WoW Dragonflight 10.2 Tank Rankings (Easiest to Hardest) in Mythic+: Dragonflight Season 3 Tank Tier List

10/7/2023 5:50:54 PM

Are you curious about finding the ideal tank for Mythic plus dungeons, one that strikes the perfect balance between ease of play and exceptional performance, are you searching for a tank with a forgiving rotation and unparalleled survivability, whether you're new to tanking or an experienced player seeking a fresh perspective, this guide is made for you. Get more best wow gold, please come to


Tank Skill Floors in M+:

  • 1. Complexity of Rotation

  • 2. Expectations (utility and mob control)

  • 3. Passive Durability

  • 4. Aggro Control

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WoW Dragonflight 10.2 Tank Rankings (Easiest to Hardest) in Mythic+

Advanced - Brewmaster Monk

If you're looking for a tank that has complexities in its rotation and survival with little group utility to manage so you can focus on your own character, Brewmaster might be for you.

  • -A fan favorite for many implies tanks, although it's not seeing so much play right now due to its relative squishiness, brewmaster is seen as an advanced tank because of how hard it is to survive, it is a leather class and has the smallest Health pool of any tank which causes it to rely on active abilities to soften blows, brewmaster monks have a unique defensive tool kit that revolves around stagger purifying brew and Celestial Brew stagger delays the incoming damage which can then be cleared with purifying Brew Celestial Brew can then be used to convert the delayed damage into a huge absorb.

  • -Brewmaster Monks also have a plethora of defensive cooldowns that they need to use precisely to reset their Brews, delay their staggered damage, heal themselves, and provide various damage reduction walls knowing when and how to use these abilities adds yet another layer of difficulty to the spec.

  • -Brewmaster Monks also have a complex DPS rotation compared to other tanks they can deal the highest damage of all tanks.

  • -Brewmaster Monks must use their Mobility to their advantage too, avoiding damage as they gather mobs to save their defensives for when actually fighting the pack to minimize movement and help their team kill quickly.

  • -Brewmaster Monks have limited team utility with only detox to remove poise, diseases, and Tiger's lusts Sprint effect.


Beginner Friendly - Guardian Druid

If you're looking to play a tank, that's easy to learn has a variety of defensive abilities and cooldowns and a lot of potential utility for your group then look no further than Guardian Druid, it's a versatile and Powerful tank that can excel in any situation making it a great choice for both beginners and experienced players.

Guardian Druids are often seen as the most beginner-friendly tank in the game, they're innately tanky due to their High Health pool and armor from bear form making it significantly easier to take damage passively, their defensive abilities also are very straightforward to use offering flat damage mitigation with a healing increase through bark skin Rage of the sleeper and frenzied regeneration with short cooldowns and Incarnation and survival instincts offer higher defense with longer cooldowns, outside of these powerful skills, they also generate dream of scenarios procs allowing them to instantly cast a strong regrowth while in Bear form.


Moderate Tanks: Blood Death Knights, Protection Warrior, Vengeance Demon Hunter

Blood Death Knights - Blood Death Knights take a lot of damage mainly because they're designed around healing it back whereas rather than preventing it like the other tanks, this can cause inexperienced Blood Death Knight players to get bursted down really easily if they're not familiar with the playstyle.

Protection Warrior - The classic sword and board tank that relies on blocking and raw damage mitigation to survive, one difficult part of playing a Protection Warrior is its aggro control and positioning requirements, it has important abilities that require the warrior to face its targets and since the prop Warriors rely on blocking to survive, it's extremely important to always please face the mobs that you're tanking, protection Warriors also have very little ways of self-healing, this can make the specialization very vulnerable to mistakes is if you take too much damage you have no way to recover your HP yourself other than Last Stand every three minutes in the occasional Victory Rush, the ways you reduce damage also differ depending on the incoming damage type which requires good knowledge of the dungeons that you're running.

Vengeance Demon Hunter - Vengeance Demon Hunter Sports a hybrid of self-healing and damage reduction to survive with a ton of Min maxing capabilities, Vengeance survives through consuming Soul fragments in a much similar way to blood death Knights, healing back six percent damage taken in the last five seconds and also being a resource for Spirit Bomb which is an AOE ability that places Frailty on the targets, causing the Demon Hunter to heal for 10 of all damage dealt although on higher keys, this isn't super impactful.


Harder Tanks: Protection Paladin

Protection Paladin might have the most responsibilities of any tank, boasting the second lowest Health pool in the game next to Brewmaster Monks, protection paladins are expected to use many damage reductions in conjunction with their heels to stay alive when it comes to team utility this is where protection paladins really start to demonstrate their prowess, protection paladins have a powerful arsenal of Team utility tools including lay on hands, Blessing of Sacrifice, Blessing of Spell Warding, Blessing of Protection, Blessing of Freedom and cleanse toxins, these abilities allow them to save their team from harm in a variety of ways.

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