D2R 2.7 Best Sorc Build - Lightning and Fire Sorceress Build Guide in Diablo 2 Resurrected

6/29/2023 4:59:19 PM

Today let’s take a look at a D2R 2.7 Sorceress build guide with stats, skills, gear, mercenary, and breakpoints. 

D2R 2.7 Best Sorc Build - Lightning and Fire Sorceress Build Guide in Diablo 2 Resurrected

This is a lightning and fire Sorceress in Diablo 2 Resurrected who fights with throwing knives, this throwing knife penetrates the targets very often and the novas also contribute to the area damage, the build kills very fast when farming solo. Below is the full setup by Mount Arreat.

1 - Stats

You want to put enough points into strength and dexterity to use the equipment, and the remaining points go into vitality.

- Strength 150

- Dexterity 262

- Vitality 298

- Energy 75

2 - Skills

Max out Static Field and Lightning Mastery on the lightning skill tree, and for fire skills, get Warmth, Enchant and Fire Mastery maximized. 

- Cold spells: Frozen Armor 1

- Lightning spells: Static Field 20, Lightning Mastery 20, Telekinesis 1, Teleport 1

- Fire spells: Enchant 20, Warmth 20, Fire Mastery 20

3 - Sorceress Breakpoints

In terms of cast rate, settle for a minimum of 20, teleporting is the only thing the Sorceress character will use her mana for, and for the attack speed, you’ll want to crack 78, and get 11 frames per attack with the throwing knife. 

Frames - FCR (Cast Rate)

13 - 0

12 - 9

11 - 20

10 - 37

9 - 63

8 - 105

7 - 200

Frames - IAS (Attack Speed)

16 - 0

15 - 6

14 - 16

13 - 29

12 - 48

11 - 78

4 - Equipment & Gear

For Diablo 2 items of this 2.7 Sorc build, Warshrike is the throwing knife to be used, it has a nice amount of deadly strike and piercing attacks and casts novas on hit, Dream runeword on helmet and shield, and the body armor is going to be Jeweler’s Wyrmhide of The Whale that provides +80% enhanced damage, +30% increased attack speed, increased lightning damage and minus to enemy lightning resistance. The Pain Chain amulet has plus 2 to Sorceress skill levels and a +20% faster cast rate. The Raven Frost ring helps against freezing, we also have Laying on Hands and Razortail to pierce monsters. When it comes to charms, Hellfire Torch and Annihilus as well as lightning skill charms and all rest charms with life, since we have two damage types, we don't really need a Sunder charms.

- Weapon: I - Warshrike (Winged Knife), II - Call To Arms

- Helm: Dream (Bone Visage)

- Shield: I - Dream (Troll Nest), II - Lidless Wall (Grim Shield)

- Body Armor: Jeweler’s Wyrmhide of The Whale

- Amulet: Pain Chain

- Rings: Bul-Kathos’s Wedding Band, Raven Frost/Stone of Jordan

- Gloves: Laying of Hands (Bramble Mitts)

- Belt: Razortail (Sharkskin Belt)

- Boots: Sandstorm Trek (Scarabshell Boots)

- Charms: Annihilus (Small Charm), Hellfire Torch (Large Charm), Sparking Grand Charm of Vita, Shimmering Small Charm of Vita

5 - Mercenary

for a better chance to hit and more damage, an Infinity (Cryptic Axe) mercenary with the aura Blessed Aim will help.

Guess you ask