PoE 3.23 Affliction League Challenges & Rewards | Path of Exile Affliction & Ruthless Challenge Guide

12/8/2023 6:16:38 PM

With the release of the new 3.23 Affliction League in Path of Exile, comes new challenge rewards. What are the new PoE 3.23 Affliction challenge rewards and how to get them? If you want to know, keep reading!


PoE 3.23 Affliction Challenges

There are 40 new general challenges included in the Affliction challenge league. These represent different gameplay feats and accomplishments players can achieve to earn completion rewards.An additional 8 challenging feats can be completed through the Ruthless Affliction variation of the league. This version makes the core gameplay even harder through added mods/restrictions.

Challenges typically involve things like defeating certain enemies, completing certain maps, obtaining specific unique items, allocating passive skills, engaging in multiplayer or trade, and more.

PoE 3.23 Affliction Challenge Rewards

Completing a certain number of challenges will award players with exclusive microtransaction cosmetic skins, character effects, and other loot that is only obtainable during the POE Affliction league. Progress is tracked through the Challenge League section of the user profile. This allows players to see which challenges they have active or remaining.

1. Night Lotu Armour Set: Tier 1

How To Get: 4-16 Challenges or 2 Ruthless Challenges


2. Night Lotus Armour Set: Tier 2

How To Get: 20-26 Challenges or 3-5 Ruthless Challenges


3. Night Lotus Armour Set: Tier 4

How To Get: 35 Challenges or 8 Ruthless Challenges


4. Affliction Challenge Trophy

How To Get: 19-40 Challenges


5. Ruthless Affliction Challenge Trophy

How To Get: 1-8 Challenges

How To Complete Affliction Challenges Fast In PoE 3.23?

  • Focus on challenges that advance naturally through regular gameplay first. Knock out "kill x enemies" before moving on to rarer goals.

  • Use the official challenge list to plan which are most feasible before the league ends. Set small, achievable daily targets.

  • Join a guild for easier access to group challenges and borrowing unique items from others. Collaboration makes some goals much less frustrating.

  • Roll multiple characters so you can complete challenges gated by class/build specifics like certain skills or ascendancies.

  • Read challenge text carefully - some have hidden stipulations like map tiers or game modes that make success less likely without prep.

  • Engage with league mechanics early and often. Most new challenges are centered around content like the Viridian Wildwood secret zones.

  • Have the best PoE 3.23 build or read the PoE 3.23 build tier list to find the league starter that suits you, which can help you progress more smoothly.

  • Learn efficient PoE 3.23 currency farming guide for rare drops and max currency/hour acquisition rates.

  • Consider the Ruthless version only once your regular character is geared. Those added levels of difficulty ramp up grind exponentially.

  • Use global and trade chat to find/sell profitable challenge-specialized items more quickly.

  • Watch guide videos if stuck to catch tricks the descriptions don't convey clearly. Teamwork and research are key.

How To Complete Ruthless Challenges Fast In PoE 3.23?

  • Rolled characters will have a much harder time, so focus league start builds optimized for SSF and low gear dependence.

  • Avoid squishy glass cannon styles - you'll need max survivability through defenses, sustain, and avoidance.

  • Grind low tier maps/zones until very overleveled if struggling. The added mods snowball difficulty fast.

  • Use proven league starter skills/ascendancies that can scale well with minimal currency (Molten Strike, Skeleton Mages, TR Champ etc).

  • Employ mechanics that mitigate damage as much as possible like Immortal Call, Cast when Damage Taken, Endurance Charges.

  • Party with stronger players if possible to leverage their damage/clear speed for boss challenges.

  • Check challenges regularly for ones achievable through group play if solo is too grindy.

  • Forget unoptimized builds - respec/reroll to a guide if hitting walls. Ruthless punishes trial and error.

  • Use consumables liberally - sextants/scarabs/frags to offset lack of damage from SSF gearing constraints.

  • Consider a push/pull strategy - grind safer content on one character and try risky bosses on another.

  • Level gems for multiple builds simultaneously to flex as needed for various challenge types.

  • Patience is key, as is mastering defensive play. Some goals may require perfect boss/map conditions.