Season of Discovery Best BFD DPS, Healer & Tank - SoD BFD Tier List & Ranking

12/14/2023 2:44:51 PM

What are the strongest specs in the WOW Season of Discovery Blackfanthom Deeps? Today,’s got you a Season of Discovery BFD ranking! This SoD BFD DPS, Healer & Tank tier list reflects the power of certain synergistic buffs and utility that are dominating the current raid meta.

SoD BFD DPS, Healer & Tank Tier List - Best BFD Class & Specs in Season of Discovery

Blackfathom Deeps is one of the earliest level-appropriate dungeons/raids. Bosses include Gelihast, Ludman Spoorfind, Bash'ir Landing, Lord Serpentis, and Murloc Overlord. Fights involve basic tanks and spanks as well as some movement and target switching. Next, we’re going to talk about Season of Discovery best BFD DPS, Healers, and Tanks. Blackfathom Deeps reflects an early-stage raid environment where available toolkits and synergies shape the meta before specs develop full potential. 


S Tier

Protection Warrior - Warriors bring extremely high single target and AoE threat generation through Thunder Clap, Revenge procs, and Shield Slam. They do very competitive damage while tanking and can use Thunder Armor to debuff physical damage taken. With rage-generating talents, they maintain near 100% uptime on their defenses.

Enhancement Shaman - Enhance brings the highest overall damage and threat output of any tank spec through Flametongue Weapon, Windfury Totem (for melee cleave threat), and a strong rotation of damaging abilities. They have tools like Earthbind and Earth Shock to control multiple targets. Their high mobility and utility like Bloodlust make them very valuable.

Holy Priest - Priests bring extremely powerful single target and multi-target healing through Prayer of Healing, Prayer of Mending, and Flash Heal. They provide buffs like Shadow Protection and Spiritual Healing. Their ability to dispel and control targets with abilities like Psychic Scream and Shackle Undead give them strong utility.

Feral Druid - Ferals pump out competitive damage through Lacerate, Rip, and bleeds while maintaining strong overall threat. They bring Mark of the Wild for damage reduction and Rebirth for rezzes. As a hybrid, they provide off-tanking or light heals if needed.

Beast Mastery Hunter - Hunters bring extremely high consistent damage through Steady Shot and their pet. Aspect of the Wild and Blessing of Kings buffs let them contribute mightily to overall DPS. Their pet provides tanking or off-tanking when needed.

Fury Warrior - Benefits tremendously from Windfury Totem, other physical damage buffs, and Bloodlust. Hits extremely hard through abilities like Mortal Strike and Slam. Warriors bring high armor and physical survivability.

Assassination Rogue - Takes advantage of armor penetration and Windfury. Can pump out heavy damage and bleeds through abilities like Garrote and Rupture. Brings utility like Sap, Blind and poisons. Very mobile damage dealer.


A Tier

Protection Paladin - Strong mitigation through Avenger's Shield, Blessing of Sacrifice and Blessing of Protection. Can off-heal somewhat. Damage output limited without a damage-focus and flexibility is lower than S-tier tanks.

Demonology Warlock - Good mix of tankiness through Demon Armor/Fel Armor and Demon Skin, and moderate damage. Chaos Bolt and Firebolts provide strong threat. Immolate for ticking damage. Weaker mitigation than top tanks limits them.

Arcane Mage - Provides extremely strong burst AoE and cleave damage through Arcane Explosion and Missile Barrage. Can off-heal in a pinch with Evocation and Mana Gems. Prioritizes healing role where damage output is slightly lower.

Restoration Druid - Strong healing output and efficient group healing through Healing Touch, Regrowth and Rejuvenation. Brings Mark of the Wild, Battle Rez and Tranquility. Lacks dispel and targeted single target healing.

Retribution Paladin - Benefits from all the new melee buffs. Can support role with Blessings, dispels and Sacrifice. Damage is good but not great without consistent buff uptime or Windfury support. More utility than pure damage.

Affliction Warlock - Excellent consistent damage over time effects through Corruption, Agony and Unstable Affliction. Provides Healthstones and summoning utility. Damage lower than top mechanical DPS without Nightfall procs yet.


B Tier

Guardian Druid - Solid tanking toolkit and survivability through armor bonuses and Savage Defense. Damage output lower without Mangle/Lacerate. Low AoE threat holds them back slightly.

Outlaw Rogue - Between Adrenaline Rush and buff procs, can pump out strong damage. Limited support abilities compared to top melee DPS. Damage more reliant on procs/RNG than top specs.

Restoration Shaman - Strong single-target healing output. Chain Heal provides solid raid healing. Buffs like Windfury totem are helpful. Limited mana efficiency and support capabilities currently.

Holy Paladin - Very tank-oriented healing toolkit through beacon, Holy Light and Sacrifice. Limited support through single Blessing. Lower mana efficiency and healing throughput than other healers currently.

Fire Mage - Strong burst AoE and cleave potential through Ignite and Fire Blast. Slightly lower overall damage than Arcane without access to same support tools or rotations yet.


C Tier

Shadow Priest - Missing key talents and abilities that define the spec like Voidform, Mind Blast and Mind Flay upgrades. Damage output simply isn't competitive without these yet.

Elemental Shaman - At the mercy of slow Lightning Bolts without talents like Elemental Focus or Chain Lightning. Limited throughput compared to casters that can seamlessly weave spells.

Balance Druid - Starfall and Moonfire are underwhelming without Moonkin Form talents like Shooting Stars and Eclipse. Missing many core abilities that define the Balance rotation and damage.

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