Last Epoch 1.0 TOP 5 Builds - Best 5 Last Epoch League Start Build

2/21/2024 4:31:29 PM

Today we're going over 5 of the best starter builds for cycle 1.0.

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Build 1: Hydrahedron Runemaster

-Mobbing: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

-Bossing: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

-Survivability: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

-Gear Requirements: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

-Speed: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


  • Gear: Imbued Sealed Temple Staff of Sleet, Mage's Sealed Arcane Visage of the Turtle, Victorious Sealed Bone Amulet of Frailty, Fundamental Criterion, Attuned Sealed Opal Ring of Insulation, Pyromancer's Sealed Praetorian Belt of Insulation, Attuned Sealed Ivory Ring of Deflection, Attuned Sealed Ascetic Gloves of Remedy, Attuned Sealed Heoborean Boots of Lucidity, Eviscerating Box of Hydrae


  • Skills

Runic invocation

Combine Lightning, Fire, and Fire (L,F,F) Runes before casting Runic Invocation to summon Hydrahedron, your primary Damage Skill. Grab Unbridled Ruin, Devastating Starfall, and Runic Energy to increase the damage. Invest a point in Scrivener's Haste to generate Fire Runes faster with Flame Rush and improve gameplay.



Runebolt's primary function in this configuration is to augment your Hydrahedrons and create Mana via the Arcane Restoration Node. Ensure that it exclusively makes Lightning Runes by snagging the Jolting Spark and Lightning Spear nodes.

Flame Rush

Flame Rush is a Movement Skill. It creates Fire Runes and automatically performs Runic Invocation. This configuration provides Ward on use thanks to Lunar Protection and a potent Damage Reduction benefit, which is boosted by the Runic Eclipse and Celestial Guidance Nodes.


Flame Ward

Flame Ward is a formidable defensive skill. The Damage Reduction it provides is just ridiculous. You are very tanky while it is active, but it has a short duration! Dual Aegis is an important Node because it offers an additional charge for the ability. Save one active charge for potentially risky scenarios.


Frost Wall

Convert Frost Wall to Fire using Pyroglass and use it to impart Fire Resistance Shred to your enemies via the Biting Limit Node. The Haste, Frenzy, and Cleanse abilities offered by Boosted Kickoff and Purifying Gate are quite useful. If you manually cast Runic Invocation against Bosses, use Aspirant's Arrival to increase your damage.


Build 2: Lightning Swarmblade

-Mobbing: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

-Bossing: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

-Survivability: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

-Gear Requirements: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

-Speed: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


  • Gear: Deft Culnivar's Claim, Primalist's Sealed Tusked Greathelm of Life, Aurora's Time Glass, Primalist's Sealed Greatwood Coat of Life, Eviscerating Tempest Maw, Imbued Sealed Opal Ring of Sanctuary, Legacy of the Quiet Forest of the Giant, Imbued Sealed Opal Ring of Endurance, Manafused Sealed  Crusader Gauntlets of Acid, Mercurial Eterra's Path, Eviscerating Stormcarved Testament


  • Skills

Swarmblade Form

This is the Swarmblade Form build. You get several Tornadoes with Windfury Strikes. Viper's Call allows your Armblade Slash to use the Serpent Strike tree. Endless Pressure and Grasshopper's Frenzy keep Rage alive. Needle-Like Sting serves to limit your Critical Strike Chance. Water Strider benefits from many bonuses thanks to Maelstrom.



Tornado is your primary damage skill. They used Storm Bolt on Charged Storm. Frequent Lightning, Lasting Storm, Debris, and the Eye of the Storm all boost your damage. The Eye of the Storm bestows Tornadoes on your character. Storm Dervish boosts your proc rate by increasing your attack speed. Churning Orbs helps you apply Armour Shred and replenish your Rage.



This build benefits significantly from stacking as many Maelstroms as possible. Windswept and Windfury offer Frenzy and Haste. Sleet-Footed gives you Dodge Rating. The Essence of Debris grants a significant level of Stun Chance, allowing you to stun lock the majority of enemies. Storm Bolt can also be derived from the Power of the Storm. Maelstroms now provide Base Critical Strike Chance thanks to Gathering Storm's Rending Vortex ability.


Serpent Strike

Armblade Slash is a spammable Melee Attack that utilises the Serpent Strike Tree. Slither and Shroud of Winter offer a significant amount of Dodge Rating. Culling Point functions as a Damage Multiplier, killing foes below a particular Life Threshold, including Bosses. Hydra Strikes scales all of your procs by boosting your attack speed. Corrosive Venom boosts your Damage by providing greater Armour Shred.


Gathering Storm

Gathering Storm increases the damage of your Storm Bolts. Excited Bolts is vital since it allows you to scale Mana for damage. Tempest Weapon provides significant value to Tempest Maw. Furthermore, Rending Vortex allows you to effortlessly achieve 100% Critical Strike Chance.

Build 3: Flame Wrath Necromancer

-Mobbing: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

-Bossing: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

-Survivability: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

-Gear Requirements: ⭐⭐⭐

-Speed: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


  • Gear: Aberrant Call of the Coven, Vital Sealed Revenant Mask of Defense, Commander's Logi's Hunger, Acolyte's Sealed Revenant Plate of Fortification, Ursine Sealed Turquoise Ring of Endurance, Commander's Sealed Praetorian Belt of the OX, Ursine Sealed Turquoise Ring of Life, Shade's Julra's Obsession, Vital Sealed Solarum Greaves of Fortification, Shade's Twisted Heart of Uhkeiros


  • Skills

Summon Wraith

Flame Wraiths and Adorned Immortal Idols may summon a Flame Wraith, making Summon Wraiths Fire and Ranged. Combine with Locus Of Death to create lethal turrets. Spirit Link and Dawn of the Fall provide additional Crit Chance.


Drain Life

Drain Life is an essential component of the setup and must be put on top of your Summon Wraiths to generate an abundance of Mana. Combine Hecatomb, Necrotic Feast, and Grasp Of The Damned to transform your Minions into a limitless Mana supply. It also drains their health, enabling solid HP recovery.


Dread Shade

Dread Shade is critical for increasing your Minion's damage thanks to Nodes such as Dying Coven, Grim Fate, and Lingering Doom. Symbiotic Apparition is highly effective since it enables you to benefit from all of its incredible bonuses. Martyrdom dramatically boosts your chances of survival.


Summon Volatile Zombie.

Summon Volatile Zombie is the ideal addition to the build. They deliver incredible ward generation and increased damage. Ravenous and Pull of the Grave are particularly effective against bosses. Once Summon Wraiths are set, use Awakening Presence to activate them while mapping or spam them against Bosses.



Transplant is a fantastic Movement Skill with numerous benefits and utility. Acolyte's Fervour grants you Frenzy and Haste bonuses. Combine Plated Bone with Apostasy to improve Bone Armour. Violent Emergence is ideal for Bossing.


Build 4: Echo Warpath Voidknight

-Mobbing: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

-Bossing: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

-Survivability: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

-Gear Requirements: ⭐⭐⭐

-Speed: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


  • Gear: Sentinel's Sealed Leonine Greathelm of the OX, Eviscerating Sealed Oracle Amulet of Life, Slayer's Apathy's Maw, Wings of Argentus, Mighty Sealed Copper Ring of Life, Shattered Chains of the OX, Assassin's Siphon of Anguish of Endurance, Mighty Sealed Eternal Gauntlets of Fortification, Mercurial Darkstride, Assassin's Sealed Tainted Effigy of Frailty.


  • Skills: Warpath, Sigils of Hope, Anomaly, Volatile Reversal, Shield Rush.


Build 5: Umbral Bladedancer

-Mobbing: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

-Bossing: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

-Survivability: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

-Gear Requirements: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

-Speed: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


  • Gear: Eviscerating Smoke Weaver, Dexterous Sealed Bandit Helm of Endurance, Catapult’s Sealed Bone Amulet of the Fox, Rogue's Wings of Argentus, Marauder's Sealed Katana of Stillness, Rejuvenating Sealed Ivory Ring of Deflection, Rejuvenating Sealed Praetorian Belt of the OX, Ballista's Siphon of Anguish of Endurance, Dexterous Sealed Eternal Gauntlets of the Giant, Dexterous Sealed Solarum Greaves of Defense, Eviscerating Sealed Antidote Vial of Life.


  • Skills: Umbral Blades, Synchronized Strike, Shift, Shadow Cascade, Smoke Bomb.