Best D4 1.1.3 XP Farm Glitch - Fastest XP & Legendary Farming Location, Exploit, Spot After Patch 1.1.3

8/28/2023 3:29:58 PM

Today we are going to be talking about the latest patch 1.1.3 in Diablo 4 and we're going to also talk about a new loot cave that is really going to be useful and you're going to collect a lot of XP & legendaries including some uniques. Thanks to Glitch Unlimited for sharing the video of the best place to farm XP in 1.1.3 Diablo 4!

Best D4 1.1.3 XP Farm Glitch - Fastest XP & Legendary Farming Locations, Exploits, Spots After Patch 1.1.3

The new patch does include several updates to gameplay, monsters, and crowd control sources. For example, it reduces the frequency and duration of crowd control effects on players, especially at higher world tiers. It also makes item comparisons easier by sorting affixes on items consistently. The guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to farm XP in Diablo 4 after patch 1.1.3. The recommended spot to farm is Ulder’s Cave, which offers a high density of enemies and is great for both XP and legendaries. Let’s get straight into it!

Best D4 1.1.3 XP Farm Glitch & Location - Ulder’s Cave

What we're going to do is talk to the occultists and we're going to craft a few sigils. If you have something you do not need, absolutely scrap them and then try to find Ulder's Cave. Once in front of it, go ahead and enter inside. There are a few things that we want to look out for is the shrines, because there's a potential chance that you may be able to activate an event and you can also gather in a bunch of enemies as well as the chest at the end that can possibly drop something. Not only is this cave great for legendaries, there is a great chance that you can pick up something like a malignant heart along the way. Once there is one dropped, all we have to do is interact with it because thankfully they've reduced it down to 3 seconds. 

In the next clip, you're going to see quite a few enemies and then the whole entire cave is packed. This is why it makes it such an optimal farming spot because the fact that there are so many enemies, elites, gives you a higher chance of those legendaries popping up. And the best part is that this is a nightmare dungeon, so the enemies are definitely going to be compact in this because of the recent update where they adjusted all the mob density in both Helltides and the nightmares.

fastest way to farm XP after patch 1.1

What you see is one legendary as well as a wrathful malignant invoke, so in the next clip, you're going to see quite a few enemies including a legendary. This is why we recommend this cave, this is the third legendary that we've been able to see drops. So now what we're going to do is obviously not skip out on just the gold because we need to pick up some of yellow rare items. These can be traded in so that you can grab more currency because gold is a necessity in this game, especially when you're trying to re-roll certain things. 

Now if you are on the latest season, we would recommend using the seasonal blessing, then you want to use your season blessings on the first one which is going to give you a lot more XP. Or if you want to grab more currency, there is the other one which is bargaining. This way when you do pick up the yellow rare items, you can trade them in for a lot more.

How to reset a nightmare dungeon?

If you want to reset Ulder’s Cave, go into the cave and just clear out a certain amount of enemies, let's say that you're trying to do this as if you were trying to farm it. Go towards the very end do not complete the boss and then what you're going do is go on the map and leave the dungeon. The other option you can use the emote wheel and leave that way. Once you're outside of the dungeon, some of you have not been able to reset this officially,  you wait two minutes and then you can see nothing has reset. What we would recommend is give it about 3 minutes of waiting, and then go back in and everything should be reset. So for sort of a recap, we're going to be using mainly on Ulder's Cave, you want to not complete the last objective. So this way you can reset the nightmare dungeon.

Now you are going to be missing out on this sigil is that a huge deal, probably not especially if you're already past a certain level. What this is great for is just leveling up your XP in general. Grabbing legendaries and unique items, malignant hearts if you do have one of those things triggered in the seasonal blessings. And you can obviously sell your items for higher price. This is a great method overall so that you can grab a crap down. 

Diablo 4 1.1.3 Patch Tips, Changes, Features, More

Let's talk about patch 1.1.3 and see exactly what they've changed:

- What we can see is patch notes, 1.1.3 build, gameplay updates and then where it says monsters, there's also crowd control sources, what they've done is actually made it a little bit easier for us to have some more recovery time. And so that we have less time being crowd controlled as well and we'll get into that. 

- The next part is that they've made it a lot easier for these dungeons because if you are not aware cold enchanted elites were just being a pure pain like they would freeze you and then you try to attack and then you'd be frozen again, they've actually fixed this. The first bulletin point says cold enchanted elites that attacking quick succession ghost archers and snake roots will no longer proc the cold enchanted on every hit. Chilling wind will spawn overlapping walls less often which means you'll stop being freeze and it'll overall become more easier to go around these dungeons without being annoyed. The stun ability from the cannibal gorger can now be more easily avoided, increase to cooldown on cold goatman ice pillars, reduce the amount of chill applied from the cold spider attack, reduce the stun duration from Snake Eyes from 1.5 to 1.25 seconds. And other changes that reduce how often the park can be targeted by crowd control. 

- The developer note says right here quote these changes are aimed at the player having less time being crowd controlled and receiving more recovery time after being crowd controlled especially at higher world tiers. This means that you should be able to have an easier time going through these tiers. Now we use the word easier because we’re just using that in terms of being annoyed, because it's easier to go through these dungeons without feeling too annoyed and like wanting to rage quit. 

- Continuing on towards the bottom for general, the death explosions from fire enchanted monster release one less wave and deal is 20% less damage. The damage from bloated corpse fiends attack have been reduced by 14%, these are just additional things to help out and that will help out with nightmare dungeons. 

- Last but not least for gameplay, win the following skills and powers were applied a player on a monster, other players were unexpectedly able to benefit from that effect. The issue has been fixed, skill and passive, paragon nodes and glyphs. There are just various things that have been fixed within this.

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