WoW Season of Discovery PvE Tier List - Ranking Best PvE Classes & Specs in SoD

12/19/2023 11:09:45 AM

With the launch of Phase 1 of WoW Classic Season of Discovery, raiding is now accessible in the form of the Blackfathom Deeps instance. Today, we got you a Season of Discovery PvE tier list, we have ranked the best PvE DPS, healers and tanks.

Season of Discovery Best PvE DPS, Healer & Tank - SoD PvE Tier List

Players want to optimize their group compositions to clear content efficiently in World of Warcraft. Tier lists help identify the strongest specs for each role. For example, some groups are focused on competing for server-first kills or speed clears. Tier lists help them choose comps that maximize damage/healing. Our WoW Classic Season of Discovery PvE tier lists aim to evaluate class performance for Blackfathom Deeps based on damage, healing, survivability, and raid utility. Next, let's see the best WoW Classic Season of Discovery PvE class and spec.


Season of Discovery PvE DPS Tier List

S Tier - Fire Mage/BM Hunter

Fire Mage brings massive burst AoE and sustained ST. BM Hunter buffs whole raid with Aspect of the Wild and does high ranged damage.


A Tier - Enhance Shaman, Unholy DK, Arms Warrior

Enhance brings Windfury buff and good AoE. Unholy has strong dots and damage. Arms pumps via Sweeping Strikes and Warbringer.


B Tier - Survival Hunter, Ele Shaman, Demo Warlock

Survival offers misdirect and trap utility. Ele provides buffs but weaker ST. Demo summons pets for tank support.


C Tier - Feral Druid, Balance Druid, Shadow Priest, Affliction Warlock

These specs suffer from lackluster damage or lack of utility compared to others.


Season of Discovery PvE Healer Tier List

S Tier - Holy Paladin

Strong single target heals and Blessing of Protection utility.

A Tier - Resto Shaman, Holy Priest

Chain Heal and Mana Tide from Shaman. Holy priests bring PW:Shield and heavy single target heals.

B Tier - Resto Druid

HoTs help with damage over time but burst heals lacking compared to others.


Season of Discovery PvE Tank Tier List

S Tier - Protection Warrior

Strong damage mitigation from Shield Block, Revenge and Defensive Stance.


A Tier - Blood DK, Protection Paladin

Death Strike healing for DK. Prot Pal brings Sacrifice and utility.


B Tier - Bear Druid

Rage-based, less solid mitigation than warriors but Frenzied Regeneration helps survival.

Based on the WoW SoD PvE tier lists, Fire Mage and BM Hunter topping DPS due to strong abilities. Enhance and Unholy also provide good damage. Shaman, Priest, and Druid healing specs are listed as very effective. Protection Warrior is ranked highly for tanking due to damage mitigation tools, with Blood DK and Prot Paladin also strong tank options.