Diablo 4 Best Solo XP Farms After Patch - D4 Best Ways to Farm Legendary & Uniques (Reach Level 100 Fast)

7/7/2023 4:58:18 PM

Since patch 1.0.3/1.0.4 went live, how XP is earned now within nightmare dungeons has drastically changed. Several of those changes centered around adjustments to experience rewards, and some players may wonder if they should adjust their XP farming strategy in a post-patch world. Today we bring you the 5 best D4 solo nightmare dungeons to farm for XP. 

Diablo 4 Best Solo XP Farms After Patch - Best Ways to Farm D4 Legendary & Uniques to Reach Level 100 Fast

Nightmare Dungeons and the XP they give off now's crazy good, they're all you really need to be farming if you need the XP. Now these have been tried and tested for the solo player, tried and tested by PC players as the 5 best in the game as of right now for those XP gains efficiency and that loot. Here are all the details about Diablo 4's best XP farms for solo players after patch 1.0.3.

#5. Best Nightmare Dungeon to Farm XP - Raethwind Wilds

This isn't a dungeon we've used or experienced that much in Diablo for life, but it seems like a pretty good one to run for us though there have always been ones better too, but there are always being ones better to run this one and it seems as though, although there are four better, this is still top 5 best solo XP farms in Diablo 4. So look out for those nightmare sigils if you get one with magic find item which increases those loot drops too, you may just want to farm this one or just complete it and level up your glyph, that's entirely up to you. Now XP gains, we're going to survival in Wilds is upwards of 30 million XP per hour, this obviously depends on your build and how efficient you can run these things, but this one's upwards of 30 million XP per hour. So a default top 5 solo XP farm is the Raethwind Wilds dungeon.

#4. Best XP Farm Dungeon after Patch 1.0.3/1.0.4 - Aldurwood

Within this one, you can expect to earn closer to 31 million XP per hour. So this is a great farming do you want to take serious too. If you have that nightmare sigils or if you have that Aldurwood if you can definitely determine, the enemies are going to be a few levels above you, your XP gains are going to be through the roots.

#3. Best XP & Loot Farm Dungeon - Sunken Ruins

You can expect to earn close to 33 million XP per hour within this one, it's quite a decent dungeon, plenty of enemies with it in this one. So no one notes in that number 3 spot for solo XP farmers in regards to dungeons and what you can earn efficiently. It's all about an efficient build and allowing you to run these faster, but even all with your builds quick at killing enemies or not even still, these are still the best 5 dungeons in Diablo 4 you can farm for the XP.

#2. Best Dungeon to Farm XP & Loot - Guulrahn Canals

This is upwards of 34 million XP per hour if you're efficient with that build. So it's definitely one you want to run, this actually reminds us of the dungeon in that number 1 spot, plenty of spiders, plenty of those enemies all over the place, massive groups of them and what we loved about this one was when we were running it with a team, the amount of events that was in here sometimes 3 or 4 events per dungeon, giving you even more XP gains and that loots. So the Guulrahn Canals is an absolutely incredible dungeon, you definitely want to be taken advantage of if you do get that nightmare sigils drop for you.

#1. Best Solo XP Farm Location/Spot - Blind Burrows

This is a quick and efficient dungeon you can learn quickly and fastly, XP per run of a single dungeon probably won't be the best in the game if you're planning on farming this over and over, you're earning closer towards 36 million XP per hour. If you do this in like co-op, it's going to at least add a third onto that, so that's absolutely crazy. So Blind Burrows is probably the best dungeon to farm XP in Diablo IV, and it’s actually nerfed, this thing is incredible, it's just because of the amount of enemies within here and because they've added experience for killing enemies and monsters within dungeons, they earn so much from this one. Don't forget those small spiders, they give you equal amounts of XP as the normal enemy sold as many more small spiders in here as well, so it's just pure XP gains. But the Blind Burrows is number one in regards to solo XP per hour you can earn, almost 36 million per hour if you have an efficient farming method with your build.

So those are the top 5 best XP farms for solo players in Diablo 4 as of right now!

How to Farm Nightmare Dungeon After Patch 1.0.3 Diablo 4

If you aren’t aware post 1.0.3 patch for Diablo 4, you still can farm nightmare dungeons and this is exactly how you do this:

- You simply need to get that nightmare dungeon sigil and activate it. Whatever nightmare dungeon you want to farm, go ahead and activate it. 

- Upon doing this, you need to head to said nightmare dungeon and enter it. Once you're inside the nightmare dungeon, you need to leave the nightmare dungeon. 

- Then you want to travel to the Ruins of the Rakhat Keep: Inner Court and then head into the Iron Hold dungeon right next to it. 

- You need to complete that first objective, and to do this, you simply run past all of the enemies, search for that Elite is normally top, but kill the elite, he will drop that Jailer’s Key, pick up and the objective is done.

- From here, simply leave the Iron Hold dungeon, then you want to head back to your sigil activated nightmare dungeon. From here, you can just fire them away, do not complete this nightmare dungeon and do not quit at the game, both were equipped you losing your nightmare dungeon. 

- Now what you want to do is within this nightmare dungeon, you want to run it up until the end of the nightmare dungeon. To the boss or to completing that last objective, but do not do this, do not complete the last objective or do not defeat the boss. If you do this, you lose the ability to farm this, so go up until the last point. 

- Then you want to simply leave the dungeon. Once you've left the dungeon, head back to the iron hold, run the first objective again, upon you doing this and running that first objective again, it resets your nightmare sigil, your nightmare dungeon, so you can go back to your nightmare dungeon from this point and farm it again. 

- Now to reset it every single time, you will need to go to another dungeon, we recommend iron hold, run the first objective, this resets your nightmare dungeon, allowing you to farm it over and over again as a solo player. So if you have a nightmare sigil for a nightmare dungeon, you can earn tons of XP farm, you may as well farm it.