WotLK ICC Best 10 & 25 Man Comp - Best ICC10 & 25 Raid Compositions In Phase 4

10/7/2023 2:47:04 PM

When you're creating the best 10 man for Icecrown Citadel in Wrath of Lich King Classic Phase 4, you need to understand exactly what you need. There are some roles that you absolutely need. Such as certain things that have to be dispelled, certain things that need to be managed, and they're made easier by other classes or certain specs. Today, we talk about the best WotLK Classic ICC 10 and 25 man raid comp in Phase 4!


Wotlk ICC Best 10 & 25 Comps - Best ICC10 & 25 Man Compositions In Wotlk Classic

When it comes to Wrath of the Lich King, many people focus on 25 man raiding and that's absolutely the way to go. Because in Wrath of the Lich King obviously, the best gear comes from 25 man, so even though 10 man we do whether it's for emblems or there's that odd piece of bis gear that comes from 10 man hard modes or 10 man heroic but the majority of the time most people's focus is on 25. ICC is no exception, except that even on 10 man the heroic difficulty is quite difficult. It will depend on your group composition, players' skill, and knowledge of the fights. But 10 man is quite challenging, it's not something that you're just going to walk in and bosses are going to fall over, you still need to handle the mechanics properly. Now, let’s break down Wotlk Icecrown Citadel best 10 raid composition for phase 4!


Best Wotlk ICC 10 Man Comp

Group 1: Protection, Blood, Holy, Discipline, Balance

The reason you need two tanks is to split the damage of bone slice but outside of that really a good mix of melee and ranged. Having two healers even on heroic is pretty much all you need. For now, all we're going to do is just slap in Protection Paladin. This is more of a placeholder. We're going to need two healers because we're going to need two healers for every boss. One of the healers is going to be a Holy Paladin, for the other spot of healer will be Discipline Priest Put a Balance Druid in and that's mainly because it's going to be extremely useful not only to get rid of the Curse of Torpor but also to get gift of the wild, 3% haste, 5% spell crit, 3% spell hit, 13% spell damage taken and then we're going to get innovate and combat res. 


Group 2: Elemental, Demonology, Assassination, Survival, Retribution

We've already got two Holy Paladins, what we are going to need is a few range DPS because we're going to want range DPS dealing with the ads. We're definitely going to put a Shaman, thinking about we want a range but we also want a beneficial range that's going to bring more to the group. We're going to put a Demonology Warlock in because the Demo Warlock's going to bring the 5% crit. It's obviously going to bring dark packed which is going to not only buff your casters but also your healers and they are useful on Saufang. For Rot Face, you just need two tanks because you're going to need one that's running around in circles and you're going to have one that's tanking the boss. You do need a ranged so you're not going to get Vile Gas in melee but we do have five ranged if we were to count the two healers in as well. This is honestly a very easy fight and there's nothing in particular that you can take that's going to make any difference at all.

Best Wotlk ICC 25 Man Comp

Group 1: Shadow, BM, Unholy, Elemental, Retribution

Excellent mix of ranged/melee & magic/physical damage types. Strong sustained damage & benefits from multiple buffs/debuffs. Utility from Mind Flay stun, Misdirect, AMS/Grip, Heroism, BoP. Mobile group with Hunter/Shaman/DK abilities to assist on adds.


Group 2: Destruction, Enhancement, Arms, Frost, Holy

Heavy focus on magic damage with Warlock, Mage, and Shaman. Enhancement brings Windfury buff for melee cleave. Multiple interrupt options like Counterspell, Shockwave, and Howl. Sustained heals from Holy Paladin and mobility from Mage.


Group 3: Demonology, Survival, Feral, Discipline, Affliction

Flexible group with strong multi-DoT from Affliction & Docks. Superior Hunter utility with slows, snares and Tranq Shot. Disc Priest brings Atonement and Plea for key healer buffs. Feral bleeds and Maladrux interrupts adds effective utility.


Group 4: Fire, Marksmanship, Brewmaster, Restoration, Windwalker

High mobility with hunters, mages, monks, and Balance affinity. Brewmaster takes a tank spot for extra survivability. Windwalker and Monk healers provide group utility shields/heals. Fire Mage's huge burst and utility give flexibility on priority.


Group 5: Arcane, Frost DK, Subtlety, Enhancement, Protection Warrior

Well-rounded group with ranged/melee and magical/physical. Ret/Enhance provides buffs alongside Arcane/Unholy damage. Sharp interrupts from Enhancement and Subtlety abilities. Protection Warrior brings utility like Last Stand and Spell Reflect.

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