How To Get Legendary Aspects Fast In Diablo 4 - Best D4 Gear Farming Guide

7/6/2023 2:52:51 PM

Are you trying to farm a specific legendary aspect in Diablo 4? Today, in the best D4 gear farming guide, we’re about to share a very easy way to massively increase your chances of getting the specific legendary aspect or unique that you're after.


Diablo 4 Legendary & Unique Farming Guide - 3 Best Ways To Get Legendary Aspects In D4

Legendary aspects are unique abilities that can be imbued into weapons and equipment to increase their strength and utility. Hunting legendary aspects in Diablo 4 down can be quite time-consuming. If you need something very specific to make a build, you want to try to improve your current build, or to just get one you already have but a better roll, you can be waiting a long while in cycling through a lot of legendaries. In our Diablo IV legendary aspect farming guide, let's go over how we can game the system and massively improve that process and get the legendary aspect that you need much quicker.


Best Legendary Aspect Farm Method

To use an easy example, let's take a Sorcerer aspect, this one specifically Binding Embers. The Flame Shield Ephesian immobilize is to help explain this. This legendary aspect can drop on gloves, helmets, chests, boots, and your amulet. So whenever one of those six pieces of gear drops as legendary and you pick it up, you might have got this aspect that you're after. But the thing is the chances for it to be each of those six types of gear are not equal. You have a 3% chance on your amulet for it to be Binding Embers when it drops. However, if you look at the helmet slot, there is a 14% chance for it to be Binding Embers, that's nearly 5 times. We even have a 23% chance for boots to have the Binding Embers. Percent chance isn't absolute odds relative to every other because obviously there are lots of potential aspects on boots, but relative to the other slots, it's 23%. So ideally if you're hunting down Binding Embers, you want all the Diablo 4 legendary items that are dropping to boot, because they have the highest chance of giving you what you're after. However, drops are random, there are three ways to get specific legendary aspects.


1. Gambling Obol Vendor

Boots are the way to make this happen, you can very specifically target by boots and then you are increasing your odds to their maximum of it happening. It really is that simple. If you know which slot of gear the legendary aspect you need is most likely to appear on, then we can combine that with the Obol gambling vendor and be able to specifically choose what to buy to get it as quickly as possible. But it goes beyond just Obol's just gambling, the same applies to the red dust seeds of hatred of PvP gambling vendors.


2. Alts

There are a selection of aspects that are all class aspects, such as Aspect of Disobedience which is the single best survivability aspect in the game and essentially everyone should be running it so. If you wanted to get that, let's say you have alts, you're not just running your main character, you are running alts too. Let's say you have a Necromancer alt and you want Aspect of Disobedience. The thing is Necromancers out of every class have the least amount of class-specific leg aspects that can drop. This means on a Necromancer, you have a relative 28% chance to get Aspect of Disobedience on any given legendary legs that drop, whereas that goes all the way down to a 15% chance on Rogue. So ideally if you want Aspect of Disobedience on your main hop to your Necromancer alt, head to the Obol vendor, and gamble away at legs. That one is more niche because not everyone has also everyone has high enough level alts and so on and so forth. But it is something worth pointing out if that is a situation you find yourself in.


3. Enemies

The third best D4 legendary aspect farming method is to use our Binding Embers as an example by farming the correct type of enemy. Every enemy type, every enemy group such as bandits or drowned or spiders has an increased five times chance to drop a specific category of loot. As we know Binding, Embers are most likely to appear on boots drowned category of the enemy, their most common enhanced drops are scythes, and two-handed maces both of which aren't dropping for Sorcerers, and then boots and trousers. If we deliberately go do chain either a nightmare or normal dungeons that has a high density of drowned, then we suddenly have five times the chance for any legendary that drops while we’re killing drowned-to-be boots. 

Then the boots have the highest chance to have Binding Embers so we have the maximum likelihood of getting the specific aspect we’re after to drop, instead of just randomly doing dungeons everywhere and hoping for the best. To fully tie this example up in a bow, the dungeon that has the highest density of drowned is the Ruins of Eridu, we would just run that on repeat and hope that the boots drop and hope that the boots have Binding Embers. In that instance that hope is backed up by the highest statistical likelihood.