Animal Crossing New Horizons Event Calendar 2020 - ACNH Seasonal Events, Festivals, Competitions Schedule

6/3/2020 5:27:37 PM

What are the next Animal Crossing New Horizons events you can expect in the game? Here we have a full list for Animal Crossing Events (Holidays, Competitions, and Monthly Events) in 2020, featuring the start time and end time of upcoming activities, and the schedule for getting seasonal rewards and materials in ACNH. 

Animal Crossing New Horizons Event Calendar (Schedule)

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Events

Animal Crossing New Horizons has captured the hearts of SWITCH players worldwide, as one of the most relaxing, friendly game series. To keep everything taking place in real time and players enjoying fresh content all time, holidays and special events synchronized with the real world and feature exclusive activities, interactions, and rewards are continuously added to Animal Crossing New Horizons. During the each of timed ACNH events, players are possible to get a bulk of themed rewards and items by completing assigned quests. So to get to know when will the events start will not only help you enjoy brand new content of the game but also earn limited-time ACNH items for free.

Animal Crossing New Horizons Event Types

Everything takes place in real time. When you play during the day, it’ll be daytime in the game. When you play at night, it’ll be nighttime. The seasons also change with the year, though you can choose to live on an island in the southern hemisphere for reversed seasons. There’s even weather that, has mirrored your local weather pretty closely. So the Animal Crossing activities released into the game can be divided into four types according to the real time and seasons:

  • Animal Crossing New Horizons Holidays & Festivals such as May Day Tour, Father's day

  • Animal Crossing New Horizons Seasonal Events such as Cherry Blossom Season, Summer Solstice (Midsummer's Day), Wedding Season, Mushrooming Season, Winter Solstice (Midwinter Day) 

  • Animal Crossing New Horizons Competitions such as Bug Off, Snowboy, Fishing Tourney

  • Animal Crossing New Horizons Daily Events (always available) such as Shooting Stars

Animal Crossing New Horizons Event Schedule

Definitely, holiday and special events in Animal Crossing is a great chance to collect some one of a kind Animal Crossing Bells and Items for your island, so it’s absolutely worth noting them down in your calendar in anticipation. Here is the detailed list of Animal Crossing: New Horizons Events, featuring the ACNH activities (season events, competitions, festivals) that launch in every month or seasons (Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter) and their release dates in the North and South Hemispheres.


  • 1. The upcoming special events below are solely based on events in the past games, they may not take place, may change slightly, or even be replaced by entirely new events! 

  • 2. We will keep updating the list throughout this year, to ensure everything is as accurate as possible.

ACNH Daily Events (Always Available)

  • Every day between 19:00 and 04:00 (your local time) - Shooting Stars (Star Fragments)

    You can also earn a few Zodiac Fragments based on the date of the shower itself:

    Aquarius Fragment: January 20 until February 18

    Pisces Fragment: Feb 19 until March 20

    Aries Fragment: March 21 until April 19

    Taurus Fragment: April 20 until May 20

    Gemini Fragment: May 21 until June 20

    Cancer Fragment: June 21 until July 22

    Leo Fragment: July 23 until August 22

    Virgo Fragment: August 23 until September 22

    Libra Fragment: September 23 until October 22

    Scorpio Fragment: October 23 until November 21

    Sagittarius Fragment: November 22 until December 21

    Capricornus Fragment: December 22 until January 19

  • Random time - Gulliver

  • During every night - Wisp

  • The date you chose for your Birthday - Player Birthday

Schedule of ACNH Monthly Events & Competitions

Below is the schedule of the Animal Crossing New Horizons competitions and events sprinkled throughout this year:

ACNH January Events

  • January 1st – New Year’s Day

  • Second Saturday in January – Fishing Tourney

  • Third Saturday in January – Bug Off (Southern Hemisphere)

  • January or February (Varies) – Lunar New Year

ACNH February Events

  • February 2nd – Groundhog's Day

  • Second Saturday in February – Fishing Tourney

  • February 14th – Valentine’s Day

  • Third Saturday in February – Bug Off (Southern Hemisphere)

  • Forth Sunday in February – Flea Market

ACNH March Events

  • March 20th / 21st – Spring Sports Fair

  • March 17th – Shamrock Day

  • Third Saturday in March– Fishing Tourney

ACNH April Events

  • April 1st to 12th – Bunny Day

  • April 1st to 10th – Cherry Blossom Season

  • Second Saturday in April (April 11th, 2020) – Fishing Tourney

  • April 23rd to May 4th – Nature Day

ACNH May Events

  • May 1st to 7th – May Day

  • May 18th to 31st – International Museum Day

  • May 10th – Mother’s Day

  • May 1st to 31st – Mushrooming Season (Southern Hemisphere)

ACNH June Events

  • June 1st to 30th – Wedding Season

  • June 1st – International Children's Day

  • June 21st – Father's Day

  • June 21st – Winter Solstice (Midwinter Day/Southern Hemisphere)

  • 2nd Friday of June (June 12th, 2020)– Graduation Day

  • Third Saturday in June (June 20th, 2020) – Bug-Off (Northern Hemisphere)

  • June Middle of the month – Snow Boy (Southern Hemisphere)

ACNH July Events

  • July 25th to August 31 – Morning Aerobics

  • Second Saturday in July (July 11th, 2020) – Fishing Tourney

  • Third Saturday in July (July 18th, 2020) – Bug-Off (Northern Hemisphere)

ACNH August Events

  • August 21 – Founder's Day

  • August Every Sunday – Fireworks Show

  • Third Saturday in August (August 15th, 2020) – Bug-Off (Northern Hemisphere)

  • All Month – Morning Aerobics

ACNH September Events

  • Third Saturday in September ( September 19th, 2020) – Bug Off (Northern Hemisphere)

ACNH October Events

  • October 1st – Autumn Moon (Date Changes Yearly)

  • October 1st to 10th – Cherry Blossom Season (Southern Hemisphere)

  • October 31st – Halloween

  • Second Monday of October – Explorer's Day

  • Second Saturday in October (October 10th, 2020) – Fishing Tourney

ACNH November Events

  • November 1st to 30th – Mushrooming Season (Northern Hemisphere)

  • First Tuesday of November – Mayor's Day 

  • November 11th – Officer's Day

  • Third Saturday of November (November 21st, 2020) – Bug-Off (Southern Hemisphere)

  • Fourth Thursday in November (November 26th, 2020) – Harvest Festival

  • Fourth Friday in November (November 27th, 2020) – Sale Day

  • Every Sunday – Fall Fishing Tourney

ACNH December Events

  • December 23rd – Toy Day

  • December 24th – Jingle Arrives

  • December 31st – New Year's Eve

  • Third Saturday of December (December 19th, 2020) – Bug-Off (Southern Hemisphere)

  • December 15th to January 6th – Festive Season

Animal Crossing New Horizons Season Calendar

Similar to the real world, here are four seasons in Animal Crossing, and in every single season, there are corresponding events will be hold, seasonal materials and items can be collected: 

  • Spring Start & End Date - March 1 to May 30 (Northern Hemisphere) / September 1 to December 31 (Southern Hemisphere)

  • Summer Start & End Date - June 1 to August 31 (Northern Hemisphere) / January 1 to March 31 (Southern Hemisphere)

  • Autumn Start & End Date - September 1 to November 30 (Northern Hemisphere) / March 1 to May 30 (Southern Hemisphere)

  • Winter Start & End Date - December 1 to February 28 (Northern Hemisphere) / June 1 to August 31 (Southern Hemisphere)

ACNH Seasonal Events

  • Cherry Blossom Festival - April 1 to April 10 (Northern Hemisphere) / October 1 to October 10 (Southern Hemisphere)

  • Summer Solstice (Midsummer's Day) - June 21 (Northern Hemisphere) / December 21 (Southern Hemisphere)

  • Mushrooming Season - November 1 to November 30 (Northern Hemisphere) / May 1 to May 31 (Southern Hemisphere)

  • Snow Day - December 1st (Northern Hemisphere) / June 1st (Southern Hemisphere)

  • Winter Solstice (Midwinter Day) - December 21st (Northern Hemisphere) / June 21st (Southern Hemisphere)