All Horadric Cube Recipes in D2R 2.4 | D2R Recipes for Socket, Rune, Gem, Crafting, Upgrade & More

6/27/2022 12:02:01 PM

How to craft your wanted potions, armors, and weapons in Diablo 2 Resurrected? Let's get into a complete guide of all Horadric cube recipes in D2R 2.4, covering socket recipes, rune recipes, gem recipes, crafting recipes, upgrade recipes, repair recipes, etc. 

All Horadric Cube Recipes in D2R 2

All Horadric Cube Recipes in D2R 2.4 | D2R Recipes for Socket, Rune, Gem, Crafting, Upgrade & More

Most of the Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.4 recipes are gathered by Mount Arreat. Find the section whether you want to obtain D2R runes or other items. 

D2R Potion Recipes

Rejuvenation Potion: 3 Healing Pots + 3 Mana Pots + Chipped Gem

Full Rejuvenation Potion: 3 Healing Pots + 3 Mana Pots + Normal Gem

Full Rejuvenation Potion: 3 Rejuvenation Pots

Antidote Potion: 1 Throwing Gas Pot + 1 Healing Pot


D2R Repair Recipes (Repairing Items and Refilling Spell Charges)

Repaired Armor: Armor + Ral Rune 

Repaired/Recharged Armor: Ral Rune + Flawed Gem + Armor 

Repaired Weapon: Weapon + Ort Rune 

Repaired/Recharged Armor: Ort Rune + Chipped Gem + Weapon

From Inferior to Normal State

Armor item + El + Any Chipped Gem

Weapon + Eld + Any Chipped Gem

D2R Sockets Recipes 

1. Rolling blue weapons with random pre and suffixes and one or two sockets:

Magic Socket Weapon: Socked Weapon + 3 Normal Gems

Magic Socket Weapon: Magic Weapon + 3 Flawless Gems

Magic Socket Weapon: Magic Weapon + 3 Chipped Gems

2. Items get random number of sockets:

Socket Body Armor: Body Armor + Tal + Thul + Topaz

Socket Weapon: Weapon + Ral + Amn + Amethyst

Socket Helmet: Helmet + Ral + Thul + Sapphire

Socket Shield: Shield + Tal + Amn + Ruby

3. Unsocket items (jewels, gems, and runes will be removed and get lost):

Unsocket item: Socked item + Hel + Scroll of Town Portal

D2R Magic Items Recipes

For blue Diablo 2 items, there is a re-rolling recipe which often is used for grand charms from Baal, Diablo, or Nihlathak, but it generally works for any blue item, there are also recipes for creating some fix attributes on items. 

New Random Pre- and Suffixes (Reroll): Magic Item + 3 Perfect Gems

Random Amulet: 3 Rings

Random Ring: 3 Amulets

Prismatic Amulet (All Resistances): Amulet + Each Perfect Gem

Shield of Thorns: Shield + Spiked Club + 2 Any Skulls

Sword with Lifeleech: Sword + Ruby + 4 Healing Pots

Polearm with Enhanced Damage: Any Diamond + Kris + Staff + Belt

D2R Upgrade Recipes for Rare, Set, and Unique Items

Rare items can also be rerolled and you can add the socket, but that is quite expensive.

Rare Item with New Attributes: Rare Item + Stone of Jordan + Perfect Skull or Rare Item + 6 Perfect Skulls

Rare Item with Same Attributes + 1 Socket: Rare Item + Stone of Jordan + 3 Perfect Skulls

Normal Rare Weapon to Exceptional: Ort + Amn + Sapphire

Exceptional Rare Weapon tp Elite: Fal + Um + Saphhire

Normal Rare Armor Item to Exceptional: Ral + Thul + Amethyst

Exceptional Rare Armor Item to Elite: Ko + Pul + Amethyst

Normal Unique Weapon to Exceptional: Ral + Sol + Emerald

Exceptional Unique Weapon to Elite: Lum + Pul + Emerald

Normal Unique Armor Item to Exceptional: Tal + Shael + Diamond

Exceptional Unique Armor Item to Elite: Ko + Lem + Diamond

Upgrade Set Items = Same Recipes as Uniques

D2R Runes and Gems Recipes

Next Higher Gem: 3 Same Gems

Next Higher Rune (up to Thul): 3 Same Runes

Upgrade Higher Runes

Amn: 3 Thul

Sol: 3 Amn

Shael: 3 Sol

Dol: 3 Shael

Hel: 3 Dol

Lo: 3 Hel

Lum: 3 Io

Ko: 3 Lum

Fal: 3 Ko

Lem: 3 Fal

Pul: 3 Lem

Um: 2 Pul

Mal: 2 Um

Ist: 2 Mal

Gul: 2 Ist

Vex: 2 Gul

Ohm: 2 Vex

Lo: 2 Ohm

Sur: 2 Lo

Ber: 2 Sur

Jah: 2 Ber

Cham: 2 Jah

Zod: 2 Cham

D2R Crafting Recipes

Blood Ring (Life, Life Leech): Magic Ring + Sol Rune + Perfect Ruby + Any Jewel

Caster Ring (Mna, Mana Generation): Magic Ring + Amn Rune + Perfect Amethyst + Any Jewel

Hit Power Ring (Frost Nova, Attacker Gets Damage): Magic Ring + Amn Rune + Perfect Sapphire + Any Jewel

Safety Ring (Physical & Magical Damage Reduced): Magic Ring + Amn Rune + Perfect Emerald + Any Jewel

D2R Recipes for Special Items

Open Secret Cow level: Wirt’s Leg + 1 Book of Town Portal (Act 1)

Open Red Portals: Key of Terror + Key of Hate + Key of Destruction (Act 5)

Ubertristram: Mephisto’s Brain + Diablo’s Horn + Baal’s Eye (Act 5)

Token of Absolution: 4 Different Essences