Diablo 4 Infinite XP & Legendary Farm Glitches - Best XP Farming Exploits & Locations after Patch 1.1.1

8/9/2023 10:56:14 AM

Let's talk Diablo 4 Patch 1.1. XP Farm Glitch, Malignant Heart, Gold after patch Diablo IV! Tips and tricks!

  2023-08-09 105605

Diablo 4 Infinite XP & Legendary Farm Glitch - Malignant Heart

Wrathful heart farming exploit, here's the problem, you can have the Quest available, and you can obviously rinse and repeat it, the only issue is that the equipment that you receive is not going to be an invoker nor a wrathful heart, so it's not going to spit out any sort of loot, these can have some good stats, the glitches that you can do after the latest patch.


XP Farm Glitch

So what we're going to do here is talk about the infinite XP exploit that you can do, what you're going to do is locate a quest called Wayward Soul, do not get this mixed up with another Quest that has to do with soul at the end, if you can find this within a nightmare dungeon that would be great because you could obviously grab a crap ton of XP by rinse and repeating this method, what you need to do is just activate the quest or this event and then you're going to go through, follow the ghost, all the way through until sort of like in the middle, what we recommend is that you keep your distance away from the green swirling effect there, so once you do claim this first one here which is what we’ll do, we're going to then slow down here so that we do not allow the ghost to catch up to the next swirling green Mist there, what we're going to do is just lay off by just going outside of the green zone or excuse me the orange Zone there, we've got some colorblind for a second what you'll do is just stay away from the ghost because if you continuously stay in the middle here, you'll see on the right side, the bar is going to push forward, and you do not want that, what you want to do again is exit outside of the orange circle here the orange Zone, and then you're going to then leave the ghost by itself, what'll happen is that the enemies are going to obviously stop spawning in, because the event will be failed because that's what we need to do, we need to fail the event completely, and we're going to wait till the bar there is completely filled up, specifically the darker portion, this is because well the event is trying to complete itself, and there we go, now we failed the vent, we're going to obviously go inside the orange Zone there like we've done in the past, this will spawn in enemies and you can rinse and repeat this as much as you like.


So besides using this for just XP primarily are there, any other benefits, you can use this in Helltides and you can use this to complete some of those whisper tree events there, and to show further proof here, we're going to continuously go back into the orange Zone then exit out of it, try to do this quickly so that the ghost does not progress any further because again once, it is close to that green swirling Mist area there or whatever you want to call it, that's going to complete the event entirely. We're going to talk about the Helltides event, you want a character that has both World Tier 3 and World Tier 4 unlocked, if you're experiencing some sort of trouble with the event, you can think over to World Tier 3, grab a bunch of Cinder then exit out by leaving the game, once you're at the character selection screen here, go towards the right side, select a world tier, and make sure that it's over on world tier 4, then start the game, when you're back inside the game locate a mystery chess, and you can tell that at the top right, you should still have your Cinder, you can interact with the chest and there, you go easy legendaries and possibly some uniques that are if it does pop up.


Diablo 4 Infinite XP & Legendary Farm Glitch - Bear Tribe Refuge

Next we're going to talk about a great legendary unique farm that is possible, it might as well be considered a exploit of some sort because what we're going to be doing here is pretty much benefiting off of the massive Elite spawn, that is within this side quest engineer, it's located on the right side a lot of you already know about it it's located over here at the Bear Tribe Refuge, what you'll notice in this location is that there's going to be three to four quests available, you only want to complete three of them, and then there will be another one unlocked right afterwards and it'll be towards the top left, this will be the leader you will talk to him and he will then unlock this dungeon right here, we'll go inside in just pretty much clear out the dungeon, we do not need to complete this Quest at all, absolutely, do not do that, what you're going to see on the screen here is a few legendaries that pop up, this is why we love this spot so much and this was all in one session of farming, so we did not even get a chance to reset the dungeon, but you can go towards the end here and you can defeat this fella but just do not bring back that redstone.


Tips & Tricks

  • -With that, out of the way we can now talk about another thing that you may find quite useful, this is going to be an AFK method for only necromancers, so if you're not a necromancer, then you're not going to be able to benefit from this method currently, what we want to do is locate the right side here, there's going to be a few events that you can use this, one of the best locations would be right, one of the best locations would be right here, dark Ravine, this is filled with different events, as long as you do not use this method in any sort of event that requires, you to take out a boss,  you should be good.

  • -We do want to show you another event here which is wayward soul, this can also be found near the dark Ravine, this is a great spot to use that method, so what you need to do is go over towards your build, we become death shout out to him, we will leave a link to the Discord for his and his twitch there you can check him out, what you see right here is going to be some of the things that you may need the fixes are additional plus here but the malignant Hearts is what you primarily need and that if you're going to do this it is to be noted that some have said that you can be banned for AFK.

Guess you ask