Dragonflight 10.1.5 Kalimdor Cup Event Guide - Rewards, Achievements, Dragonriding Races & Where to Find

5/27/2023 2:40:36 PM

Today we're going to talk about the Kalimdor Cup, the brand new event coming in WoW Dragonflight 10.1.5 which is Dragonriding in the Old World. We're going to go through everything you need to know about this event, how it works, how many Dragonriding races are in Kalimdor, where to find Dragonriding races, what are the rewards, and what's going on with the event.

When is Kalimdor Cup Event?

Kalimdor Cup is coming and this is our first foray into Dragon in the old world. Unfortunately, the Kalimdor Cup does not mean that we can just drag and ride freely around Kalimdor, it is specific to races. So as the PTR, the Kalimdor Cup is currently scheduled for August 15th 2023. We don't know when the patch is going to launch, we do not have a launch date just yet, but August 15th is the current date listed for the Kalimdor Cup. The description for the Kalimdor Cup is:

The Riders of Azeroth invite Dragonriders to compete in races throughout Kalimdor. Talk to Lord Andrestrasz in Valdrakken for more information.

How Does Kalimdor Cup Work in Dragonflight 10.1.5?

To begin your adventure, seek out the Holiday Enthusiast. You can find them stationed outside Valdrakken’s bank. They will provide you with the initial quest. From there, you will be granted access to a specific mount reserved solely for these adrenaline-pumping races. 

Kalimdor Cup achievements, dragonriding races & where to find?

There are a total of 16 races in the Kalimdor Cup, these are available in normal, advanced and reverse mode, so there are 3 different modes for each of these 16 races. Each with its own challenges to test your Dragonriding abilities.

  • Fel Flyover (in Felwood)

  • Nordrassil Spiral (in Hyjal)

  • Rocketway Ride (in the Shara)

  • Durotar Tour (in Durotar)

  • Desolace Drift (in Desolace)

  • Razorfen Roundabout (in Razorfen)

  • Feralas Ruins Ramble (in Feralas)

  • Uldum Tour (in Uldum)

  • Winter Wander (in Winterspring)

  • Hyjal Hotfoot (in Hyjal)

  • Ashenvale Ambit (in Ashenvale)

  • Webwinder Weave (in Stonetalon Mountains)

  • Barrens Divide Dive (in the Barrens(

  • Thousand Needles Thread (in Thousand Needles)

  • Ahn’Ojrai Circuit (in Ahn’Ojrai)

  • Un’Goro Crater Circuit (in Un’Goro)

So these races are just phenomenal, it feels really nice to be able to Dragonride around Kalimdor, obviously just in these very specific areas where the Dragonriding races occur. There are definitely some really difficult ones with the trees and whatnot, but for the most part they're super enjoyable and obviously have a different variety of obstacles with the advance and the reverse modes.


As of this build, you don't actually ride on your specific Dragon riding Drake, you just ride on the Riders of Azeroth Highland Drake which is just the duffel blue one. So this is not your customized one or anything like that. This might be subject to change potentially but this is something that is on the PTR build right now, very inconsequential, but you basically just have to fly on the Highland Drake specifically. 

Kalimdor Cup Event Rewards

So beyond the achievements which seem to reward the title calendar racer, not implemented in the PTR at the moment but it is in the data, so no doubt that will be implemented soon. There is actually a bunch of really cool rewards from this. So what they're doing here is actually adding a brand new currency and this is the Riders of Azeroth Badge. Now you can get a total of 3 badges per type of race, so you can basically get up to 3 badges per difficulty per race. So if you've got bronze on the normal mode of the Durator tour for example, that would give you 1 badge. But if you've got gold on the normal race of the Durotar Tour, that would give you 2 badges and that is a one-time thing. So each race basically has a total of 9 badges to acquire through the 3 different difficulties on gold. So with the 16 races with three difficulties and 9 badges each, that is going to be a total of 144 Riders of Azeroth badges to acquire. There is also a one-time quest that gives 10 badges just to do some of the races. So basically if you complete all the races on all difficulties on gold and complete the quest, you can get a total of 150 for Riders of Azeroth badges. 

What can you buy with these badges? 

There is a brand new vendor in Vaaldrakken which is selling some cosmetics. So there is a brand new set specifically for the Kalimdor Cup and that is the Drake Riders Silks. This was data mined in 10.1 and is finally coming in 10.1.5, it's an awesome-looking set like something that Dragon Riders would wear and this is available from Mazda at 15 Riders of Azeroth badges each for each piece. So not too much to unlock this entire set. 

Also as of this build, there is a new scale color for the Windborne Velocidrake and this is the teal color. So the teal color has been in the game since 10.0, but is finally being made available with the Kalimdor Cup, so obviously potentially this is a time limited event as well, so you want to get these rewards as soon as possible.

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