Elden Ring Weapons Guide - 9 Best Weapons and How to Get Them

4/13/2022 10:12:33 AM

Today introduce the nine best Elden ring weapons for arcane scaling. Basically, these weapons are the ones that scale the best with arcane, so the higher your arcane skill is, the better these weapons are going to be, so anyone going for arcane builds whether that's bleed or otherwise is going to be, they're going to want to focus on these Elden ring weapons.

Elden Ring Weapons Guide - 9 Best Weapons and How to Get Them

No.1 Best Elden Ring Weapon- Reduvia

Best Elden Ring Weapon- Reduvia

For the reduvia, Its attributes required to use strength five decks of 13 arcane of 13, not very high, the passive effect is that it causes 96 points of blood loss build-up, the reduvia blood blade special attack for this Elden ring weapon, it's a pretty standard attack, it just throws a ranged attack that causes hemorrhaging which can be pretty powerful against, a lot of enemy types including other players and the fact that it can be fired in rapid succession makes it a really powerful special ability not to mention dual wielding.

How to get this Elden ring weapon- Reduvia?

That's pretty easy and can be done early in the game, it's down here in limb grave, you're going to want to make your way over into the little river that goes under this bridge over here and right when you get around here by Merck water cave, there'll be an NPC invasion and when you defeat the NPC, you'll get the dagger, because it'll drop so that is how you get it.

No. 2 Best Elden Ring Weapon- Marais executioner's sword

Best Elden Ring Weapon- Marais executioner's sword

Marais executioner’s sword is a great big two-handed weapon, recently since they fixed the arcane scaling. This one goes better with strength and arcane build for attributes required to use this one strength 24 a gain of 23 and dexterity of 14 and no passive effects on this one. It does have the Eocades dancing blade special attack, basically, it's just going to be a charged attack that launches the blade forward into a spinning corkscrew attack, and then drops down in a pretty powerful slash. Initially, it's going to just increase the duration of the spin and the damage that it does, so it can be an incredibly devastating special attack, a lot of people enjoy using it, especially in PVP.

How to get this Elden ring weapon- Murray executioner sword? 

This sword is the reward for a boss fight and you're gonna need to make your way up to the Altus plateau region and come through this valley here, make your way up and around a little hidden path back into the shaded castle, and then you make your way to the end of the shaded castle and you fight Elmer of the briar. He'll be you know deep into the shaded castle once you've done that he will drop this weapon and you'll have it so that is how you get the Murray executioner sword.

No.3 Best Elden Ring Weapon- Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear 

Best Elden Ring Weapon- Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear

Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear is a big old trident style great spear, a very powerful weapon, just in its own right, it's going to scale rather well with arcane. This one's going to do rather well with strength and arcane build but does scale a bit better with arcane than Murray's executioner sword does.  Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear has the special attack bloodborne ritual which is a pretty fun attack that does some pretty cool bloody explosions and can be pretty effective in several forms of combat.

If use that one charge it up for a big old bloody explosion, and you can do that up to three times, so it'll just put out area of effect damage and then it also coats your Elden ring weapon in blood flame ability for a while, when you stab with that you're going to be doing the blood flame damage which is one of the most impor powerful incantations in the Elden ring.

How to get this Elden ring weapon- Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear?

You have to make your way over to the Mogwin Dynasty Mausoleum and it's in this kind of subsection of the Siafra river area, the only one is to make your way up to the consecrated snowfield that's what it's called, and then you get there through a portal, you go to ordinal liturgical town and then you just head straight southwest until about right here, you'll find a portal, it will bring you to this secret sub-region, you'll start back here. Then you just fight your way through up into the Mogun dynasty mausoleum and you do the boss fight, you kill mole glory of blood and then you'll get a remembrance from him which you can trade-in at round table hold. It's a boss fight weapon, definitely worth it.

No.4 Best Elden Ring Weapon- Rivers of blood

Best Elden Ring Weapon- Rivers of blood

The rivers of blood are a lot of people's absolute favourite katana and depending on how your skills are loaded out, if you have high arcane skill, it can be one of the best in the lost ark. Especially considering how good this Elden ring weapon is and how fast it swings and how much blood loss build-up you have for it, and it does have the special attack of the corpse piler. A lot of people's favourite special attack in the game, so the corpse piler just forms a blade of cursed blood for repeated interweaving successive attacks followed up with an additional input for the further successive attacks.

If it just keeps going until there, it's got its whole moveset that can be very effective. Not only deals a ton of damage to those directly in front of you that you're able to hit, but it will throw that blood slash forward dealing damage to other enemies that are close enough as far as getting this weapon goes you.

How to get this Elden ring weapon- Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear?

You have to be able to get to the mountaintops of the giants region, but once you get up here, you can make your way up and around and down into the eastern section over here.

Make your way towards the church of repose which is where currently located once you get to about here, you'll be invaded by the bloody finger okina and once you've defeated the bloody finger okina they will drop the okina. Here you will get Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear.

No.5 Best Elden Ring Weapon- Eleonora's pole blade

Best Elden Ring Weapon- Eleonora's pole blade

Eleonora's pole blade is by far a lot of people's favourite twin-blade type weapon in the Elden ring and for good reason, because it's a pretty great Elden ring weapon and looks pretty cool as far as stats on this one go for attributes required.

 A strength of 12 arcane of 19 and a dexterity of 21 passive effects, it causes a blood loss build-up of 82 attribute scale and again, it's going to be mostly dexterity, but then got strength and arcane rating of D, so not the best, but it still does scale pretty well with arcane and for special attack, the blood blade dance which is a lot of people's favourite special attack, leap at the foe to perform a flurry of tornado-like attacks follow up with additional input to perform an attack that ends in an evasive maneuver.

How to get this Elden ring weapon- Eleonora's pole blade?

How you get Eleanor's pole blade, so you do not need to do euros questline to do this, but it is part of it if you are doing your questline,  so you'll naturally get it not one you want to miss if you want to be a pole blade build.

No.6 Best Elden Ring Weapon- Dragon communion seals

Best Elden Ring Weapon- Dragon communion seals

The dragon communion seals are gonna be one for incantation type playthroughs, but it is the one seal that scales rather well with arcane, so if you're doing an arcane build and you want to throw in a little bit of faith in there.

You can use some faith-based incantation attacks, the dragon communion seal is going to be your best one. Attributes required of faith of 10 and arcane of 10. Ridiculously high there, it does have an S rating in arcane scaling, so pretty dang high, it's going to have a hell of a powerful effect and the passive effect is that it boosts dragon communion incantations, so if you're gonna try to max out your abilities with the dragon communion seal, it's going to be best to have the high arcane skill and a high faith skill because it also scales pretty well with faith. 

And then you're going to want to try to pair dragon communion incantations with it, will become very powerful. If you do that it's one of the most powerful faith builds in the game,  because it's a faith in arcane and they pile off each other rather well with the seal.

How to get this Elden ring weapon- Dragon communion sales seals?

It's real early in the game where you can access it, so you start at the stranded graveyard, you can see limb grave, it's right where you start the game and there's a wall where you need two stone sword keys to get into, once you've gotten into it, you kind of make your way to the end of the dungeon or one of the ends of the dungeon, you'll be able to grab this. Just kind of zip through and show you the path and so once you've killed the spectral enemy in this room, he will drop the Dragon communion sales seals. 


No.7 Best Elden Ring Weapon- Morgott's cursed sword

Best Elden Ring Weapon- Morgot's cursed sword

Morgott's cursed sword is just going to be a great curved sword, very large and powerful, as far as stats on this one go for attributes required strength of 14 decks of 35, so pretty high dexterity requirement and arcane of 17 passive effects, it causes blood loss build-up and got 90 points of it on here.

For a special attack, the cursed blood slice which is the description for that says brace, then charge forward to deliver a downward diagonal slice the bloody trail of the late is followed by a burst of flame additional inputs allow for a follow-up attack, so this is another one that after using it.

How to get this Elden ring weapon- Morgott's cursed sword?

You're going to need to make your way up to the Altus plateau region and around the outside of the capital get into the capital fight your way through the capital climb up the tree branches get your way into the air tree sanctuary. 

Then up to the queen's bed-chamber, finally make your way up to the Elden throne, once you've gotten up to the Elden throne for the first time, you will have one of the main bosses fights in the game against Morgott the Omen king, once you've defeated Morgott the omen king,  you will get the remembrance of the omen king, and you can take that to roundtable hold and trade it with the finger reader Enya for this sword.

No.8 Best Elden Ring Weapon- Serpent bow

Best Elden Ring Weapon- Morgot's cursed sword

The serpent bow is a pretty cool looking little short bow kind of type thing, attributes required to use it are the strength of eight dexterity of 15 and an arcane of 11. The serpent bow has a D rating for arcane scaling the best for any bows in the game special attack on this one is the mighty shot.

Serpent bow is pretty similar to a lot of bows it's just a charged shot where you can overdraw the bow, and it makes it more powerful when you shoot a lot of the better effects that you're gonna have with this bow are gonna come from what type of ammo, you're shooting out of it, got some fire arrows here, using a pretty great Elden ring weapon. 

How to get this Elden ring weapon- Serpent bow?

For a bow as far as getting this weapon goes, it can be both easy and difficult. You're going to need to be over here in the caled region, from the smoldering wall, going to want to go into the abandoned cave.

Then you're going to want to kind of zip, through the cave as fast as possible because inside there's just going to be a bunch of scarlet rot pools on the ground, so you got to watch out because otherwise, the scarlet rod will get, you're just gonna have to get into the game cave and look for it.

No.9 Best Elden Ring Weapon- Bloody hell

Best Elden Ring Weapon- Bloody hell

The bloody hell is which is a heavy thrusting sword, a lot of people's favourite heavy thrusting sword, so as far as stats on this one go for attributes required, a strength of 16 and an arcane of 17 and a dexterity of 19. This one also causes a blood loss to build up a pretty high one,  have 101 for that as far as scaling goes, have E for strength C for dexterity and B for arcane. 

Bloody hell's scales pretty well with arcane, and the Dynast's finesse special attack which is not one that personally likes, but that's probably just because it is enough that the description for that attack has nimbly avoided an attack securing, some distance from foes follow up with a strong attack to perform a sudden lunge and press strong attack again to perform a sweeping slice as far as getting it goes again.

How to get this Elden ring weapon- Bloody hell?

Once you make your way up to the Altus plateau, you're going to want to come over here to writhe blood ruins which are going to be full of that rotten kind of dog type enemies and the damaged sponge blobs, when you're gonna go down into this dungeon and there will be a boss fight in this room.

Once you've won this boss fight, you go open up the back door and open up this chest and the bloody hells will be found in there again. You can only get one of these per playthroughs, so if you're gonna want to get two, you're either gonna have to get someone to drop you the other one or just you know start a new game plus and get it again. Like most thrusting type weapons powerful when you dual wield them, so that is the last one gonna look at the bloody hell all right. 

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