WotLK Classic Phase 4 Fastest Gearing Guide (284 iLvl Tier 10 Gear Up)

10/11/2023 11:17:13 PM

In Wrath of the Lich King Classic, Icecrown Citadel serves as the final major raid, offering every class remarkable gear and substantial DPS upgrades in Phase 4. To help you understand how to obtain your Tier gear, the fastest ways to gear up, and the catch-up mechanics, this guide aims to provide a clear breakdown.

WotLK Classic Phase 4 Gearing Guide - Fastest 284 iLvl Gear Up Methods

As Phase 4 unfolds in WotLK Classic, each class has the opportunity to acquire mind-boggling gear and unleash incredible DPS upgrades, culminating in a god-like character. However, navigating this process can be daunting. If you find yourself perplexed about obtaining your Tier gear, seeking the fastest methods to gear up, or curious about catch-up mechanics, this guide is here to unravel it all for you. Join us as we delve into the realm of unmatched power and unraveled mysteries.

1. Get Heroic+ Trinkets from Titan Rune Gamma Dungeons

Before getting into the raid itself, the patch will launch two days early on NA and one day early on EU, this will give you some time to catch up with your character with any of the gear you don't have yet from the last few phases that could be some of your business items. Specifically, we are talking about trinkets mostly like Comet's Trail, Death's Choice Flair, or Rain, you can actually get these just from running the new Titan Rune Gamma dungeons. 

WotLK Classic Phase 4 Gearing Guide 1

These are the heroic+ gear and the easiest way to do this is to just queue up for your random dungeon finder because this should ignore any lockouts meaning you can spam these all day and get an infinite amount of these. You can also buy some Primordial Saronite from this and probably make a ton of gold on day one through the first two weeks by just doing this method. This will catch you up very quickly.

2. Get Tier Gear Pieces from VOA Boss

We probably won't have Vault of Archive on Bosses released yet. You don't want to do VOA on the patch day wait until the raid launch because you probably will lock yourself without being able to actually defeat the boss. But the new boss will drop some tier pieces as it always does, and these tier pieces will be from the 25-man difficulty, this will save you a ton of Emblems because emblems are the only way we're actually going to be able to get our tier gear and even upgrade our tier gear. So there's a major change in the way we actually get our tier 10.

3. Upgrade To 277iLvl T10 Gear with Emblems

In the Heroic Trial of the Grand Crusader, as long as we got a Vanquisher token or whatever token for our respective class to drop, then we could instantly turn it in for the maximum level of tier gear. This is no longer the case we actually have to upgrade our gear in order to get the highest rank which is going to start out at item level 251 which is lower than the gear we have currently move up to item level 264 and then into item level 277 for the best gear in the game. So to get each piece, it'll either cost you 95 Emblems or 60 Emblems if you're just grabbing these shoulders or gloves, meaning that if you do get the gloves as well as the legs to drop in Vault of Argument, this will save you 155 emblems that you needed to get to get this Tier gear.

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Also, this will be an upgraded tier or if you actually just get the normal version, this is really useful for you also because if you do it from 10 man you can just upgrade it initially.  But you need to turn in your old gear to upgrade it to the next level and then one more time to get that heroic Loot. And so in total, if you don't get lucky and get any drops from Baltimore, then you need to have 405 Emblems to get your entire set of tier 10. And if you farm every single emblem you can each week, then you can get up to 104, this means it'll take you at least four weeks to get all of your Tier gear.

Emblems Cost for Upgrading Each Gear Piece To 277 Item Level

  • Helm: 95

  • Shoulder: 60

  • Chest: 95

  • Gloves: 60

  • Legs: 95

  • Total: 405

4. Get Vanquisher's Mark To Upgrade Your Gear

And then you also need to get the marks (Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification) to even be able to upgrade them so the mark drops are as follows:

WotLK Classic Phase 4 Gearing Guide 3

Any of the end Wing bosses in 10-man heroic or 25-man normal versions will drop the 264 marks. The end Wing bosses are Deathbringer Saurfang, Blood Queen Lana'thel, Professor Putricide, Sindragosa, and the Lich King. So that's five opportunities from normal mode 25 man and again heroic 10 man to get some of your marks to be able to upgrade your Tier gear. If you're on heroic mode though, you will actually get two of those normal marks to drop and one heroic Mark to drop so you can upgrade it again. So it's going to take you at least a couple of weeks to get all of your Tier gear and then to start upgrading it.

5. Purchase Some BIS Items from Emblem of Frost Vendor

But you can also use Emblems for other items within ICC itself, there's an Emblem of Frost vendor that you can go to and he has a ton of things for you things like Trinkets, Relics, Off Hands, Cloaks, Belts, Chest pieces and of course your PVP gear. But we're not so focused on that for the purposes of this guide, but you might actually still get some of your best in slot items from this vendor. So you might need even more Emblems of Frost.

WotLK Classic Phase 4 Gearing Guide 4

Fast Ways To Farm Emblems

Here's a quick breakdown of how you can get as many as you can each week:

  • First of all, there's a new heroic daily and you can get five Emblems each day which means you can get 35 per week just from doing the heroic dailies

    WotLK Classic Phase 4 Gearing Guide 5

  • Then there is a new weekly raid quest that will give you 10 Emblems each week.

  • From doing the Boston Vault of Archiban on 10-man and 25-man difficulty, you'll get two Emblems each, and each boss you kill in ICC will give you two of these. So in 10 and 25 man clearing all of the bosses will give you 48 per week because there are 12 bosses.

  • Within the raid itself, there's a weekly quest, you can do on 10 and 25 man for 5 each that's 10 per week.

6. Farm Different Item Level Gear From ICC Raids

We level jump from Phase 3 to Phase 4 is massive with the correct gear but if you're just going into normal 10-man, you will get 251 item level Loot and then the Lich King will give you 258 item level gear. If you do heroic 10-man then you will get 271 gear from the Lich King but he's going to be hard to defeat. And 264 item level loot from normal bosses, this is also the same item level you would get from normal bosses in 25 man the 264 gear. But if you just do those bosses on heroic, you will instantly start getting 277 item-level gear.

7. Kill Lich King on For 277 & 284 Item Level Weapons

Now heroic Lich King is ridiculously hard even though he does drop 284 item-level weapons, it is really going to be a struggle for most guilds for quite a while. Some people think it's mathematically impossible to do it on day one without doing 10-man splits. Most groups will be opting to kill Lich King on normal for quite a while and he drops 271 item-level weapons for you, these are going to be huge upgrades out of the gate no matter what, not necessarily as good as the best in slot in the entire game but they are very strong just a little bit weaker than your normal heroic items that are 277. So if you want your absolute best weapons you're definitely going to want to try to kill a heroic Lich King but again we would actually focus on gearing up your characters way more before you really go into this because he is a very hard encounter.

This is how you're going to completely gear up your characters in Phase 4, to be ready to move on towards whatever is the end.

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