank the best tier 100 build for all classes.   


Diablo 4 Season 2 Best T100 Build For Each Class - D4 S2 T100 Tier List

In Diablo 4 pre-season and season 1, everyone has insane picks and builds even multiple builds for tier 100 content. It used to be pretty simple but look at the current clear times and compare, these days is a lot more difficult. Without further ado, check out the best D4 Season 2 class and build for tier 100. Our Diablo IV T100 ranking is based on how fast you can clear and how tanky and survivable are you while doing that compared to others. Everyone can do the level 100 Nightmare Dungeon so they're all good.


No.5 Rogue (Twisting Blade)

Without the busted rapid-fire combo which is effective for single target bursts is a lot less relevant for your experience in tier 100. As you might expect, the best D4 season 2 tier 100 Rogue build that people are running is twisting blades with imbuement. Meaning Shadow for the AoE and poison to spread damage over time. Poison allows for damage buildup which is a lot better in season 2 especially relevant with that new unique ring tied to this. It also has more relevant single-target DPS when you're running poison which is important in those longer boss encounters where the DPS over time is going to matter. If you have the new unique ring, it causes your damage over time to AOE burst which is incredible for not just your AoE burst from mob clear but also obviously single target. So you can fly through the dungeons literally because you're so quick. They’re in fifth place because they can be blown up if they're not careful and things get worse when you're forced to fight in melee and don't have the survivability like Druid or Barbarian. Overall, Rogue is an effective clearer for your tier 100s, you just have to play smart and fast.


No. 4 Druid (Storm Claw)

In this case, one build doesn't cover it. Pulverized is going to work, the boulder build can be really good but most people play either tornado or specifically storm claw. The best Diablo IV T100 storm claw Druid build uses the unique, great staff of the crone which turns your claw into a storm skill, casting storm strike at the same time. As a build, it's surprisingly tanky which is fantastic for tier 100. Even though it's more melee, you can play at more of a mid-range slapping the front target of a pack, spreading the damage out, and reducing the incoming damage because of it. You've got a nice quick base move speed, you're able to move around, group things up, target the right person, and so on. It has great damage damage output which is exactly what you're looking for in a dungeon clear. It's not heavily dependent on spirit like boulder is by comparison and it's got the utility in knockback, AoE stun, and maybe a heal option. Compared to Rogue, it is a bit similar but with more survivability, baseline, and a lot easier to play.


No.3 Necromancer (Bone Spear)

Necromancer and bone spear are a match we can't seem to escape. Because it's simply so effective, bursting things down from a safe long range where you can kill things essentially off screen. That alone means it can clear a tier 100 even if it was super squishy. You can swap the build around to reduce your outrageous output and have more survivability. Compared to Druid and Rogue, even though it's less survivable, it makes up for it with its outrageous high damage long range. You might be wondering what about Infinimist? To be honest, that is a great build and will work great for a tier 100 as well. It's just the damage over time effect isn't nearly as strong as bone spear when it comes to single-target boss dealing. Bone spear by comparison is a lot more bursty for killing nasty elites before they can even do anything. If you were doing a hardcore playthrough, we go with Infinimist. It's a lot safer but bone spear can clear way faster.


No.2 Barbarian (Hammer of the Ancients)

The second best T100 class in Diablo 4 S2 is the Barbarians. Every build is nearly enough the same thing with Barbarians. The shouts and the play style all feel very similar. The top pick for tier 100 is Hammer of the Ancients. While whirlwind is incredible for mob clear. It's terrible by comparison at single target and in tier 100, there's going to be strong high health elites as well as the spongy bosses that it struggles with. Having said that, nothing's going to stop Whirlwind from killing the boss because it's tanky and deals enough damage. It just has these points where it slows down. Meanwhile, HotA just destroys everything in one hit and you're so tanky just baseline. We have seen some ridiculous clears with small threats to the Barbarian. Barbarians can run into big packs of mobs where other builds just can't. The double swing build works kind of similarly but is super fast-paced and fun, just with a smaller AOE which makes it a bit more awkward for mob clear. Overall, Hammer of the Ancients is the most consistent strongest tier 100 build in Diablo 4 season 2.


No.1 Sorcerer (Ball Lightning)

The number one best D4 S2 T100 build is the Sorcerer with its insane ball lightning build. When they're dealing with these encounters, the ball lightning Sorcerers can just jump in and kill everything. They walk through while taking minimal damage and killing everything nearly instantly. You've got shields to protect yourself while your balls of lightning circle you, so just running through, everything just dies as you pass by. The ball lightning does so much on its own and it rotates around you so nothing could avoid it. The Sorcerer's biggest challenge in tier 100 is finding the end boss.