What to do after Beating the Campaign in Diablo 4 | D4 Endgame Guide

6/6/2023 5:41:54 PM

In this guide, we want to go over everything that you could do after you have finished the campaign in Diablo 4 for the endgame. Because this may be a lot of people’s first Diablo game, so we have done some research in order to find out what exactly can we do after the campaign, and there is a lot to do at the moment and in the future considering there were 2 expansions being worked at the moment and we are going to have new updates every 3 months or so and new content as well, so we have a lot to do in this game and this game is going to be out for a while and being updated for years to come. But otherwise, let’s get into what is there to do after beating the campaign in D4!

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What to do in the Endgame after Campaign in Diablo 4 

Diablo 4 takes players on an epic campaign through the dark and treacherous world of Sanctuary. However, the adventure doesn't end with the completion of the campaign. In fact, a wealth of exciting and challenging endgame content awaits those who seek further challenges and rewards. In this guide, we are going to be taking a look at what you should do after you complete the main campaign, what you should prioritize, what you should focus on in order to get the most out of your time spent, so that you can complete everything that you want to do.

Get to World Tier 3

The first thing you should do after completing the main campaign in the endgame is get to world tier 3. Your rank means a lot in this game, once you have finished the campaign without farming or doing anything, you should be around level 40. From level 40, what you can do is do other activities or you can farm towards level 45 and level 45. Once you have finished the campaign up to level 45 or 50, you will have the chance to do the Cathedral of Light Capstone duengeon that's in the northern part of Kyovashad on world tier 2. And there are about 50 enemies or so. After completing that, you will unlock word tier 3 where most of the end game activities are available to you. 

Once there are really three activities for you to do, there are Tree of Whispers quests, there are Helltides that appear periodically, and there are Nightmare dungeons that you're going to farm.

Tree of Whispers

The Tree of Whispers basically gives you random objectives around certain zones of the game that keep moving around, and what these are kind of like bounties kill a monster, kill a bunch of monsters, run a dungeon, and if you get enough points, each one of these activities is worth a certain amount of points. You are going to take it back to the Tree of Whispers and redeem it for a cache of goods. Sometimes this is like two inch weapons or it might be a chess piece, and sometimes you get a higher roll cash that has even better gear, so you want to make sure you get that when you can. But you can do this to get gear and this is an easy way to get some good gear if you are struggling with your gear when you first get to world tier 3. And you'll need to do this at least one time in order to get a nightmare sigil which will allow you to enter a nightmare dungeon.

Nightmare Dungeons

Nightmare dungeons are essentially special versions of regular dungeons that you have to consume a sigil to create and these are in your consumables tab of your inventory. These take a specific dungeon and convert it into a tier of a nightmare dungeon. You start at nightmare tier 1 and you you're going to go through this dungeon with some buff, but also negative effects maybe like enemies explode when they die or maybe something follows you around and drops lightning from the sky periodically. There are a slew of different negative and positive effects you'll game while running these dungeons that will make them more challenging. 

There are a couple of reasons why you want to do nightmare dungeons after completing the campaign in D4:

  • First is the fact that these dungeons are regularly filled with large groups of Elites like 4, 5, 6, elite groups at a time of these monsters, the ones that you are always dropping rares for you typically out in the landscape. Or sometimes you run into 2 or 3 of them or one or two of them in regular dungeons. They're here in abundance and that increases your chances of getting legendaries from killing these enemies because the more you kill, the more chance you have. 

  • Additionally, completing one of these dungeons will allow you to assign experience points to one of your Paragon glyphs, allowing you to make it stronger and stronger. So as you pass 50 and you progress in the Paragon system, you're going to put points on your Paragon board, gaining extra stats and periodically you will come to pockets on these boards that allow you to slot glyphs that have different effects. And these glyphs are just loot drops that you'll randomly get from doing different activities in the game like doing Tree of Whispers or doing Nightmare Dungeons. When you have one that you like, you're going to slot it into that board and the effect on it can get stronger and stronger, the more you level it up. And you can sign it to whichever glyph you want. But the higher level you go in the nightmare tiers, the more experience you gain for those glyphs. So obviously the enemies are going to get higher level, they're going to be harder, they're going to take you a better build to get through. But you'll get more experience to level up those glyphs, making it faster to reach higher and higher levels of them. So you should be farming sacred legendaries. 

  • World Series 3 has a new version of equipment called Sacred and this is essentially better versions of everything that you've seen before. So if you get a sacred rare or a sacred magic item or sacred legendary, it's basically just a slightly better version of you're getting before. So your objective should be besides improving these glyphs and getting experience for them, making them stronger, should be leveling up and also replacing all of your current legendaries with sacred versions of the ones you want for your build because they'll be slightly better. You can also upgrade these types of equipment one more time than you can regular legendaries. Normally you can upgrade legendaries four times at the Blacksmith of the Jeweler, but you can upgrade sacred 5 times and this allows you to really get some more oomph out of their bonuses.


Another thing you can do after beating the campaign in Diablo 4 is do the Helltides. This is a random event that happens in one particular zone of a map usually that lasts for 90 minutes or two hours. You can go into these zones and there's going to be souped-up enemies and meteors coming down. There's also rare crafting materials that you can only find during Helltide there which you'll want, so that you can keep with your equipment. So you should definitely spend some time doing Helltides. What you're going to do in these Helltides is kill enemies and you're going to gain a resource that then allows you to open chests that have a guaranteed sacred legendary drop. It's like 80 to 90% that you're going to get a sacred legendary. And these chests have varying amounts on them based on what they are like a piece of armor is cheaper than a two-handed weapon or a piece of jewelry. So you have to decide based on what you can see on your map and the time you have remaining, what you want to get out of these chests and you're going to start farming enemies, killing them, killing bosses, doing events inside them in order to gain as much of this resource as you can and spend them to get legendaries. 

Keep in mind: You should be very careful when you're in this area, there are extremely powerful bosses that are much higher level than you.

World Bosses

The next thing you're going to notice is World Bosses, these appear after you finish the campaign and you're going to be able to do these with groups of other players whether you're in a group with them or just around them. You'll see a marker on your map with like a world boss countdown timer when they appear, and it's usually 30 minutes and you need to go to that location and be there when it starts or join in the middle if you're lucky, and help take that down and you get like a weekly chest for doing one world boss that has a bunch of legendary items in it and some crafting materials. You'll also get a guaranteed legendary drop from the world boss. So you definitely want to do those every time you see them if you're on, it's a great way to get guaranteed legendaries, it's fun to play with other players a little bit.

Side Quest, Strongholds, Altars of Lilith, and Renown

The last thing you want to do after you finish the main campaign in the endgame is going around doing side quests, making sure that you've conquered all the strongholds and discovering all the altars of Lilith and stuff if you didn't do all that when you went through the game. This is going to give you reputation with the different factions of the game and you're going to want to make sure you have at least rank 3 of this in order to have all the skills and potions that you need this will help you with your nightmare dungeons. But you're going to want to continue on past this at some point, because as you reach the last rank in these reputations in these different regions, you're going to gain 4 Paragon points per region. That is a lot of Paragon points when you add it together, that is 20 Paragon points. And Paragon system is what's going to make your character a lot stronger as you get to the higher 70 or 80 levels of the game.

Once you reach level 70 or so and you feel confident, you can go do the Fallen Temple Capstone dungeon and the Dry Stepps. Once completing this, it will allow you to change to the world tier difficulty 4, allowing you to do the torment difficulty of the game which has more difficult enemies. It gives you more experience, so you can level up faster. And there are new items called ancestry items which are a more powerful version of sacred. There are also new uniques to find on this difficulty that you cannot find on world tier 3.

Bonus Tips

So that's a general idea of what things you want to do when you get to end game in Diablo 4 after finishing the campaign. Once the main campaign finished in D4, if you have any other old characters or you want to create a new class, you can skip the campaign and start going right into the Whispers of the Dead activities on your new character. You'll do this at a lower tier of the game because this activity is available at any tier. But you'll still be able to do that which will allow you to gain experience and have some other activities to do besides just doing Dungeons and Side Quests for experience. So there is a little bit of a help there if you do decide to skip the main campaign on those characters. And to do that you'll just go to the menu and click skip campaign on those characters even if they already exist and you are already made progress with them when you finish the campaign on the other character.

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