Season of Discovery Gold Making Guide - Top 5 Fast Gold Farming Ways & Tips in WoW SoD Phase 1

12/1/2023 12:25:00 AM

Here we break down the top 5 methods for fast gold farming at the beginning of WoW Season of Discovery, that will help you get ahead of the Zerg for SoD Phase 1!


WoW Classic Season of Discovery Gold Making Guide

Very interestingly, Season of Discovery is looking to produce its very own gold making meta with the level cap being set at 25 levels along. With the new raid and PVP Zone and even with new items from the profession and so forth that people will want to spend gold on to min-max their characters, here are five Season of Discovery gold farming tips that can help you get an edge in those forms mentioned activities or just to help you make much more gold.

Method 1 - Collect Big Bags

Since bags are really important now not only for go making such as if you're going to be doing farming or gathering but also for convenience in general.

Vendor Bags (12 Slot Bags) - Buy With Gold

Starting off with vendor bags, the biggest one is actually the 12 slot huge bounce stack which you can actually buy from bag vendors in major cities. However, the 9 or 10 gold cost depending on your reputation is quite expensive indeed, especially at level 25, so if you want to sort of downgrade a little bit. There are a lot of 10 slot bags that you can easily pick up, not only from tailors who can give you small silk packs or if you tailor yourself, those are also 10 Slaughters and require silk cloth, and then there are also some quests that you can do to acquire free - you have to do the quest but you don't have to pay gold for 10 Slaughter bags.

Deviate Hide Pack (10 Slot Bag) - Quest Reward

Starting with if you go over to Wailing Caverns, this is available to both Alliance and Horde, you can actually go down to this area. This is kind of a secret area, but if you drop down from the top above the cave entrance to the Wailing Caverns, you can actually go into this little Zone with NPCs or this little cave or you can actually pick up quests. One of the quests rewards 10 slot bag. To get this bag, you actually don't have to even Zone into the instance, you can actually just farm the Raptors albeit - they are Elite Raptors but at level 25 you should be able to defeat them fairly easily.

Sida's Bag (10 Slot Bag) - - Quest Reward

In addition to that really quick, even though the Wailing Caverns is more of a Horde-favored zone right being in the Barons, the quest is indeed available to the Alliance side and we would actually argue that Alliance actually has a good here because there are two additional Alliance only quests that reward 10 slot bags as well - One being the Night Watch in Dark Shire, and the other one being digging through the Ooze in Menethil Harbor. So you can definitely go and do those two quests or all three quests.

Journeyman's Backpack (14 Slot Bag) - Fishing

Not only that but if you're into say fishing or want to sort of gamble for an even larger bag, you can go over to a higher-level Zone such as Moonglade is probably the safest place, and try fishing to be able to at a rare chance get a Journeyman's Backpack which is a 14 slot back. If you get this, you don't necessarily even have to use it because you could probably sell it for a pretty good profit.

Darkmoon Storage Box (14 Slot Bag) - Activites

And lastly, there's another way to get a 14 slot back which is to do some activities in a Darkmoon Fair when it comes around to exchange 50 Darkmoon Fair prize tickets for a 14 Slot Darkmoon Storage Box.

Method 2 - Wailing Caverns Gold Making

The Wailing Caverns area offers great gold farming opportunities, even without going inside the dungeon. Alliance players will have to risk encountering Horde in the Barrens, but on PvE servers, you won't be killable unless flagged. This makes Wailing Caverns a safe and lucrative spot, especially for leatherworkers.

You can pick up the Pattern: Deviate Scale Belt quest from Ebru for selling or crafting. Nearby NPCs also offer limited-quality recipes that will hold value at level 25 - check back often as these are in demand. Farm raptors and cloud serpents outside the instance for Deviate Hides and Scales, for bags, auction sales, or leatherworking recipes.

Fishing in the nearby pools can yield Deviate Fish, needed for the Savory Deviate Delight recipe that transforms you into a ninja or pirate. This fish and recipe will be very popular for fun raiding and PvP flavor. You can sell the fish or cooked food, or the recipe itself unless drop rates are increased.

Method 3 - Farming Useful Mats (No Profession Required, Such as Scales and Cloth)

This gold making strategy is also sort of an extension of the Wailing Caverns - Deviate Scale farming. To farm additional rare items like scales and leathers used in armor crafting. We talked about the Deviate skills already from around and within the Wailing Caverns, another great way to farm these like useful materials is Murlocs. So you'll specifically be farming these slimy murloc scales and you'll be able to find murlocs in areas like Silverpine Forest or Westfall for Horde. By getting these scales, this is yet another important material used in certain recipes namely the Murloc Scale Belt and Murloc Scale Breastplate for leather workers. Especially for Alliance, you can farm Red Whelps in the Wetlands, so these are little like Dragonkins. And you can get these red whelp scales that'll also be used in leather working for the red whelp glovs.

For Murlocs, this is more of a challenging farm, these are higher level murlocs from 1Hillsbrad Foothills, Dustwallow Marsh, and Stranglethorn Vale. Some of these places might be somewhat inaccessible at level 25, but if you can get a group together like with a Healer especially you might be able to tackle some of these tougher zones right. It is likely to be quite lucrative as well because for example if you can farm thick murloc skills from these inform mention zones, you can then supply materials for even better recipes, again for leatherworking. And not to forget the other professions, of course blacksmithing will be primarily reliant on mining so that's more for gathering, but if we're talking about farming in addition to the leather Oran materials, you can also of course form cloth right for tailoring, and some notable areas include right in Ashenvale which will be a pretty contested Zone with the PVP event happening there.

Method 4 - Fishing (Deviate Fish, Oily Blackmouth, High Level Zones for Bags)

In addition to the Deviate Fish we discussed earlier, fishing can have an interesting niche in Season of Discovery, especially with the level cap being limited. Even though fishing hasn't had the best reputation or popularity so far, the fact that higher level zones will still be available gives it potential. With fishing, you don't have to engage in combat with higher level monsters like you would questing. Instead, you can go to higher level zones to fish up more useful stuff. For example, you can find junk boxes that can contain rare materials like Mageweave Cloth, which is extremely hard to get at level 25. You can also fish up bags themselves - even going to level 50+ zones like Winterspring to get high-end bags. Of course, those zones will be dangerous at level 25, but fishing gives you the option to access them without having to fight. So fishing could be worthwhile to consider for Season of Discovery.

Method 5 - Preplan Your Major Professions

One last gold farming tip is to not only pre-plan the two major professions you will take in Season of Discovery, but also look ahead at the new recipes and items being added to each profession. With the new level 25 raid and PvP content, Blizzard is introducing powerful new endgame items for professions. For example, each crafting profession will get epic armor to craft, while Enchanting, Alchemy, and Engineering are getting new consumables and items. Although the materials needed for these items haven't been revealed yet, it's good to pay close attention. If we know the specific materials used for the new items, we'll know which ones will be in high demand and worth targeting to farm. Or if you have one of these professions already, you'll have a better idea of which materials to pick up cheaply when you see them or to proactively farm.