How to Upgrade Your Gear Properly in Dragonflight 10.2 - WoW Darkheart Thicket 10.2 M+ Guide

11/17/2023 11:34:21 AM

Today we're going to be talking about the gearing system in 10.2 and what you should be using your upgrades on your crafting things, your Sparks, your crests, and how the Catalyst works.

  2023-11-17 113749


One more thing to note about embellished items though is that a lot of the effects are scaling with item level, so if you have embellishment that is the best slot for you is like a damage proc or something like that something like Shadow Flame or toxic Thorn boots like that kind of procs they scale with item level, most other embellishments do as well, not all of them like for example the toxic patch does not scale with it, but if your embellishment does scale with item level then crafting it on aspect would make sense again possibly, this is something that you have to figure out for yourself depending on what the best embellishment for your class is, the difference between the high the aspect Crest item level, embellished item and the wyrm Crest and the seral crest.


What You Should Upgrade

  • 1. Save Aspect Crests

  • 2. Don't waste crests on early tracks.

  • 3. Prioritize high value item slots

You can get a 1,600 PVP rating which also works in Solo Shuffle or in RBG or in Arena, so maybe the easiest way to get this tier piece may be by doing PVP, Zul'Farrak heroic is probably going to be pretty difficult for most players even for Mythic rating guilds sometimes and KSM also really hard within the first week, so if you want to get the tier piece, it might be the best choice for you to try and get it in PvP or at least, think about it as like a potential option if you need it within that first week, it's also possible that it's that you can just wait for the second week where you can just get it through and when you have the Fortified or tyrannical unlocked, so not wasting your Catalyst charge on the first week.