Where to Farm Harlequin Crest in Diablo 4 - Best D4 Harlequin Crest Drop Locations

6/13/2023 11:49:35 AM

Today we have a new guide for Diablo 4 Harlequin Crest. We'll have a look at the player that got the world's first job for Harlequin’s Crest, we'll have a look at what level Harlequin Crest drops and also how this was obtained and how it can be farming this item.

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What is Harlequin Crest in D4?

Harlequin Crest is a helmet that boasts a number of powerful attributes. In previous Diablo games, it has been a sought-after piece of equipment, as it provides a range of beneficial effects that can help players survive battles against even the toughest foes. Among the bonuses it provides are increased life and mana, resistances to elemental damage, and a boost to the chance of finding magical items. So this is the most powerful item for any of the class and can fit into many builds. Although this was teased at level 100, this item was no dropped at level 100. 

Finding Harlequin Crest in D4 has been an absolute pain in most people’s experience, though. That’s because it’s incredibly rare. If you’re after it too, here’s everything you need to know. 

World First Harlequin Crest Drop & How to Farm Harlequin’s Crest in D4

If we come over to the foreign post, you can see that the world's first Harlequin Crest was dropped for a Korean player on level 98 and we can see the stats comparison and then we talk about where to find the Diablo 4 Harlequin Crest and what are the player's speculations. The biggest thing is this plus 4 ranked to all the skills and this also provides him with 17% damage reduction, so you can see the stats comparison.

This also provides him with 911 maximum HP and also we can see the cooldown reduction, resource and also stats, it also provides him with 4.4% cooldown reduction and 7% resource reduction. So it is not the highest row it is ancestral gear that is level 800 nails or 20. And this item was job for the player at level 98. 

where do I get the harlequin crest in Diablo 4

If we come over to the top of the post, you can see that the developers Adam Fletcher has confirmed that the job for those items available, so players are asking for the drop of Harley Quinn's Quest and also a Grandfather. Now there is no player that have gotten the Grandfather yet which is going to be one of the rarest items in the game. But for the Harlequin’s Crest, the Korean player have gotten it after 7 days of the early access to the game. 

where to find the Diablo 4 harlequin crest

Now players were asking the developers about “how are Harlequin Crest dropped, are they drop similar ways to the other items."

The developer has no answer this one. We can see the Chinese forum and the English forum, a lot of people were speculating there are some limitations of how those items can be farmed and also can be dropped. So players were guessing the rate is extremely rare, because we have millions of players playing the game and only one player have dropped this item. So the first speculation that is very logical is that this item is gated after level 90. And this is one of the biggest reasons why player have not about to see this item at a much early stage of the game. Because a majority of the players are not level 90 and also they have not been farming a lot at level 90. So the first week of launch because most players are not level 90, they won't be having the loot box or the chance of dropping this item before this. And this is kind of assumed by the community, you have to be over 90 to be having this item in the job rate. The good thing is after level 90, you can see the Korean player got this item at level 98. So this means we'll be rushing for level 90. 

Keep going through the Chinese forum (click https://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?tid=36597596&rand=464), a lot of players were speculating maybe this item was recently added to the job list for the available items. So maybe there was a hidden update, there's so many updates and nerves the dungeon, maybe one of the update actually added this item to the game, maybe the developers are slowly adding to those super rare items, maybe the Grandfather is not added to the game. And this is one of the explanations why we can't see this item. But the most likely case is that player has to be lower 90 and maybe the player has to be doing nightmare dungeons or Uber Lilith. 

So player are saying they can hear from the U.S forms that it's either coming from Uber Lilith, it has to be over 90 with nightmare dungeons and maybe there's some hidden mechanics that is not known. And this can allow the players to farm Harlequin Crest in Diablo 4. If you are looking for this item, what we recommend is try to get yourself over 90 and then do all the content like Uber Lilith, do the dungeons over 90 and then see how job rate goes.

Diablo 4 Harlequin Crest Location - Best Place to Find Harlequin Crest in D4 

The Harlequin Crest is a random drop, it can be found in Helltide Chests, Resplendent Chests, and Whispering Tree Caches. It will only start to drop at World Tier 3 with a higher chance of dropping at World Tier 4: Torment. You’ll need to finish the campaign to unlock World Tier 3 Nightmare and defeat the Fallen Temple Capstone Dungeon in that tier before you can change to World Tier 4. To have a chance at getting it, you will need to do one of the following:

- Ensure to slay every single enemy you come across.

- Break all the objects you encounter alongside opening all the chests to increase your chances of finding the Harlequin Crest. 

- If you’d prefer the old fashion way, you can farm Elites and Bosses.