WoW Dragonflight Legion Timewalking Event: Quests, Rewards, Items & Gold Making Tips

7/27/2023 2:35:41 PM

WoW Dragonflight introduces the Legion Timewalking Dungeon event. If you want to have some extra currency, in this Dragonflight Legion Timewalking event guide, we’ll explain how you can make gold. It's not going to make you millions but it's a nice way and a very easy way to make.


WoW Dragonflight Legion Timewalking Event: Quests, Rewards, Items & Gold Making Tips

WoW Dragonflight Timewalking dungeon event starts on July 27 and ends on August 2. Gain a reputation boost, a Timewarped Badge, and a Cache of Aberrus Treasures by revisiting old dungeons at easy difficulty. This week's Bonus Event allows players to explore six of Legion's dungeons for the chance at new goodies all week long. Your stats and equipment will be nerfed so that you can better handle the encounter at hand, but bosses will still drop stuff suitable for your normal level. In addition to gaining a reputation with a faction that is interested in the dungeon, timewalking dungeons have a chance to drop items that normally drop while running them on the Heroic level.

Dragonflight Legion Timewalking Event Quests

Kazra in Valdrakken needs your help with a quest. It may also be initiated via the Adventure Guide (Shift-J) if you happen to forget to grab it on the way. You need only finish 5 Timewalking dungeons. To start WoW Timewalking event or explore dungeons with friends, use the Group Finder (default hotkey: I) and choose Dungeon Finder or Timewalking from the Type selection. If you want to meet other players and venture into Heroic dungeons, select Find Group. We would recommend you try and do it as a tank or healer because you will definitely be able to find a group in just a few seconds. In general, the dungeon only takes maybe 10-15 minutes depending on your group to complete.

Timewalking Dungeons

  • Black Rook Hold

  • Court of Stars

  • Darkheart Thicket

  • Eye of Azshara

  • Neltharion's Lair

  • Vault of the Wardens

Dragonflight Timewalking Event Rewards

When you are done with the dungeon on the last boss on each of your characters during this event, you will get Whispering Felflame Crystal. This item will start a quest and when you complete the quest, you will then receive 500 of the Timewarped Badge. This is something you can do once per character during the event. You'll just have to then come to Dalaran and talk to Aridormi and will be able to then buy some of the different items. 

  • Favor of the Val'sharah Hippogryph (Mount)

  • Nightborne Guard's Vigilance (Toy)

  • Replica Aegis of Aggramar (Cosmetic)

  • Ensemble: Ravencrest's Battleplate

  • Reputation Tokens for all major Legion factions including Argussian Reach, Army of the Light, Armies of Legionfall, Court of Farondis, Dreamweavers, Highmountain Tribe, The Nightfallen, The Wardens, and Valarjar.


Dragonflight Timewalking Dungeon Event Gold Farming Tips

Unfortunately with the WoW Dragonflight Legion Timewalking event, there is not really much that you can do and there are only a few things that you can then sell during the auction hours. There are different materials in different green boxes. Most of them are really bad because as you can imagine whether it is for instance meat, fish, herbs and all these different things are really worth not a lot of gold anymore. But there are two in particular that are still worth a little bit and these are the different gems and also the ore.


For some reason, these are always expensive or not really expensive, but valuable whether your pass the expansion or not. Normally when you do this very short farm, it should take you maybe 10-15 minutes maximum, you will have a minimum of 500-550 of these different Timewarped Badges. All you need to do is to buy some of these for up to 550 Timewarped Badges, in total, you’ll be able to buy 11 of each of these different boxes. Then you’re going to open them and you will get a lot of these different gems, sometimes you will be able to get some epic ones when you're lucky, as well as a lot of these different materials.

Gold Per Hour

Keep in mind, it will probably sell very easily. In total, you can get 2600-ish gold for all the different gems and then 1500-ish gold for the mining materials. The gems are maybe better, it means that we could have maybe gotten almost 6000 gold just with all these different gems if we only opened gems ones. In general, it's still 4000 gold for all these different materials and it took 10 minutes to do that. It's very easy so it means that in one hour, you can maybe make up to 24 or maybe it's more gold if for instance you only choose these ones up to 30000 gold an hour with these different materials. 

It's really not the best way to make some WoW gold but if you don't really care about these different Timewarped Badges and let's say for instance you're trying to level up some characters, it is a really nice way to get some experience and to also then get some of these things and to sell them really fast on the auction house. You can definitely do it with a lot of your characters for many different reasons.

Listing Tips 

Also, one thing we would recommend you to do when you post all these is to put the 12 hours duration. Because if you put the 48 hours, most likely you're going to end up spending quads on the deposits and you will probably need to undercut a little bit to get some sales. So try to do that because otherwise, you might lose a little bit of gold when posting these different types of materials.

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