WoW Season of Discovery Reputation Farming Guide - 2 Best Ways to Farm Rep in SoD Phase 1

12/7/2023 6:00:06 PM

Azeroth Commerce Authority is a brand new reputation in the Launch of World of Warcraft Season of Discovery. Today, in our WOW Classic SoD level 25 reputation farming guide, we'll talk about the best way to farm rep in phase 1.


Season of Discovery Best Reputation Farm - WoW Classic SoD Rep Farming Guide (Level 25)

In WoW Season of Discovery, reputation represents your standing with various factions throughout Azeroth and beyond. Think of it as your social standing within the game world. By completing quests, killing specific creatures, and participating in faction-specific activities, you can gain or lose reputation with these factions. Next, we’re giving you the best tips and tricks to power farm the reputation in WoW Classic Season of Mastery phase 1.

How to Farm Reputation in Season of Discovery?

To farm reputation in Season of Discovery, all you need to do is hand in certain boxes that you can either hand in as you get them or you can fill them up with certain materials to get better rewards. The better rewards include getting more silver from the quest and also gaining more reputation. For the boxes, you have tier 1 boxes and tier 2 boxes. Tier 1 boxes are the ones you get up to level 10 and tier 2 are after level 10. Tier 2 gives you way more rep than tier 1. If you're farming these boxes and you're level 25, definitely farm it at level 10 plus zone Westfall for example Duskwood. That way you get your two boxes which gives you way more reputation per hand in. 


Tip 1 - Supplies Farm

To farm the Waylaid Supplies that drop in the open world by both mobs and chests, the best thing you can do is find a location that has a lot of chest spawns and mobs around that chest. Because you can get them from mobs, they have probably about a 1-3% drop chance.  Wetlands has tons of chests around so Wetlands could be a really good place to farm reputation in WOW Season of Discovery. It also gives a wheel cloth by the way which is expensive and sought after right now. Moreover, the Westfall place could be really good, and also Duskwood could be one of the best SoD Rep farming locations. That way you can grind mobs while walking from chest node to chest node and looking for chest spawns.


Tip 2 - Crates Farm

They did make a hotfix where you can carry more of the filled crates in your bags now. What most people do is they find their crate and they run to the Auction House or they Heartstone back or fly back and then they buy the thing on the Auction House and hand the crate in. However, the way it works right now is still unique. You can only pick up one crate, you can carry more filled ones but until they're filled you can only carry one. What people do is they farm one crate, then go back to Stormwind, hand in that one crate, or buy the materials. Fill up then hand in, they go back out farm again, get one crate, and go back.

There is one way to circumvent this where you can farm as many crates as you want in one go without having to go back and still get like 10 crates in one go basically and hand in all at the same time. This is one of the best WoW Classic SoD Reputation farms when it comes to crate. It will speed it up significantly instead of going back and forth for every single crate. The way you do that is that every single time you loot a crate, you throw it away and it's out of your bag. After that, you go to your battle net page and click on the item restoration link that is the EU one. You just click on the item restoration link and then after that, you select your character, you select the items you have destroyed and you actually just restore them. 

The thing is you can do this once per week but you can restore as many items as you want which means you should farm like 10 plus of these as many as you're missing and restore all of them. Farm for 1-3 hours, destroy all the ones, restore them all and they will come to you in the mailbox.