WoW Classic SoD Warlock Runes Locations & Spots - Where to Get Warlock Runes in Season of Discovery WoW

12/5/2023 6:24:25 PM

WoW Classic Season of Discovery has got us searching all over for new runes and they can be all over the place. So we cover the first 6 easy runes you can get on a Warlock by level 10 in the early starter zones. Some of these runes are not easy to find or have multiple elements to them. Let’s break down the locations to get SoD Warlock runes in WoW Classic. 

What Do SoD Warlock Runes Work in WoW Classic?

Here are some key things to know about Warlock Runes in WoW Season of Discovery:

  • Runes are new collectible items that can be socketed into select armor slots to provide bonuses focused on different warlock specs (Affliction, Demonology, Destruction).

  • There are runes that enhance specific spells and abilities like Corruption, Drain Life, Shadow Bolt, Rain of Fire, Summon Imp, etc.

  • They can be obtained through rare drops from bosses/elite mobs or potentially crafted/purchased on the AH.

  • Each armor type (helmet, shoulders, chest etc) has its own subset of compatible runes to socket.

  • Only one rune from each category (Affliction, Demonology, Destruction) can be equipped at once.

  • Mixing different runes allows for hybrid custom builds beyond standard specs.

  • Popular rune combinations focus on boosting DPS, survivability or utility based on PvE/PvP goals.

  • Minmaxing optimal rune configurations becomes part of endgame theorycrafting.

  • Provides long-term rewards to slot and maintains replayability of the classic leveling experience.

WoW Classic SoD Warlock Runes Locations - Where to Get & How to Obtain Warlock Runes in Season of Discovery WoW 

1. Haunt Rune & Where to Get

This is really powerful early game instant cast spell, and this is given to you by your class trainer at level 2 which you've got it just heads Southwest of the trainer to the Troggs, there's like a little chest at the very first thing you get to, and you just open the chest and the rune is inside.


2. Chaos Bolt Rune & Where to Get

It is incredibly powerful early on, you can hit over a hundred, even below level 10. And you don't need to fight anything to get it, you just head over to Gol’Bolar Quarry which is on the southeast of the starter zone where all the Troggs are and there's a Frozen Trogg in the middle and you need to cast four fire spells at the same time to break it out the ice. 

The easiest way to do this is to have two warlocks as your imp count as a fire Caster. So if you get two warlocks here, you both get your imps out and then you cast imilate while attacking with your imps, that counts as four people all casting fire spells and it will melt the ice in seconds, and then you just go over and grab the Rune off the body. If you can't find any warlocks, you might want to get a couple of Mages. So just go into general chat and just ask for help or just ask the people that are passing by and you should easily get this one. With horn and chaos bolt, you've got some really powerful spells that should ramp your damage up early on.

3. Demonic Grace Rune & Where to Get

This should be the third one you can go for, a buff that gives you increased dodge and increased crit rate. If you pop demonic grace before chaos bolt, you have massive burst damage. And to do this, you need to collect a bunch of items and then go summon a demon and defeat it.

- First, you want to get the Wolf Jawbone which drops from wolves which are like the first things you fight in the game.

- Next, you want to go fight some wendigos around the middle of the map, and then they drop wendigo blood.

- Then, head to the south west in a cave and fight the troll Shadowcasters as they drop ominous tomes. 

- Once you have these three items, you want to head over to Shimmer Ridge and there is a pedestal to summon a demon. Summon the demon and fight it and that's how you get this demonic grace rune.

4. Soul Siphon Rune & Where to Get

Soul Siphon makes everything stronger and you want to head to the southeast of the map, past the quarry and fight your way past some level 10 mobs, some Dwarf mobs and into the house at the very back. 

- Once you have fear and chaos bolt, just get into this room and get down to the bottom where captain beld is. 

- And go down, fight everyone, you want to defeat everyone on the way down, get to captain beld and then fight him. 

- And as he's dying, you want to use drain soul as if you trying to get a soul crystal out of him and you'll get a tainted soul shard.

- Now you want to go find a critter, so think like a rabbit or some small animal that is like level 1 that doesn't fight back and you want to use the same ability, you want to use drain soul on a critter, and that would give you a pure soul. 

- With these two, the tainted soul and the pure soul, you want to go back to starting zone and you want to talk to Glick which is the Warlock trainer, give him both of these items and you'll get the soul siphon rune.

5. Master Channeler & Where to Get

This SoD Warlock rune is incredibly easy, you can probably get this at level 1 if you're feeling brave enough. This changes how drain life works, you want to head into Loch Modan and you'll find the little outpost when you get here. And at this outpost where you learn defense of the king's lands. There's a path up from this all the way to the qutpost at the top of the map, it's a straight path all the way up, and traveling trader walks up and down this path and you just want to find him. You can head out up the path and look for him or you can just wait near the entrance for him to walk down to you. When you find him, buy a malevolent pie off him for 5 silver and eat the pie. And you get the channeling rune.

6. Demonic Tactics Rune & Where to Get

The last SoD Warlock rune you can get really early on is demonic tactics. This requires a little bit of traveling, but it's still very doable as level 10 because it's all in start zones and going through towns. 

- You can find it in Elwyn Forest. So you want to head over there.

- Once you're in Elwyn Forest, you want to head north of Crystal Lake and there's a little statue and a body, you want to interact with this body and it will give you a bag, open it up and there's a note and an artifact. Basically it tells you to go and give this to somebody, go to goldshire which is just west of this place, still in the same area. 

- So go to goldshire, and there is an inn, go to the bottom of the basement of the inn and there's a warlock trainer there. Talk to him and he will give you another item.

- Now you go back to the body you found, so take the item back to the body, another walk all the way back to the body and use the item. As soon as you use this item, you've got a time thing starting, so you want to make sure you've got enough time to do this because there's 10-minute timer on this. The second you use the item you get a 10-minute debuff. 

- Now what you need to do is run back to Stormwind, then go to the Mage district and you want to go to the to the West side of the Mage District. And there's another warlock trainer, talk to him and he will cleanse the debuff for you. Once he cleanses the debuff, you get the rune.