WotLK Joyous Journeys 2023: Best Strategies To Max Joyous Journeys Buff & Level 80 Fast

5/25/2023 6:36:36 PM

Are you on a mission to power level your ultimate and be fully prepared for the upcoming Phase 3? The Joyous Journeys buff has landed which means 50% more experience from quests, PVP, and grinding. Leveling up in the Open World with the Joyous Journeys buff is your golden opportunity to ensure you're not left in the dust when Phase 3 drops, try all the grand Crusader rolls out on June 22nd, so time is really running out. 

WotLK Classic Joyous Journeys 2023

This guide is your comprehensive resource for all things of Joyous Journeys in WoTLK Classic, NOHITJEROME factors with strategies to maximize this Limited Time Buff, there's even an extraordinary technique that catapulted him up to 2 million experience in a mere 5 minutes. 

WotLK Classic Joyous Journeys 50% XP Buff

So Blizzard is on a quest to Rally as many players as possible to get to level 80, they want you primed and ready for Icecrown and Wrath endgame, there's the newly minted trial of the Crusader raid, there's the new Arjun tournament update, and the fresh Onyxia raid, these are all meticulously crafted to accelerate players progress once they hit 80. They've even introduced the brand new Titan Rune faded dungeons which we'll be showering you with Max and all door 10 gear like it's going out of style and let's not forget the pre-crusader orbs examples of Triumph and of course the hard mode loot phase 3 is set to Breathe new life into the game. World tours are even more ways to make a grand comeback, reminiscent of the launch days. Blizzards even added the new Titan room dungeons to the group finder to streamline the process of finding groups for newly minted level 80s. With all this shiny new ketchup content would all be for naught without reaching level 80. After all there's no such thing as free, Onyx the elude at level 20. 

To catch you up, Joyous Journeys is a new 50 XP bonus that went Live May 22nd. Joyous Journeys is engineered to catapult players to level 80 at Breakneck speed. The idea is to enable players to dive into the end game as quickly as possible. That being said, you'll only have until June 19th to take advantage, so you have to start leveling now. 

Best Strategies To Max Joyous Journeys Buff & Level 80 Fast in WotLK Classic

What strategies can be used to maximize the Joyous Journeys buff? Here we have some tips for you:

1- Heirlooms

First of all, no matter what your current level is heirlooms will make your leveling a lot faster. You have three heirlooms in Wrath that will give you a straight-up bonus experience. 

There's the Chest, the Shoulder, and the Ring of course you probably only have access to the chest and shoulder for that 10 extra XP per piece, we mean unless you won the Cadillac fishing tournament. Although everybody Hypes up the bonus XP from heirlooms, actually using the heirloom weapons and armor makes leveling feel a lot smoother too. In this phase, you can primarily really get PVE heirlooms from emblems of heroism. If you don't have any heroism left, you can always downgrade at the newly streamlined exchange NPC in the Dalaran sewers. You'll also be able to get heirlooms from Champion Seals next phase, so make sure to stock up. With your heirlooms in hand, we have a choice to make, we've got questing, boosting, or grinding.

2 - Repeatable Quests with 37K XP

There are two repeatable quests with the Waterlogged Recipe and the Sealed Vial of Poison, each of these quests typically gives 22,000 experience. But with heirlooms and the Joyous Journeys buff, you'll actually be getting over 37,000 XP per turn-in. If you can snipe enough files or recipes on the auction house, you can skip from level 70 all the way to 72 or higher.

2 - Questing

Another option you have is questing. Questing is surprisingly easy and mindless, especially if you have a leveling. The biggest thing is to make sure you get epic flying as soon as possible, you also want to mail over a Tome of Cold Weather Flying, so you can cheese all the north run quests at level 68. Nowadays, questing feels a lot like retail but you can make it even easier if you want to. We suggest using things like potions, engineering, nades, and Buffs. For example, if you ran Mongoose on your warrior with food Buffs and dynamite you were dominating every quest in the outlands just think about anything that can increase DPS and then do it. 

3 - Boosting

Though if questing isn't working for you, boosting is a great option as well. Although boosting was technically nerfed heavily, it's still extremely effective in North Rand. The best way to find Boost is to press I and list yourself on the custom channel. There are also boosters that twink out characters, specifically to do lower-level dungeons. Typically you can expect to pay over 10,000 gold to go from 70 to 80 via boosting, but our recommendation is to combine boosting with questing that way you can scoop up easy experience in places like borian Tundra and once you're slightly over level for the area.

4 - Grinding

If you don't feel like questing or boosting, your other option is grinding and sure grinding can mean things like AOE farming SEALS or farming Trolls. But grinding is surprisingly effective at low levels as well, one grinding trick to do is to put your geared boomkins thorns on your low level care characters, then you can destroy mobs in one second and still get full experience. At higher levels though, the best way to grind is to combine something like seal grinding with ultra rack Valley. Unfortunately this Joyous Journeys we won't be getting an ultrac Valley Call to Arms until June 16th but we still wouldn't fault you for saving a character for that week to effortlessly jump from 71 to 80. There's really nothing wrong with procrastinating unless you're looking to achieve your golden gear dreams next phase.