New WoW SoD Phase 3 Runes Datamined & Release Date

3/12/2024 2:52:52 PM

Looking forward to 2024, we are going to receive lots of exciting updates for World of Warcraft Classic. Tons of new runes are going into the upcoming Season of Discovery Phase 3 leaked, today we are going to go through a full list of the datamined WoW SoD phase 3 runes for different classes, and also talk about the phase 3 release date, raid, and changes.

WoW SoD Phase 3 Runes

Datamined WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 New Runes for Different Classes

Below is a list of leaked WoW SoD phase 3 new runes for Druid, Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Warlock, and Warrior, these runes are expected to go on two new rune engraving slots: wrist and helm. Each rune will offer exclusive benefits for your character, for example, it deals damage that increases subsequent Balefire Bolts, but decreases Spirit and can kill the user, but the exact number is unknown now. 

1. SoD Phase 3 Mage Runes

Balefire Bolt (Wrist)

Molten Armor (Wrist)

Displacement (Wrist)

Temporal Anomaly (Helm)

Deep Freeze (Helm)

2. SoD Phase 3 Warlock Runes

Summon Felguard (Wrist)

Unstable Affliction (Wrist)

Immolation Aura (Wrist)

Pandemic (Helm)

Backdraft (Helm)

3. SoD Phase 3 Priest Runes

Surge of Light (Wrist)

Despair (Wrist)

Void Zone (Wrist)

Divine Aegis (Helm)

4. SoD Phase 3 Rogue Runes

Focused Attacks (Helm)

Honor Among Thieves (Helm)

Combat Potency (Helm)

5. SoD Phase 3 Druid Runes

Gale Winds (Helm)

Gore (Helm)

Improved Barkskin (Helm)

Improved Frenzied Regeneration (Wrist)

Efflorescence (Wrist)

6. SoD Phase 3 Hunter Runes


Focus Fire (Wrist)

7. SoD Phase 3 Warrior Runes

Sword and Board (Wrist)

Wrecking Crew (Wrist)

Rampage (Wrist)

Taste for Blood (Helm)

Vigilance (Helm)

Shield Mastery (Helm)

8. SoD Phase 3 Paladin Runes

Purifying Power (Wrist)

Improved Hammer of Wrath (Wrist)

Wrath (Helm)

Light's Grace (Helm)

Improved Sanctuary (Helm)

Fanaticism (Helm)

Based on the data mine, Shaman was the only class in the Season of Discovery to have literally zero runes for phase 3. Still, this class is in a great spot, having good damage reduction, excellent single target threat, and good AOE threat generation, Elemental has started to scale up given a few more resets of gear, and Enhancement has been one of the top 3 DPS specs, Restoration is probably the least serviceable Shaman spec, but they are still good with great utility. These are some of the runes found so far, for the next phase of Season of Discovery, we are able to see way more new runes and big changes of classes in the future. 

WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 Release Date & Changes

According to the WoW Classic 2024 roadmap, the Season of Discovery Phase 3 is set to be released in Spring 2024, after the Hardcore Self-found mode. Considering the Phase 1 duration, if Phase 2 does not last longer than Phase 1, there is a high possibility that the WoW SoD Phase 3 will start around mid-April 2024, latest in May. This is only an estimation until an official release date is confirmed.  

What we know about Phase 3 is that the level cap will be raised to level 50 instead of level 40, new runes and a raid are going to be added. Speaking of the new raid in WoW SoD Phase 3, one of the speculations is the Sunken Temple, which is probably the next level-up raid. 

Various challenges will be there and require you to be stronger. Aside from runes, if you need SoD gold in WoW, we offer the best service and prices for the trading. 

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