Diablo 4 Launch Class Tier List & Ranking - Best and Most Op Class to Pick in D4

5/30/2023 10:40:54 AM

It’s getting very close to the global release of Diablo IV, after different beta iterations and tests, what is the most op class for D4? Let’s go over a Diablo 4 launch class tier list to rank the best and worst characters.

Diablo 4 Launch Class Tier List

Diablo 4 Launch Class Tier List & Ranking - Best and Most Op Class to Pick in D4

Now, no one can play through Diablo IV to get to the endgame and test every single situation in the game, so this D4 launch tier list by ChoseN | Diablo towards to be a prediction of the first few weeks, all the five starting classes are ranked here, when it comes to the most op and best class in Diablo 4, Druid is going to be beyond everything else, then Sorcerer and Necromancer are both solid options as well.

1. Rogue - S Tier 

The only character in the S tier is the Rogue, this is probably the most op and broken class to play in Diablo IV, it has lots of mobility and different play styles, and it cranks out a lot of damage. Rogue was the most popular choice and one of the most played classes. It is also going to really shine for this iteration of the pre-season of Diablo 4. For the first couple of days and Season 1 in D4, just go with Rogue and learn how to play it well, you also have a high chance of having a build that performs well, you will be insane during the leveling process. 

2. Sorcerer - A Tier

The next one and number two class is the Sorcerer/Sorceress, it is put in the A tier above Necro. The Sorcerer is just going to be consistent, leveling is super fun with chain lightning, it is a skill shot, but you hit something, chain lightning kind of bounces everywhere, and you've got your hydras, if you end up getting lucky enough to find the aspect that gives you two hydras, the fire build can be a lot of fun and really good for boss fights. Sorc also has lots of different options and play styles, it is definitely going to be a strong choice and similar to the Rogue, if you're just looking for something that's gonna be consistent and allow you to crank out a decent amount of damage and have a decent amount of options available, such as the fire, cold, and hydra builds, Sorceress is going to be a good choice.

3. Necromancer - A Tier

Necromancer is known for the summoning and the army of skeletons, using the golems and all sorts of different bone mechanics. Necro is a super fun and iconic class that appeared in many Diablo series games, in Diablo 4, it is always a popular and fan-favorite class and is going to be in the A tier because the minions do provide you a lot of utility and tankiness to soak up a lot of aggro and you can do things like farm events. The problem is that the minions are not that great in PvP or boss fights, it can get a little bit frustrating, we need a little bit more mechanics, but they did adjust them after the server slam, so the Necromancer is in between A and B

4. Druid - C Tier

Moving on to the Druid, the shape-shifting and summoning, the different companions and stuff are gonna be using the elements of the earth and stuff gonna be the foundation of the Druid, definitely a fun and well-designed class, it's going to have a little bit more of the clunkiness that the Barbarian is going to deal with, it's going to be hard for the Druid to zip around the battlefield and do a ton of damage and some of the stuff seems to be hitting a little bit too low as we level up, so it is put in the C tier on this list. 

5. Barbarian - C Tier

Lastly, the Barbarian is also an iconic class in all Diablo games, it is gonna be a very popular pick, especially for new people to the Diablo experience. However, Barb is a pure melee character in D4, for leveling up, melee is just gonna feel a little bit more clunky until you're really optimized when you are in the end game and your build is really shining, if you don’t get that, playing the Barbarian might not be the optimal option, it's not to say that the Barb doesn't have things that can be broken, some builds like Thorns Barbarian and Whirlwind Barbarian are also iconic and great, but compared to other options in the game, Barb is going to be in a lower rank.