Best Warlock Leveling Guide in WoW Classic Sesaon of Discovery - How to Level Warlock from 1-25

11/24/2023 11:33:52 AM

So what class should you be playing in Classic Season of Discovery? this might be difficult to choose, but if you decided to play a warlock from 1-25, then we'll help you a bit with what leveling talent trees to use and many different tips and tricks as a hunter in classic Wow Season of Discovery.

 2023-11-24 113723

Leveling Talent Trees

As a warlock, you can play as Affliction demonology and destruction, but when we level up, then use two different builds.

  • The one that will be focusing on Affliction and the other one destruction, the main Bel for leveling is Affliction so this will also begin with, and the first five points we spent in to reducing the cast time of my corruption, by spending five points into this, it will now also be an instant cast, this is way better than reducing the Target's resistance, in the next row, we then spend two points into improving my life tab, so whenever we have a high amount of Health, we can convert this into Mana, so we can also continue killing enemies and no we never spend any points into improving the drain life at low level 2% or well 10% if you spend five points is much at low level, what you could instead spend points into would for example be your drain Soul, so you also gain Mana if you kill a target with this, but to be honest then we would much rather like to spend three points into reducing my Target's resistance, so there's a way higher chance that when we use the drain life or any curses then they will also apply it immediately without being resisted, increasing the Damage Done by my curse of Agony by 6% isn't worth much, we would much rather like to spend points into F concentration, and have a high chance of not getting interrupted but you could also spend the first point into amplify curse and then spend the remaining points into fill concentration, skip amplify curse as there's a 3 minutes cool down, fill concentration is way better to max out as fast as possible.

  • The other build we like to use is where you spend your points into the destruction tree, and the first five points are spent into cataclysm, and the reason why we don't spend any points into improving the shadow balls is because at low level, you don't have much crit, and you're also going to kill the target rather fast, so you won't really benefit from this, now you have two different options, either to reduce your cast time of some of your important spells, this is what I usually spend my Five Points into, but you could also cause your destruction spells to have a 10% chance to also DCE target for 5 seconds, now you also unlock such an important spell shadow burn, an instant attack that deals a high amount of Shadow damage, but it also requires a soul shot, the insane thing is that if you use Shadow burn and you either kill the Target or you kill the target 5 seconds after using Shadow bur, then you will also gain a soul Shard, next we spend all the remaining points into Devastation to increase the Critical Strike chance of my destruction spells by 5%, with that being said then if you like to use your imp then you could also reduce the cast time of your M Firebolt, but if you don't like to use this pet, then it will also be useless and instead, it's way better to just max out Devastation.


Tips & Tricks

Next up are some useful tips and tricks as a warlock that you can either use when you're leveling up or maybe even at max level.

  1. How to kill one specific enemy, there's an easy way to fix this, the moment you unlock an AE ability, you can channel this and hit all the enemies at the same time, when you do this they're no longer linked together, so you can C away apply some dots to the Target you need to kill and after 10 to 15 seconds the other enemies will now start to evade, allowing you to kill the target that you're supposed to kill and complete your quest.

  2. Another thing you can do with your rain of fire is to scout for any invisible monsters, so you don't run into these and accidentally pull too many, another thing we saw that causes many warlocks to die is because the fire is Target and then this target run into more enemies and pull these, this can easily be fixed with different curses.

  3. As a warlock you have many different abilities, you make a new macro which SL cast sequence, and next up you add in the spells that you would like to cast, all the different damage over time effects, which we would also highly recommend you to do is to remove the spell rank, this way whenever you get a new rank the macro will continue to work, so pay attention to the action bar, there's only going to be one spell right now, but the moment we cast this, it will also swap to the next spell that we add into the macro, this allow me to dot up a Target just by pressing one key bind, we would still recommend you to have all the abilities on your action bar, but when you just need to speed level or add dos to many targets, then having a macro like this is super useful.


Easy Gearing

One thing you should make sure to do when you're leveling up is to do many different dungeons and complete all the different dungeon Quest, so you gain a ton of experience and gear on your way to 25, the first dungeon, you should head into is dead mines, in dead mines, you can collect four amazing items, Emberstone Staff, Corsair's Overshirt, Cookie's Stirring Rod, Lavishly Jeweled Ring,  the last dungeon you would like to head into is Shadow fan keep where you can obtain Feline Mantle, Belt of Arugal, Robes of Arugal, all of these items provide you with a ton of intellect and the chest also a decent amount of stamina and spirit, and don't forget to also find a tailor or level up this profession yourself and craft the Spidersilk Boots.


Race Picking

Race Picking, so what is the best race as an Orc you'll benefit from hardiness that increases your chance to resist stuns by 25%, this is so insane in PvP, you also get command that increases your Damage Done by your pet by 5%, not something big, but it is a minor upgrade and then of course blood Fury that increases your attack power by 25% for 15 seconds, probably not something that will be useful in season of discovery unless to do big changes later on, and remember it also comes with a nasty debuff that reduces your healing taken by 50% for 25 seconds, your other option as a horde is to play as an under, you will get will of forsaken that will grant your immunity to charm fear and sleep effects while it's active so for 5 seconds, and this can also be used if you already CED and who knows maybe in the future there will be raid mechanics where this will also become useful, what are also like is that you get cannibalized this, you can use to regen 70% of your total health every 2 seconds for 10 seconds, but it only works if there's a nearby dead humanoid or Undead corpse and of course underwea briefing but this is pretty much useless as a warlock as you already get a buff that allow you to breathe under the water, as an alliance you have two options, the first one being gnome where you get expensive mind, this will increase your intelligence by 5%, you also gain escape artist a 0.5 Seconds cast that will remove any immobilizing of movement impairing effects, and if you would like to level up engineering then this profession will also be increased by 15, as a human your spirit will be increased by 5%, it isn't that big of a deal as stamina and intellect is way more important, you also get sword specialization that increases your sword skills by five maybe this will be useful as a warlock tank in the future and you also gain maze specialization, but as a Warlock, you can't use mazes, therefore this is useless perception, will increase your self- detection for 20 seconds, so useful in PP against a rogue or Druid and of course also diplomacy that increases your reputation gained by 10%.

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