Wotlk Classic Phase 4 ICC Release Date & Investments - When Will ICC Start & How To Prepare

8/17/2023 4:46:06 PM

Wrath of the Lich King is looking at a 6 to 7-month window for phase 4 ICC because of how everything has fallen out, including the people's content exposure. Today, we want to talk about Wotlk Classic ICC Icecrown Citadel release date predictions and how to prepare it.  


Wotlk Phase 4 ICC Release Date

BlizzCon is going to release on Saturday, November 4, 2023. That is when they're going to announce ICC. We will get the patch on November 28 and we will probably see ICC open in totality on Thursday, November 30, 2023.


Wotlk Phase 4 ICC Preparations

If you prefer making smart now to generate hundreds of thousands of gold to buy the items. Today, we talk about the 10 best and worst Wotlk phase 4 investments to make you rich in Icecrown Citadel.


Best Investment 10 - Jormungar Scales

There are a bunch of new 264 crafted item level pieces that require various materials just like the Crusader web gear. One crafting item you may have forgotten is the Jormungar Scales. These will be used in two different new recipes in phase 4 and they're currently rock bottom on the server. They have pretty high vendor value which means you could get saddled with a bunch of posting fees if they don't sell.


Bad Investment 9 - Titansteel Bars

At number nine, we have a bad investment in Titansteel Bars. The total cost of supplies for a Titansteel Bars is about 40 gold on the server. Meanwhile, the bars are selling for about 200 each. You may even have a few Titansteel Bars sitting around and they'll hold value throughout the expansion but not so fast. In WoW Wotlk phase 4, the Titansteel Bar cooldown will get removed. That means the price of these bars will tank to be much closer to the material prices.


Best Investment 8 - Northern Spices 

We're nearly a year into Wrath and there's no way the average player is doing the cooking dailies anymore. The problem is that barely anybody dies in TOC. That means food usage is at an all-time low. Unlike TOC, ICC will be a very hard three-hour plus raid. Northern spices will go up at least 30% in the next 4 months.


Best Investment 7 - Eternal Earth & Eternal Shadow

There are new arrows and bullets added with the Ashen Verdict reputation in phase 4. Honored reputation will allow you to purchase one of the two new recipes for one Primordial Saronite. Just think of the Primordial Saronite like the new Crusader Orb with no Mis engineering. You can take two Crystallized Shadows and make a thousand Iceblade Arrows. Meanwhile, with goblin engineering, you can take two Crystallized Shadows and make 1000 Shadow rounds. As for which specialization to choose for max profit, way fewer people are Gnomish right now. That means making the arrow seems like a smart play. The best thing you can do is invest heavily in both these Eternals since they should be a great Wotlk gold maker.


Best Investment 6 - Abyss Crystals 

Abyss Crystals are rock bottom right now and people definitely forget how necessary they are for enchanting. As world tours dry up, Abyss Crystal should stabilize and rise in price again. That is of course unless we get a new Titan Rune gamma mode with even more epic drops. You shouldn't forget the Abyssal Shatter which came out this phase as well. That can be profitable by generating greater cosmic essence depending on the prices.


Best Investment 6 - Frozen Orbs 

Frozen orbs are either going to be good or terrible depending on your server prices. There's a new NPC named Frozo in phase 3 and it'll turn your Frozen Orbs into Eternals or Crusader Orbs. It'll take 6 Frozen Orbs to create one Crusader Orb. Currently on Faerlina, a room door from last race is 150 gold. 


Best Investment 5 - Dream Shards

The number 4 best WotLK Classic phase 4 investment you can make is Dream Shards. Dream Shards are required for a lot of relevant enchants like superior spellpower for bracers and mighty spellpower for weapons. Typically you'd be getting a lot of Dream Shards from heroic dungeons but pretty much everybody does Heroic plus now where all you get is purples. Sure you could do the Sarah Knight Shuffle and generate shards that way, but fewer people are going to be doing that in the next 4 months. That means Dream Shards should rise in price throughout the rest of the expansion. 


Best Investment 3 - A Network

At number three best phase 4 investment in Wrath of the Lich King, we have a network. This is more of a plan than just an investment but you should definitely invest in a network of players to do the Ashen Verdict rep farming with. It is certainly possible there won't be epic drops from the early trash mobs but if there are, you can bet the initial profit will be over 20000 gold per hour. If finding a tank will always be the hardest part so if you can gear out Protection Paladin or a Death Knight, it'll make things a lot smoother. We also recommend trying to lock down a healer or two before the face even drops and offer them a percentage of the profit. 


Best Investment 3 - Raid Consumables

The number two best investment you can make is raid consumables. Ice Crown Citadel is a really hard raid and the heroic mode bosses are definitely above the level of Ulduar. That means Runic Mana Injectors, Wild Magic Fish Feasts everything is going to spike in price in the first few weeks. Right now consumables like fish feasts are only 5 gold on the server, but you can easily see them at 8-9 gold on lunch day. Just think of what raid consumables were expensive the first few weeks of Ulduar and stockpile thousands of them. A bonus tip is to have Alchemy on, slowly making potions of speed whenever the materials are cheap.


Best Investment 1 - Primordial Saronite

The number one investment you can make for profit is in yourself. This investment is really centered all around Primordial Saronite. We unfortunately can invest in futures on  Primordial Saronite but we can prepare to generate as much as humanly possible. Primordial Saronite is used not only for craft BOEs but for the new recipes and it's even featured in the new Shadowmoure questline. That means for the first two weeks, it'll hold a value of over 3000 gold per Primordial Saronite. You can get the Saronite from 23 Emblems of Triumph or from the Icecrown bosses. That means the real investment is having more characters to raid the first few weeks, the more alts you invest in, the more weekly quests you can do, and the more emblems you can farm in raids to acquire those Saronite to sell in the auction house.

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