WoW Dragonflight 10.2 Druid Forms & Customizable Moonkins Farming Guide

11/4/2023 4:22:42 PM

In this guide, we are going to tell you how to get all of the new Druid forms and Mookins form customizations in WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.2 Guardians of the Dream. There's quite a lot to get through, so let's jump straight in.

WoW Dragonflight 10.2 Druid Forms & Customizable Moonkins Farming

How To Get All Druid Forms & Customizable Moonkins in WoW Dragonflight 10.2 Season 3?

The 10.2 Patch of WoW Dragonflight introduces exciting updates for Druids, focusing on new forms and skins. Moonkins and Druids receive new forms, including three Dreamsaber feral druid skins and an updated Druid of the Flame Cat Form. Guardian Druids also have a new world boss skin, along with two additional bear forms: Umbraclaw and Bristlebruin. Players can enjoy new flight forms, such as the Somnowl flight forms and the Mythic Dragonriding Mount, Anu'relos Flame's Guidance, which also serves as a flight form. Additionally, Druids gain new land travel forms: the Dreamstag and Dreamtalon. Lastly, Druids have a new underwater form in the form of a huge Whiskerfish. These additions offer an abundance of options and exciting visual updates for Druid players.

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  • Moonkin Forms - Barber Shop & Idrassil Raid

Moonkin Forms are perhaps the easiest one, so as soon as the patch goes live, head to your Barber Shop, you'll find them all there. As simple as that, there's nothing apparently that we need to do, that's complex to get these forms unlocked. So this is an easy win for moonkins just enjoy the free stuff.

Although with that said, there is one of the forms one of the tints that we do need to put some work in in order to get it. Now this form comes from one of the bosses Tendrels Swift in the new raid Idrassil. Now it doesn't actually confirm which difficulty if any this needs to be on, so hopefully this will drop from any difficulty maybe there'll be a slightly higher chance the higher difficulty you do of the raid, but we'll find out soon.

  • New Runebear (Bear Forms) - World Boss Aurostor, the Hibernator (Emerald Dream)

This lovely new Rune bear form actually comes from the New World boss and this will be visible on the map as all the world bosses are we don't know if this is a guaranteed drop but likely not, so if it is a farmable thing, don't worry because you are likely to be killing this boss each week, it's an easy thing to do in the group. So you're going to be getting the reputation of things towards new Faction 2, so if you do have to farm this for a while, it's not a big loss really but good luck on getting that one from him.

  • Bristlebruin - Morag the Slothful (Coords - 40, 71)

As well as there are two new different types of heart form available: the Bristlebruin and the Umbraclaw. So let's start with the Bristlebruin, the green form comes from Morag the Slothful which is rare in the Emerald Dream, you can find that rare in a cave, sleeping right at the back and there are the coordinates 40, 71 where you can find that one as well. Some of the other forms do come from raids in the Emerald Dream but they did all seem very easy to solo, so don't worry about taking these down. And the drop chance is decent but it's definitely not 100%.

  • Ahsen Bristlebruin (Bear Forms) - Pollenfused Bristlebruin Fur Sample (Coords - 40, 71)

The next one is the Ash Claw of this Model, so this is from the Pollenfused Bristlebruin Sample. This is incredibly easy, you just go to these coordinates on the map 63,39. Yu pick up the Pollenfused Bristlebruin Fur Sample and that is the item that you use to grant you the form as simple as that.

  • Brown Loamy Umbraclaw - Silent Marks (Dreamsurge Basin, 47, 45)

The brown Umbraclaw comes with the use of the Silent Mark of the Umbraclaw, these need some explaining, so let us talk you through how they work. So with the Silent Marks, there's a process for these which is the same for the three other forms that Druids can now get using these Silent Marks. The first step of the process is to go to the Thaelishar Groveheart and buy the 4 items: the Silent Mark of the Dreamtalon, Silent Mark of the Dreamstage, Silent Mark of the Dreamsaber, and Silent Mark of the Umbraclaw. So once you've bought those four items, they cost 2,000 gold in total, then you need to take the item and use it 10 times on the relevant creature within the Emerald Dream to basically learn its appearance. Once you've done that, the item will then transform into the item that you can use to grant you the form in the Barber Shop. So you need to scan 10 of the creature in total, you can scan the same creature twice, however, there is a 5-minute debuff that the creature gets once you've attuned with it which won't let you attune with it again until that buff wears off, so you can either find different mobs or just wait for that to run out and scan the same mob again. For the Umbraclaw, we found that these ones work very well just above the Lushdream Crages text on the map at coordinates 47,44, there were only five of the mobs around here, so we chose to kill them hoping that they would respawn quicker than waiting at the 5-minute timer, but this didn't seem to be the case. You're probably better off just waiting, don't forget there's a sneaky one in the cave just here as well there are also plenty of Umbraclaws around the coordinates 38,70, it is worth a try because there are a lot more mobs here, so the competition should be a little bit less.

  • White Loamy Umbraclaw - Dreaming Bounty (3-Minute Event RNG across Emerald Dram)

The white Version of the Loamy Umbraclaw comes from the Emerald Bounty mini events around the zone. So every now and then, you will see a seed icon on the map or the mini map. When you approach these seeds on the map, you can then plant a seed from your bags which starts a 3 Minute Timer. Within that time, you can contribute Emerald drops which is a currency that you can get from within the zone as well as the seeds. Then once the timer is up, you get a reward, so the skin can be a reward from those events basically. The main source of the seeds seems to be the Super Bloom event in the zone and there are three tiers of seeds who've got uncommon, rare, and epic seeds. With Epic having the highest chance of getting better rewards from the event, you can only plant one epic seed per week, the other two you can do as many times as you like. And these events are always active around the zone, so this is very farmable.

  • Black Loamy Umbraclaw - Mosa Umbramane (Rare, Coords 54, 36)

The Black version of the Umbraclaw comes from Mosa Umbramane which is another rare in the Emerald Dream at coordinates 54,36. So again good luck on getting this one, nice and easy.

  • Blue Dreamsaber (Feral Forms) - Moon-Blessed Claw (Item, Traveling)

The Blue Dreamsaber is a kind of complex one that requires quite a bit of traveling. To grant this form, we need the Moon-Blessed Claw. To get this item, you have to do a few different steps, it requires you to go and collect some empty vials from the Emerald Dream, then go and fill them u from Moon Vials across the world. So this can be a little bit time-consuming but here's the fastest way that you can do it. First of all, go and get the vials, so go to the Emerald Dream to coordinates 54/90 and 25/40, and loot the box and open that to get all the individual vials ready. Then use your dreamwalk teleport as a druid it comes in handy, then head to Moonglade. So first of all fill file K right there as you enter the portal to Moonglade. Next, you want to head back into the portal that you just came out of into the Druid class order hall and out of the Dreamgrove just slightly down the road, then this Moon vial here is where you can fill up vial B. Once you've done that use your Dreamwalk teleport again because it should be off cooldown now. Then take the Duskwood portal head just To the left behind the big portal and fill up vile E in the Moonwell. The next best move is to use your Garrison Hearthstone and take a flight path to Ashran. Or if you've got the tower upgrade in your Garrison, you can take the portal straight there, you could alternatively go to Orgrimmar or Stormwind portal room and take the Ashren portal from there instead if you don't have a Garrison or don't have an upgraded Garrison. Once you get to Ashran, go over to the Alliance side if you're not already there and fill up with Vial D here. From ashran, you can then take the portal straight back to Stormwind or Orgrimmar, or alternatively use your heartstone head to your portal room in your main city and take the portal to the raff of the Lich King version of Dalaran in Crystalsong Forest. Make your way straight out of Dalaran fly towards Dragon Blight and head to the Stars' Rest, this is where you can fill up Vial N. With all that done, you've just got one more vial to fill and that is done at Terokkar Forest, so take the quickest way you have back to Stormwind or Orgrimmar, and then take the Chargath portal from there and head into Terokkar Forest at this location here, this is where you can fill Vial O. With that last vial now filled, you can click on one of the Vails to combine them all and receive the Coalesced Moonlight item. So the next step is to go back to the Emerald Dream and find the Feral Dreamstone at coordinates 41/23. Once you get there click on the Coalesced Moonlight within your bags and then you'll receive the item that grants you the form.

  • Purple Dreamsaber (Feral Forms) - Keen-Eyed Cian (Rare, 41/50)

Purple Dreamsaber actually drops some array in Emerald Dream called Keen-Eyed Cian, he spawns around the Iridescent Thicket area and he seems to patrol around so have a little look around for him. We found him at coordinates 41/50.

  • Blue Dreamsaber - Attune Hunting Dramsabers (Slient Mark, Near Shoreline Roots)

There is also a Green version of the dreamsabers and this is got with the Silent Mark of the Dreamsaber, so one of the four items that you bought earlier you'll need to attune this one with the hunting dreamsabers. Now quite a good area to find these in the area near Shoreline Roots, they didn't have 10 in the area but there were plenty. so we just needed to wait once for the buff to wear off for a few of them and go and rescan a few of them again to get this item.

  • Somnowl (Travel Flight Forms) - The Q'uonzu Query (Questline, Start at Halfurion, Main Hub)

There's some lovely new Somnowl, some little owls that we can now turn into. And the first one of these is from the Q'uonzu Query quest line. This is incredibly easy to get when you make it to the main Hub area of the Emerald Dream, you will get a quest to go and speak to Q'uonzu, just follow that quest line, and it will not take very long (around 10 minutes). It's super easy to do, there are no bosses or any tricky requirements. Once you've completed that, he will give you the item to Grant you this form. It is scenarios in the central encampment that will give you this Quest and the final quest in the chain is called the Answers You've Earned.

  • Balck & Red Somnowl (Travel Flight Forms) - Mark of the Slumbering Somnowl

Now the black and the red version of this mount comes from The Mark of the Slumbering Somnowl, so what you need to do for this is go around the Emerald Dream and cast Hibernate on various Somnowls that are scattered around the zone. Once they're hibernated, you can then click on them and that'll grant you a soft somnil feather. Once you've got five of those Soft Somnowl feathers, you then combine that with a Silken Thread from any sort of tailoring or general goods vendor, and then that'll give you the Somnowl Feather Strand. Now you've got that, you just need to combine that item with a Runed Writhebark, so it's got to be Max quality, and that will then grant you the appearance.

  • Feather of the Blazing Somnowl - Fyrakk Drop (Mythic Boss)

Then we've got the incredible one the Feather of the Blazing Somnowl - a new relos flames guidance. So what you need to do for this is unfortunately kill Fyrakk on Mythic difficulty, so this is going to be out of bounds for a lot of players there's going to be a lot of people buying boosts for this of course which there usually are. So once you get that you do actually get it as a dragon riding mount and if you're a druid you get it as a druid form.

  • Dreaming Nae'dra (Swimming Form)

To get this Dreaming Nae'dra, you actually have to do some fishing in the Nae'dra raid. You need to head to the area of the raid called The Pit of Saron and fish in the lava pools there to collect 10 Awakening Sunfish. Once you've done that, then head to the Waters of the Wellspring Atrium and fish up 10 Slumbering Moonfish. Now we are going to assume that as a druid we should be able to stal through this hopefully none of the druids are locked off by needing a boss kill, but if so remember the LFR is out the first week of the patch when the season starts so we shouldn't have to wait too long to be able to go and do this. Once you've got both sets of those fish, then throw them back into the Waters of a madril and you'll get stacks of Sunfish Essence and Moonfish Essence. Once you've thrown all the fish back, you should then receive a different buff called a Tuned Angler, with that buff then go back to the beginning of the red and fish in the biggest pool of water within the Wellspring Atrium. You should see a Prison Matic Whisker fish pool, if you fish in that pool with the buff then  you'll get Xena, the Whimsical Whiskerfish, then take Xena back into the Waters of Amadil, toss her in and that will grant you the item that gives you the form.

  • Dreamtalons (Travel Ground Forms)

You can get one of these Raptor tiger hybrid thingies really easily: 

Black & Purple Dreamtalons - Ristar the Rabid (Rare, 44/39): The black/ purple variant of it from Ristar the Rabid in the Emerald Dream, at coordinates 44/39. 

Blue & Purple Dreamtalons: The blue and purple ones come from the Emerald Bounty which is that seed event that we mentioned earlier. 

Geen & Red Dreamtalons - Attune with Dreamtalons (Silent Mark, Outside Matriarch Keevah Spawn): The green and red version comes from Matriarch Keevah - another rare in Emerald Dream on the map but the coordinates are 41/73. 

Whitey Green Dreamtalons - Matriarch Keevah (Rare, 41/73): The Whitey Green version of this form comes from the Silent Mark of the Dreamtalent, so again this is one of the four items that you bought from the vendor earlier on in the guide, the best location to attune this seem to be the area right next to the Matriarch Keevah spawn point, there's tons of these mobs all around and the two colors of them work as well so a tune away once you've got your 10 you should have this done quickly.

  • Gladeheart (Travel Forms)

Then finally we've got the Gladeheart, so there are three versions of these:

Green Gladeheart - Fenblossom Stags (Silent Mark, Meandering Rootlands): The green one comes from the Silent Mark of the Dreamstag, so again buy the item and then Channel at 10 Stags in Meandering Rootlands and plenty of those mobs around there.

Gold Gladeheart: The golden version of this mount comes from inscription so we will need to wait for inscribers or scribers or whatever you call them to find that recipe and make that for us, then we should be able to either get it crafted through work orders or buy that on the auction house and just learn it straight away。

Ashen Gladeheart - Talonthei Ashwishper (Rare, 5 Spawn Points): The ashy version of this comes from the rare Tannoy Ash Whisper now, this is another rare in the Emerald Dream but it's a little bit more tricky as it has five different potential spawn points.

That is how to get all of the new Druid forms coming in the patch, we hope you enjoyed this guide and found it useful.