WoW SoD Phase 2 Preparation Guide - 7 Things to Do Before Season of Discovery Phase 2 Releases

12/20/2023 11:10:10 AM

Season of Discovery phase 2 is fast approaching, it's time to start preparing for the new content and challenges that await. Today we are going to be showing you some fantastic tips of ways you can get ahead before phase 2 even launches. This is going to be for getting around and traveling professions, XP, PVP, and those pesky reputations.

7 Things to Do Before Season of Discovery Phase 2 Releases - SoD Phase 2 Preparation Guide

1. Flight Paths 

First up is flight paths in order to minimize that friction of travel before we get our hands on those level 40 mounts more on those shortly. Of course flight paths are our preferred method of getting around. A few ones to note importantly for questing are going to be South Shore and Tarren Mill if you haven't got these already, because of the ample access we get to Arathi Highlands which is going to be a perfect place for leveling in phase 2. Speaking of questing, we can't forget that Stranglethorn Vale is going to be the favorite place for a lot of players and it's a highly anticipated PVP zone for phase 2 of Season of Discovery as well. If you are horde, don't forget you can just hop on that boat over from Ratchet, Alliance however will have to walk their way down as those Eastern Kingdoms. If you can't find the flight paths, it is at the pub and as a platform for both Alliance and a platform for horde with their very own Wind Riders or Griffin Riders.

If you are feeling brave, these are some of the dungeons that you will be able to enter in the phase 2 level range.

- Gnomeregan: 29-38

- Razorfen Kraul: 30-40

- Scarlet Monastery: 26-45

  • Graveyard: 28-38

  • Library: 29-39

  • Armory: 32-42

  • Cathedral: 35-45

- Razorfen Downs: 40-50

- Uldaman: 42-52

- Zul’Farrak: 44-54

2. Visiting Class Trainer

The next thing to do to prepare for Phase 2 SoD is to visit your class trainer, make sure you've got enough gold to handle and learn all of those skills that we're going to be learning up to level 40. We have just added up all of the priest ones from 25 to 40 and it actually comes over 50 gold. So if you are poor, then getting that 50 gold extra for this could be really worthwhile before Phase 2, making sure you're always going to have enough.

3. Cooking Rep

The next thing to do before Season of Discovery Phase 2 releases is cooking prep. Now while we don't know the exact level cap of professions in Phase 2, we can assume that it may be something like 200, that means farming things like these Raptor eggs in the Wetlands or lions in Hillsbrad Foothills, but these recipes will help you easily achieve at least 175 in cooking on day 1. Just farm the ingredients now so that you can cook them and increase your level once Phase 2 drops immediately.

That people may be looking to buy large quantities of these resources once Phase 2 drops, so again if you farm them now, you could be quids in when Phase 2 drops by using this tactic on the auction house we will see. The same is then going to go for professions with leveling those in advance as well.  

4. Get Rich

Get rich quick and get a 100 gold, so that when you do reach 40, you're not left sure and you can afford one of these bad boys from the trainers, it's 80 gold for the mount and 20 gold to be able to train to ride the mount as well. If you've got another 10 gold spare, then you can always come to the Ashen Veil vendors from the Warson Gulch reputations and get the Ashen Veil mounts as well. There's a chance that we might be able to use these when we're leveling in strangle for Veil as that's going to be the new PVP zone. It's not definite and actually, Blizzard might say it's an outright no for that and that we won't be able to use those mounts. This one is going to be really useful for everyone that is questing both for gold and XP. So once you are level 25, you're going to want to continue questing in places like the Hillsbrad Foothills. Make sure that you're doing quests like the Battle of Hillsbrad so that they are quests where you're killing or gathering items. And the reason we want to do this is that we can leave them pending as complete, and when Phase 2 finally comes, we can go and hand in all of these quests for a huge XP boost. This means we could even just get an extra whole level or two levels of XP on day 1.

So a great place is Hillsbrad Foothills, if you've got quests here that you haven't completed, another one is going to be the Southern Barons. There's quite a lot of level 25 quests, you could do all of these quests, mean that on day 1 of Phase 2, you can just get all that XP.

5. Find More Quests

Another tip for SoD Phase 2 preparation is if you don't want to do that or you could do both depending on how many quests you can find available is that, once you get level 25 you can hand in these quests and they're going to give you gold rather than XP as a reward. There's a really great pack to get gold at level 25 in Phase 1 as well. So you could do a bit of both and get some XP to Phase 2 and get your gold up for Phase 1.

6. Stay in Orgrimmar

Regarding XP, another little tip is don't leave Orgrimmar, basically don't forget about the rested experience that we can get. A few days before we log out before Phase 2 comes, make sure that you're logging out in Orgrimmar or Stormwind so that you get the absolute maximum of the rested experience. This could be up to 8 hours of double experience when Phase 2 drops.

7. Supply Shipments and Get Runes

Another thing is going to be going to the Durar Logistics or the other people in Alliance and making sure that we're getting our rep up with these shipments. If you don't know, you do need to get to honored to get certain runes for every single class. And we do highly anticipate that in Phase 2 they are going to be sneaking that rep cap up all the way to revere. If you don't know how to do it, you basically are going to find supply shipments, fill them up with whatever they're asking to, come with a full shipment and hand it in for a bit of silver. 

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