Lost Ark Best Ultimate PVP Guide for All Classes: Berserker, Wardancer, Paladin, Sorceress, Gunlancer, etc.

3/29/2022 4:41:22 PM

Rated PVP has just been released in the west and there's a lot of hype around it we wanted to give you some information in regards to every single class and how they should be played the pros and cons as well as Lost Ark gold counters all that good stuff just to give you some more information and some more intel on some of these classes to help you out on your PVP journey.


Best Lost Ark PvP Guide

This is the best ultimate PVP guide for all classes of Lost Ark. We'll show you the best PVP guides for each profession, including their pros and cons, ideal combinations, attribute stats, and more. We can also provide you Lost Ark gold.


  • Attribute Stats: 750 swiftness along with 250 domination for that extra damage.

  • Role: melee damage carry


  • Pros: high damage, large hitboxes

  • Cons: long cooldowns, initiating, easily interruptible


  • Counters:  Bard, Paladin

  • Countered by: Sorceress, Blade

  • Ideal Comps: initiating melee - bard - zerk


  • Attribute Stats: 750 swiftness along with 250 endurance for that extra damage.

  • Role: ranged support


  • Pros: support, hard cc resist, defensive+offensive buffs, lot of L2 super armor

  • Cons: weak vs ranged, vulnerable when alone, no carry potential lacks damage.


  • Counters: -

  • Countered by: Sorceress, Shadowhunter, Berserker, Scrapper

  • Ideal Comps: ×2melee - bard


  • Attribute Stats: 750 swiftness along with 250 endurance/specialty for that extra damage.

  • Role: defensive off support

  • Pros: strong vs melee, damage reduction, awakening utilty

  • Cons: movement, chasing


  • Counters: Striker, Wardancer, Scrapper

  • Countered by: Sorceress, Gunslinger, Deadeye, Shadowhunter

  • Ideal Comps: melee - ranged – gunlancer - ×2 ranged - gunlancer


  • Attribute Stats: 750 swiftness along with 250 endurance for that extra damage.

  • Role: melee support

  • Pros: support, tankiness, burst damage

  • Cons: mobility

  • Counters: -

  • Countered by:  Berserker, Artillerist, Wardancer, Soulfist

  • Ideal Comps: ranged – initiating melee - paladin


  • Attribute Stats: 750 swiftness along with 250 endurance for that extra damage.

  • Role: melee support

  • Pros: support, tankiness, burst damage

  • Cons: mobility

  • Counters: -

  • Countered by:  Berserker, Artillerist, Wardancer, Soulfist

  • Ideal Comps: ranged – initiating melee - paladin


  • Attribute Stats: 750 swiftness along with 250 crit for that extra damage.

  • Role: ranged damage carrry

  • Pros: stealth, large hitbox on hard cc

  • Cons: not easy to deal damage, interruptible, predictable

  • Counters: blade

  • Countered by: Deadeye, Gunslinger, Shadowhunter, Scrapper

  • Ideal Comps: melee - paladin – sharpshooter / ×2 ranged - gunlancer


  • Attribute Stats: 750 swiftness along with 250 domination for that extra damage.

  • Role: ranged damage carry

  • Pros: lot of L2 super armor, ranged map control, high damage

  • Cons: squishy, must be melee to deal full damage

  • Counters: Sorceress, Sharpshooter, Gunlancer, deathblade, soulfist

  • Countered by: Gunslinger, Striker, Shadowhunter, Scrapper

  • Ideal Comps: versatile, no support comp gunslinger - wardancer - deadeye


  • Attribute Stats: 750 swiftness along with 250 expertise for that extra damage.

  • Role: ranged damage carry

  • Pros: L2 super armor, ranged map control, high damage

  • Cons: interruptable, quick peels vs ranged

  • Counters: Gunlancer, Paladin, Striker, Wardancer, Scrapper

  • Countered by: Sorceress, deadeye, Gunslinger, soulfist, Shadowhunter, Bard

  • Ideal Comps: ×2 support - artillerist/bard - melee - artillerist


  • Attribute Stats: 750 swiftness along with 250 specialty for that extra damage.

  • Role: ranged damage carry

  • Pros: L1 & L2 super armors, ranged map control, high damage, movement

  • Cons: squishy, no airborne skills on pistol, melee for max damage

  • Counters: Sorceress, Sharpshooter, Gunlancer, Blade, soulfist, deadeye, Artillerist

  • Countered by: Wardancer, Striker, Scrapper, Shadowhunter

  • Ideal Comps: melee - paladin - gunslinger


  • Attribute Stats: 750 swiftness along with 150 domination and 100 specialty for that extra damage.

  • Role: initiator, harraser

  • Pros: movement, initiating, 1 v X

  • Cons: T2 super armors, low damage, low burst

  • Counters: Shadowhunter, Gunslinger, deadeye, Scrapper

  • Countered by: Gunlancer, blade, Artillerist

  • Ideal Comps: damage carry - support - striker


  • Attribute Stats: 750 swiftness along with 250 domination for that extra damage.

  • Role: initiator, bruiser

  • Pros: Initiating, solid damage, speed & damage team buffs

  • Cons:  L2 super armors

  • Counters: Shadowhunter, Paladin , Scrapper

  • Countered by: Gunslinger, blade, Artillerist

  • Ideal Comps: ranged class - support - wardancer


  • Attribute Stats: 750 swiftness along with 250 specialty for that extra damage.

  • Role: damage carry, off support, damage reduction & peels

  • Pros: high dps, gamage reduction, peeling, movement

  • Cons:  lacking during hype recover, not great at harassing

  • Counters: Paladin, Artillerist

  • Countered by: Gunslinger, deadeye, Shadowhunter, Sorceress, Scrapper

  • Ideal Comps: soulfist - paladin - melee / soulfist support - 2 melee


  • Attribute Stats: 750 swiftness along with 250 specialty for that extra damage.

  • Role: damage carry, melee initiator

  • Pros: movement, short cooldowns, solid dps

  • Cons:  long animations = easy to interrupt

  • Counters: Gunslinger, deadeye, Shadowhunter, Soulfist, Bard

  • Countered by: Striker, Wardancer, blade, Artillerist, Gunlancer in 3s

  • Ideal Comps: range - paladin - scrapper/ scrapper - melee - bard


  • Attribute Stats: 

  • 750 swiftness - 250 domination = damage

  • 750 swiftness - 250 specialty = more uptime on surge skill

  • Role: high burst + combo potential, damage carry

  • Pros: high burst damage, team speed buffs, movement, airborn cc, most super armors

  • Cons:  long cooldowns, weaker to range while maelstrom buff is down

  • Counters: Striker, Wardancer, Scrapper, Berserker

  • Countered by: deadeye, Gunslinger, Sharpshooter, Shadowhunter

  • Ideal Comps: blade - paladin - range/blade - bard - melee


  • Attribute Stats: 

  • 750 swiftness - 250 crit OR

  • 750 swiftness - 100 specialty – 150 crit

  • Role: range damage carry that become melee damage during transformation

  • Pros: great movement, ranged peeling, haraasing capabilities, can solo well

  • Cons:  L2 super armor

  • Counters: Soeceress, deadeye, Gunslinger, deathblade, Sharpshooter, Soulfist, Artillerist

  • Countered by: Striker, Wardancer, Scrapper

  • Ideal Comps: shadowhunter - melee - paladin/double ranged - gunlancer