WoW Dragonflight 10.1.5 Raid Tier List - Ranking Best Raid DPS, Healer & Tanks In Dragonflight

7/13/2023 5:32:15 PM

In World of Warcraft Dragonflight, there are three primary roles in raids tank, healer, and damage dealer (DPS). Then what are the best raid specs in WOW Dragonflight after patch 10.1.5? Read our Dragonflight 10.1.5 raid tier list, we rank the best DPS, healer, and tank for raiding.


WoW Dragonflight 10.1.5 Best Raid DPS, Healer & Tank - Dragonflight Raid Tier List 10.1.5

When choosing the best Raid specs in WoW Dragonflight 10.1.5, by considering what playstyle and fantasy appeal to you the most. Do you enjoy playing melee or ranged? Do you prefer dealing damage, healing, or tanking? Choosing a class that aligns with your personal preferences will enhance your enjoyment and motivation in raiding. Take a closer look at the abilities and playstyles of different classes and specs since each has unique mechanics, rotations, and utility. Now, read our Dragonflight 10.1.5 raid DPS, healer, and tank ranking.

Read more:

WoW Dragonflight 10.1.5 PvP Tier List

WoW Dragonflught 10.1.5 Tank Tier List

WoW Dragonflight 10.1.5 M+ DPS Tier List

Dragonflight 10.1.5 Raid DPS Tier List

Choose the best Dragonflight 10.1.5 raid DPS class that aligns with your preferred playstyle and fantasy. Do you enjoy dealing damage from a distance as a powerful mage or warlock? Or do you prefer getting up close and personal as a fierce rogue or warrior? Consider which class and spec's gameplay mechanics and thematic appeal resonate with you the most. Each DPS class usually has multiple specializations that offer different playstyles and roles within the raid. Research and understand the strengths and weaknesses of each specialization to assess which one matches your preferred style of play and offers the desired role (e.g., sustained damage, burst damage, AoE damage).



Arcane Mage

Demonology Warlock

Unholy Death Knight


Destruction Warlock

Shadow Priest

Frost Death Knight

Affliction Warlock

Elemental Shaman

Subtlety Rogue

Survival Hunter

Outlaw Rogue

Assassination Rogue


Retribution Paladin

Destruction Warlock

Fury Warrior

Fire Mage

Frost Mage

Arms Warrior


Beast Mastery Hunter

Windwalker Monk

Balance Druid

Enhancement Shaman

Havoc Demon Hunter

Marksmanship Hunter


Feral Druid


Dragonflight 10.1.5 Raid Healer Tier List

Consider the current or desired raid composition. Analyze the healing needs of the raid group and consider if any specific healing abilities or utility are lacking. Choosing the Dragonflight best 10.1.5 healer class that can fill those gaps or synergize well with other healers can be beneficial to the overall raid group's survivability and success. Evaluate the utility and additional support provided by the healing class. Some classes offer unique utility abilities, such as dispels, damage reduction cooldowns, crowd control, or resurrection spells. These utilities can be valuable in specific raid encounters and contribute to the overall raid's success.



Holy Priest


Preservation Evoker

Holy Paladin

Restoration Shaman

Mistweaver Monk

Restoration Druid 


Discipline Priest


Dragonflight 10.1.5 Raid Tank Tier List

Understand the mechanics and requirements of raid encounters. Different encounters may favor certain tanking abilities or mitigation strategies. Assess whether a particular tank class and spec can effectively handle the mechanics of the raid encounters you'll be facing. Choose the best Dragonflight 10.1.5 tank class that brings solid survivability and damage mitigation tools to the raid and can improve the overall viability of the group.


Protection Paladin


Blood Death Knight

Beast Mastery Hunter

Protection Warrior

Vengeance Demon Hunter


Guardian Druid