Lords of the Fallen Radiance Quest Guide: Illuminator Aubrey Locations, Routes & Walkthrough

12/28/2023 2:40:27 PM

Part two of the Season of Revelry update for Lords of the Fallen brings 3 new quests for armor and weapons. A new quest for changing your character's appearance, a storage box and skyrest where you can hold 2,000 LOTF items, new grievous strikes, and more. In this LOTF Radiance quest guide, we’ll cover how to complete the quest for the Illuminator Aubrey armor set and the associated weapon flickering flail.


Lords of the Fallen Illuminator Aubrey Farming Guide - How to Complete Radiance Quest Fast & Easy

This Lords of the Fallen Radiance quest can be done at any point during a normal run or any new plus runs but it will help if you have the majority of the vestiges unlocked and bosses defeated. So that you can easily traverse around the map to complete these steps and thankfully none of the steps involve any RNG. All of the weapons and armor added in this update are permanent so you don't have to worry about them going away at all. Next, let's check the Lords of the Fallen Illuminator Aubrey locations, routes, and walkthrough.


Lords of the Fallen Radiance Quest Walkthrough

Claim the Flickering Flail

Make your way through the Tower of Penance dungeon, fighting past enemies until you reach Tank's boss arena at the bottom. Engage in battle with the hulking Tank enemy. Watch out for his slow but heavy attacks. Roll away from his slams and get a few hits in when you see openings. Eventually his large health bar will deplete and he'll fall. Loot the key from his corpse.

Interact with the prison cell to the right of Tank's shrine. Inside you'll find the Flickering Flail resting against the wall. Pick it up to add this mystical weapon to your inventory.

Complete the First Shrine Objective

Retrace your steps back up through the Tower until you arrive at the shrine with the hooded statue. Perform the Orian Vow of Protection gesture in front of it. The statue will inform you that you must illuminate 5 Caran Knights.

These armored enemies patrol the large staircase room further up. Equip the Flickering Flail and attune the Radiant Weapon spell, causing its blade to glow with holy light. Wade into battle with the Knights, parrying and rolling as their blades swing. Land the final blows to sever their souls from their bodies while the flail is imbued with radiance.

Once 5 Knights have fallen to your illuminated flail, return to the shrine to complete this objective.

Farm the Crimson Rector

Make your way from the Abiding Defenders lantern rest site, dropping down near where you picked up Adbert Vern's key. Here you'll find the second shrine behind barred doors. Gesture to reveal killing 10 Crimson Rectors.

Just around the corner is a Crimson Rector patrolling alone. Engage it and watch its fire attacks. When its health is low, finish it with a Radiant Flickering Flail blow to claim its soul. Rest at the lantern, then repeat this battle 9 more times to fulfil this shrine's request.

Farm the Holy Bulwark

Just outside the shrine room kneels a single Holy Bulwark. Engage it in melee and watch for its wide sweeping mace attacks. Parry or dodge these strikes, then retaliate with a flurry of Radiant Flickering Flail blows to slowly chip away at its health. When it falls, its soul will emerge for you to claim. Rest and repeat this battle 9 more times to complete your tally of 10 illuminated Holy Bulwarks.

Find the Fourth Shrine

Travel to the room requiring Adbert Vern's Key. Just past the dropping platform with hazards below lies another shrine statue. Perform the gesture here. The statue requests the illumination of 10 Ardent Penitents. These robed enemies stray close to the flame.

Farm the Ardent Penitent

Look to where you first entered this room. A single Penitent patrols the entrance platform. Lure it away from its campfire with arrows or spells. Then battle it one-on-one, watching for its fire attacks. When its health nears empty, finish it with the Flickering Flail's Radiant blows. Repeat this fight 9 more times to fulfill the 10 Penitent quota for this shrine. Rest as needed at the nearby lantern site.

Find the Sixth Shrine

Travel deep into the haunted halls of Undead Purgatory. Pass through gardens overrun with vines and drop down broken elevators. Beyond lies a chamber where an ornate throne sits empty, its former occupant now dead on the floor. A shrine stands vigil near the fallen knight. Approach and use the Orian gesture to reveal the shrine's final request.

The Sixth Shrine's Objective

The statue asks that you illuminate 10 Pure Blade Knights before your quest can be completed. These honorable hollow warriors roam Purgatory's halls.

Travel to the Best Knight Farming Spot

Make your way to the room containing the Rune of Adeer near the Abbey of Hollowed Sisters. A doorway here opens onto a pathway near a scattered flower patch. Pure Blade Knights frequently patrol this stretch, lone sentinels keeping guard. This lonely route provides the perfect opportunity to engage the knights one by one and fulfil the shrine's objective.

Farm the Pure Blade Knights

Lure each knight to the flower patch and battle alone. Watch for their precise spear combos and counter with well-timed parries. Execute each with Radiant Flickering Flail blows until only their soul remains. Repeat this 10 times to illuminate the requested Pure Blade Knights. The final shrine will then be complete.

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