WOTLK Classic WOW Token Guide: Price, How To Use, Get & Sell It

5/24/2023 10:29:19 AM

With all the services that we've got over the last few months in terms of Wrath of the Lich King Classic, it was only a matter of time before the WOW Token was added and it's now here in WOTLK Classic. Therefore, in our Wotlk WOW Tokens guide, we talk about the price, and how to use, get, and sell it.


Wrath Classic WOW Token Guide: Price, How To Use, Get & Sell It

The WOW Token can be sold on the auction house for gold. The auction buyer can redeem it for 30 days of game time. This token may not be traded or redeemed. It may only be listed for sale on the auction house. You can probably illegally buy gold at the moment cheaper than you could pay for a wow subscription. You can technically do a gdkp and if you get a decent putt from that gdkp, you're going to literally be able to pay your wow subscription for a month on nearly a month depending on the size of the pot thanks to the WoW Token being in. So we expect this to go up quite drastically over the next couple of months.


WOTLK Classic WOW Token Price

The current auction value of WOW Token is 10199 gold (subject to change). 20 Dollars

How To Use WOW Token In Wrath Classic?

When you open WOW Token on the auction house, it will show you buy a WOW Token from the auction house or redeem it for 30 days of game time. If you need gold, sell the WOW Token.

Trade Token for gold

It's never been easier to get gold. After entering the environment of Warcraft environment, you may buy a WoW Token from the in-game Shop for real money. Place it up for auction and wait for the bidding to end.

Trade Gold for Game Time

You can buy a WoW Token from another player in World of Warcraft by going to the Auction House and spending some gold on it. If you want 30 days of game time or Battle.net Balance, right-click the Token when it appears in your in-game inbox and add it to your bag. All three versions of World of Warcraft are playable with a single game key, as are the Classic and Wrath of the Lich King servers.

How To Get WOW Token In Wrath Classic?

To access it, log into a character and hit escape, then click "Shop". If you want to buy it, you just do all your payment detail. Transaction will be processed and then you'll get a WOW Token and the WOW Token will then go in your bag and it can be sold for gold on the auction house. Now you can't say how much it goes for, it just automatically lists it for the price that is listed on the actual store. 


How To Sell WOW Tokens In WOTLK Classic?

It doesn't actually look like it's working with addons at the moment. If you go to auctions, you should just be able to put in WOW Token here and the price has gone up since even buying it. So the current price is 14042 gold. If we actually check this on the store, you can see literally in the last few minutes, it's already going up. So expect this price to drastically change over the next 12 hours. Now may not actually be a good time to buy, you might want to wait for the gold to go up a little bit. But that's a risk you're going to have to take.


Now all this does is it's just going to sit there until somebody wants game time. So if you was to go to WOW Token and then search 14k on this character yet but you'd be able to buy a WOW Token to give 30 days of game time to your account. So doing a gdkp run just looking at the guild. On NA, the average part is 9K to 10K. Let's say some of them are even as high as 13K, so you can almost get a month's worth of game time from doing a gdkp. You definitely could get a month's worth of game time from doing two a week. So what does this all mean is legal WOW gold buying. If you enjoy farming gold, you can now start to sort of subsidize your well subscription just by going out and farming gold.