Wotlk Phase 4 Fusion Loot Prio Guide - Best Phase 4 Loot Guide in Wotlk

10/11/2023 3:24:07 PM

Phase 4 of Wrath of the Lich King brings the final big raid of the expansion and notably the hardest encounters we've faced up to this point. This sheet is intended to help you make loot decisions based on that fact. We like to prioritize classes and specs that will help you with the hardest fights in here that you will be up against - Professor Putricide and The Lich King.

1. What this Guide Is:

  • - Designed for early-phase gear distribution to help you maximize your loot drops

  • - Designed for ways to better understand the mountain of loot that is in ICC

  • - Designed to give everyone something big to look forward to because all classes bring something to the table.


2. What this Guide Is NOT: 

  • - This Guide IS NOT PERFECT.

  • - Designed to show who gets the most DPS from any one item.

  • - Designed to force your hand in making loot decisions. Player > Class trumps EVERYTHING.

  • - Designed for late-phase distribution.



As progression in this phase is contingent on a few things, you need to decide early what you want to focus on. We believe, as was the case for Ulduar, that gearing for the most difficult encounter (Algalon in that case), The Lich King, is where you should be sending your items. As such, your tanks are going to need all the help they can get. The Lich King hits VERY HARD and FAST, especially during Soul Reaper, so you're going to need as much beef as you can to get through it. Once that's done, we believe DPS should get priority. Unholy DKs go last, Mages and Rets near first, and everyone else somewhere in between. Also, you shouldn't load up one person early, as it will take time for them to get the requisite items, so spread the love and make everybody happy.


Click this sheet link to get the full details of WOTLK Phase 4 Loot Prio guide:


 2023-10-11 152356

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