Diablo 4 Best Legendary Farm Spots & Fast Methods at Launch

6/2/2023 6:16:39 PM

Want to get the legendary aspect and items as fast as possible for your build? Follow us to check out the top 5 best legendary farm methods and spots in Diablo IV!

Diablo 4 Best Legendary Items & Aspect Farm Spots

Diablo 4 Best Legendary Farm Spots & Methods

In this guide, we're going over the top 5 best ways to get Legendaries in Diablo 4. Now there is one method on this list that is pre-level 50, after which you really don't care about farming for specific legendaries until you start reaching potentially the mid-game point where you might want to get a little bit stronger and do these methods as well as gather XP.  So without further ado, let's dive into some of these methods: 

1. Go to Higher Level Areas

The best way to get some higher quality legendary items and prep you for your campaign journey and potentially your level 50 is actually to go to the areas on the left-hand side of the map, such as Dry Steps and Catch a Storm, or even going down to Housar. Because these areas are going to be a little bit higher level than your current level which typically allows you  to go ahead and farm higher your items, specifically these strongholds. If you can do the strongholds which by the way will be tough because again you'll be under-leveled but that is going to be the best way to get those legendaries if you are looking for higher quality legendaries early on. However, we would definitely recommend that you don't do this because it's just better to level up go through the campaign, and then get to that world tier 3 as soon as possible because you do get far more legendaries in World tier 3 and World tier 4 than in World Tier 1 or 2. 

2. Helltide Zones

Now the majority of these methods except for the last one do require you to unlock World Tier 3 or to be on World Tier 4 because these modes don't even unlock until you've gone ahead and actually unlock World Tier 3.  The first one is Helltide Zones, now this one is probably the worst on this list outside of farming luxuries before 50 levels and that is because oftentimes it takes too long to pick up the Aberrant Cinders for you to unlock a chest. After we kill a couple of enemies, we're going to get the average Cinders and you can go ahead and use them on the chests now. The only exception to why this method is kind of mediocre one is it takes too long to actually get these average Cinders compared to just doing the other things on this list, but you can actually target farm certain slots, so for example, if you wanted boots you can go around to each chest and find the boots and then target farm a specific slotted legendary. So although this isn't going to give you as many legendaries in terms of quantity, it is going to give you potentially a specific aspect that you might be looking for or to upgrade a specific slot that is lacking a lot.

3. Tree of Whispers

This is a particularly good method because you actually unlock this after finishing campaign. Go ahead and finish campaign get to this method and it'll be far better than just farming those strongholds early on. Now specifically with the Tree of Whispers, we're trying to get 10 Grim favors and come back to the tree, so we can get cash, hopefully legendary cash which does drop frequently. The ones that we would recommend to farm are going to be these big groups of Open World events. These are going to be the best ways to pick up Grim favors. Dungeons are good actually better for overall account value because you're going to get more XP and it's going to be more consistent, but the open world events are going to be better legendaries typically because you can actually return to the Tree of Whispers quicker and of course oftentimes the events drop a chest of their wwn which makes it a little bit better for legendaries specifically. What's more, the higher World Tiers you go, the better this method becomes.

4. Nightmare Dungeons

This is sort of the end-game grind of the game which is why it's going to be one of the best ways, and mainly because the nightmare sigils actually increase the levels as you go up in the tiers of your monsters that you're fighting, which means that you could typically roll higher quality legendaries and also quite a bit of them if you're able to kill them quickly now. It's important to note that if you're going to push nightmare sigils, if you're going to try to go 30, 40, 50 levels above and you're not strong enough, you might die or maybe it takes you a long time, then this method will be less and less good. But if you're able to efficiently farm Nightmare dungeons, similar to able to farm let's say the Tree of Whispers dungeons or you know just as if it was sort of your normal open world content, or if you're again just doing them in a relatively quick pace, you're going to get more loot. As always Diablo typically favors speed over quality meaning the higher tier ones aren't going to give you as much reward as just running a ton of lower tier ones for those legendaries, but going to the higher tier ones is going to have the potential chance to drop you higher quality item power legendaries.

5. World Bosses

The absolute best method is going to be the world bosses, but they are not consistent, so you just have to do them whenever they show up and particularly every week because you can get weekly cash from them. Now if you have a strong build, it will absolutely annihilate the boss and give you a ton of legendaries. And this one particular as you are in higher World tiers, you get the higher quality ones and you'll drop multiple legendaries and get that cash for even more legendaries.

This is going to be the top five ways to get Legendaries in Diablo 4. If you are looking to progress quicker, we would actually recommend farming like strongholds while also grinding out XP, so typically focused dungeons but World bosses are a definitely good tour for very quick and easy legendaries assuming you have a strong build and you're ready to go for it.

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