FC 24 Black Friday Preparation Guide - Things to Do Before Black Friday, Market Crash & Party Bags

11/15/2023 11:53:55 AM

It is getting to that time where we need to start preparing for Black Friday FC 24 2023. About a week and a half away, we got the new promo, the Triple Thread on Friday, and then we will get the Black Friday promo coming on the next Friday. This guide covers the top things you need to do now to prepare for Black Friday.

FC 24 Black Friday Leaks & News

We'll look at the content stuff that's leaked: 

- First of all, we got the UWCL Road to Knockout SBC, it says players here will get more than one, the women's Champions League. NWCL RTTK End of an Era SBC, this is actually going to be End of an Era Megan Rapinoe who is going to be the most disliked card on futbin immediately once this comes out, but it's probably going to be a pretty good card.

- Then the Squad Foundations SBC & Objectives, and Moments SBC.

- Theme Team XP objectives, also Bundesliga Player of the Month SBC, this probably is going to be Harry Kane.

- Then League and Upgrade SBCs, Icon player SBC. So first of all, we're going to get more of League SBCs, maybe we'll end up with more different kinds. 

FC 24 Black Friday Prep & Market Watch

First of all, preparing for Black Friday, it sort of does relate to the Player of the Month Mbappe, because that probably is going to come out next week. So what will the market look like during Black Friday? When to buy and when to sell your team?

Let's go back and look at last year's market and a really expensive gold like gold mbappe, he's dropped a lot, recently he's 2.62, he was up at 3.2 about a week ago. When you have mbappe crashing even though it's a gold card, he's basically an icon like if mbappe crashes the whole market crashes because he's just like the best card in the game. Obviously, a million coins last year compared to this year, he's 2.6 million, he won't be down to a million coins. Last year huge panic sell, a little bit of a buyback and then a dip again before Black Friday. Then once Black Friday, he kind of stayed the same price or so, the reason he stayed around the same price around Black Friday is because last year the promo wasn't that hyped up. What we think is going to happen is similar to what we saw last year, we'll see the market hit an absolute low point which was Thursday before Black Friday, that was the low point. Mbappe was just under a million coins there, it's pretty much a million coins all the way till the 16th of December. So 4 weeks after Black Friday. So there's going to be a low point right before Black Friday if not the day of Black Friday, and then we'll see the market kind of go up again. Then once Christmas time starts coming, or Team of the Year, the market sees a big crash. 

Then you see it flatten out or even rise up a little bit all the way until middle of December, then a huge crash again, and that's the crash you want to stay away from. But you're pretty much good once we get to that really low point right before Black Friday in sort of the heat of the pre- crash and it could even be on that Friday. It's probably more likely to be that Wednesday or Thursday, but we'll see some pack leaks before that maybe make a better judgment.

Butragueno, this is another good example of icons and heroes being are the most stable cards in the game. Last year, he's got a World Cup card. Then Henry, this is a card that's out since release, but you expect him to not move off from the power curve, but he's going to be getting towards like the baseline of the power curve as we get toward Black Friday. As we get closer, he also pretty much bottoms out on like the day of Black Friday, you can see Saturday on the 26th of November, he's pretty much at his lowest point, then rebounds back up like a couple days later, flat lines again, then crashes when we see that next crash happen before Team of the Year. 

Fran Ribery is now 1.3, he was 1.6 the entire year up until just literally a week ago, now 1.3. The fact that the power curve is going to change very quickly because that's what EA wants the prices are probably going to do the same or a similar thing where we're going to see panic selling before Black Friday, you're to hit that low point, you probably can start buying on Black Friday weekend, but you probably don't want to buy until then is the point. 

When to sell and buy?

So basically if you have a team, it's not the worst thing ever to sell. As the market stands right now, there's been almost no rise for about a month now, a really substantial rise, probably three 4 weeks at least since the last substantial rise, it's really only gone down we haven't even seen it say stable too much, it's just been a slow downward trend for 3 weeks. 

The next buy time is probably going to be Black Friday weekend or right beforehand if we think the market has really bottomed out. So the market before Black Friday is probably not going to be good, there'll be a buy time right around the time it comes out and then the market usually stays stable for a pretty good of time. Usually there's a few weeks where it's pretty safe to buy and sell cards, then we start to see more of a crash as we get toward the Christmas time. 

Let's look at last year Robert Lewandowski, cuz he was a 91 last year, how did he do for fodder during Black Friday time?

That's Thursday 24th November he's going for 62,000 coins, on Friday and Saturday he actually goes up to 67,000, on Sunday he goes up 8,000 coins because of SBC's being out and that thing despite obviously a ton of packs being opened, so higher and fodder actually usually isn't a bad buy even right before Black Friday. The point is it's not as scary to buy fodder beforehand as you maybe would think yes. You obviously have some risk because of a ton of packs being opened, but it's not quite as bad as you maybe think it would be. 

So if we know a Mbappe is coming out and during this week and it's closer to Black Friday, that’s still not that terrible of a buy to buy high rated fodder. Fodder is a decent buy because we have the icon pack coming the possible party bag stuff, we got party bag rumors, we've got the Road to The Knockout, a Trailblazer pack, a lot of good stuff still possibly on the way. And whatever the FC promo is, if it's not very good and we only have gamble SBCs for the most part, fodder is going to go up. So it's been one of the only Investments all year you can make coins on or at least make your money back.

FC 24 Black Friday Investments

Stay in the fodder range little consumable investments, the non- rare gold investments, the gold rare investments for upgrade packs. Those types of investments you'd way rather stick towards than any sort of players.

Things to Do to Prepare for Black Friday FC 24

1. Sell Valuable Cards Before Black Friday

Prices tend to dip in anticipation of the market crash, so it's a good idea to sell your valuable cards 1-2 weeks before Black Friday. This way, you can maximize your profits and have funds ready for the promo event.

2. Build Up Coins

Take advantage of trading, playing matches, and completing objectives to accumulate coins. Having a good amount of coins will allow you to make purchases during the Black Friday promo.

3. Complete Squad Building Challenges and Objectives

Participate in Squad Building Challenges and complete objectives to earn tradeable packs. You can choose to open these packs during the Black Friday promo or hold onto them for later when prices may be higher.

4. Monitor Price Trends and Compare Prices

- Keep an eye on the market and track the prices of top players.

- Compare prices across different sellers to ensure you're getting the best deal.

5. Buy Top Meta Players at a Discount

During the market crash, top meta players like Mbappe, Neymar, Ronaldo, and Messi can experience significant price drops. Look for these players and others at their lowest points to make a good investment.

6. What to Buy and Sell During the Market Crash

  • Buy meta gold cards like Mbappe, Neymar, Ronaldo, and Messi, as their prices crash the most.

  • Consider buying high-rated fodder cards (85-89 rated) for Squad Building Challenges, as their prices can drop significantly.

  • Look for out-of-packs special cards like Road to the World Cup, Rulebreakers, and Inform cards.

  • Sell your current expensive players at least 1-2 weeks prior to the market crash to avoid potential losses.

7. Avoid Buying Squad Fitness and Chemistry Styles During the Crash 

The supply of squad fitness and chemistry styles tends to be high during the market crash, so it's best to avoid buying them during this time.

8. Party Bags

Keep an eye out for special party bags that may be released during the Black Friday promo. These bags can contain a variety of player items and can be a great way to upgrade your squad.

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